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Everything posted by transam

  1. That's how I won Poster of the Year on this forum, clever stuff eh......????
  2. But, the Thai Gov. could install that rule tomorrow, that's the way it is here, so keep your suitcases on standby, eh....????
  3. Think you are jumping to conclusions Reverend......???? For the chaps in my photo, it was the only comfort they had, a CIGARETTE....????
  4. The ciggy giving comfort, but some here would shout.."Put that out"... Near everyone had a ciggy at one time or another.....????
  5. King James I eh, no ciggies back then, just the pipe of peace..........???? Ciggies were still issued to combatants up until 1975, so no Vietnam for you then......?
  6. Hey, I suggest you just do what you want, as you want to question everything about mask wearing. I mean, do you wear a car seat belt, the law says you must, but the odds of you having a crash that the belt would save your life is rather slim, to me same with the masks, but, someone's life has probably been saved by us all participating, same as seat belts..
  7. When I was a kid near everyone smoked, no talk about it's bad for you, all the "it's bad for you" stuff came decades on. Buses, can smoke upstairs, could smoke in the cinema, and on flights from the UK to the USA, I recall the back of the plane was the smoking area, oh, and a pub wasn't a pub unless you had a ciggy with your beer... Near all my family smoked at one time or another, and still lived into their 80/90's....????
  8. "When in Rome............................."
  9. I'm not brainwashed, I just do what the country I am in says I must do, plus use my own judgement. You Rambo types can do what you want, but please do not use your blanket "dig" on all of us that do have a brain to do what we want to do.....????
  10. A question for Mr.Worldwide. If the Thai Gov. said any farang not wearing a mask when near others will be deported, would you still go down your route..? Now be honest....???? Just to make you feel better, a know a farang married couple, one is a teacher, the other is a hanger-on. Neither ever wear a mask nor have had any vax-jabs, they would rather risk the wrath of "whatever".....???? This means, whether a hospital, the school, Tesco's, never wear a mask.. Now I find this incredibly stupid as they have made LOS their home and workplace....????
  11. Were vaccines the prime reason killer, maiming diseases are now less prevalent for us mere mortal humans.. ? ????
  12. Most of my vaccines to protect me as an infant were done by my parents via advice from the medical authorities of the time, sod all to do with kids doing after the risk period is gone, you failed in your kids protection duties, and it seems because you thought someone was making a few quid, sunbeam, all vaccine's were free for your UK kids.. ????
  13. Weren't they lucky, and you have no idea what vaccinations are for. ????
  14. You should read the whole of that article, not just the first bit you quoted.. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20181002-how-long-did-ancient-people-live-life-span-versus-longevity Aren't you the bloke that never had his kids vaccinated for anything when they were infants, now saying you were right because they never caught anything......????
  15. Life expectancy in Roman times was in their thirties, my old family, who ALL had water through lead pipes, lived till late 80/90's... If you ever open up old lead water pipe, you will find a layer of scale build up. Folk are living longer, even though they lived through an era of massive pollution, cigarette smoking, and the everyday use of animal fats in cooking, he days of chips cooked in beef fat, suet puddings etc. "Vaccination"..................????
  16. You can buy Boost or Ensure near anywhere, Tesco, Saveland or even pharmacies. Very good stuff, mix it with real juice, I used Grape juice. When I lost loads of weight, from an unknown reason, I used it to get back on track. I also bought protein powder from a fitness website. That was 3 years back, now I need to lose weight..... Above, recommended...????
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