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Everything posted by transam

  1. 32 posts in 11 years, no wonder you're fed up..........????
  2. Why don't you just move on, after all, you are anonymous....???? Folk will probably not notice you've gone anyhooooooo..????
  3. Who's bashing Thai's, I was replying to another post with a FACT....???? Very few people own legal guns in LOS, because of the laws here. But if you think there are no guns in LOS, you would be mistaken....
  4. You do not wear a crash helmet in a bank, all bank staff wear a mask. Seems you were shown up twice....????
  5. I am not so sure about that, wearing a crash helmet is the law, folk shouldn't give bike keys to their kids to get killed on, but they do. ????
  6. I hope the continuation of washing hands on a regular basis is embedded here too....????
  7. Hmmm, top speed of under 40mph is a bit of a bummer though... How much is it..?
  8. Thank you, still didn't understand the last bit though.. "Info on can bus tool read"...
  9. There's a lot of folk in boxes that thought like you....????
  10. You want a cheap EV pick-up, well here it is, a Chang too.......????
  11. Thank you, that was my goal, real world EV ups and downs. ????
  12. Thanks for that, a real world insight into stuff..
  13. Here you go again, me me me...... Do folk buy BMW, MERCEDES, AUDI petrol cars in Thailand... Yes or NO...?
  14. Thank you, so all your input revolves around a cheap car, I am glad we got that sorted out. Let's move on....
  15. Where have I mocked Chinese cars, if you are referring to buying cheap cars, which happen to be Chinese, that is your problem, not mine. Now go back to my opening post, read it, then stop sulking. OK..
  16. True, even in the UK with its pretty big spread of chargers it seems maybe not plain sailing. Out of order chargers, queues to use them, and of course charge time away from home. To me there is a long way to go to smooth things out, I reckon in LOS the PHEV is the way to go if you use your ride regularly, long-ish trips etc...
  17. So you would mock folk who buy expensive EV cars....? I watched a vid last night on the Audi E-tron EV, very nice, but it was about 90,000 UK pounds, now if we look at it from your point of view, you would rather have your yard full of cheap Chinese EV's. Chap, you are still forgetting that folk who want or are thinking about an EV may want a ride of the own brand choice.. So, high horse, off....????
  18. You seem to have forgotten the mess your lefty lot has made in resent history, even your second in command can't control her expletives, it's a laugh, laugh, laugh all the way with Corby's lot....????
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