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Everything posted by transam

  1. Weeeeeeell, my ex UK wife worked for a very well known bank in London, guess what her job was....? In your case, I will give you 5 guesses.....????
  2. We know that, and in their wisdom, actually reduced some fine amounts. Why the authorities cannot come up with sensible road carnage fixes is beyond me, it's crazy....... ????
  3. You are the one with the fiddles worked out, you get in touch with Pensions stating your fiddle and get back to us with the black and white paperwork as proof. Now as you say there is no problem, then it should be easy for you with no threat of prosecution. Go for it, shut us all up....????
  4. The bloke turns up here every now and again to brag about his extra few quid he fiddles on his state pension. Only a fool would brag about that on an open forum.....Need I say more...????
  5. "So what", well it seems now all has been revealed, he told porkies so he could attend his big payday tournament, a naughty chappie eh........????
  6. Don't listen to all you read here about 'nothing can/will happen'. Just read all the info/instructions regarding claiming your pension. It is very clear..
  7. Bet he was wearing shades to look extra cool but couldn't see anything....???? At least they have probably found one of those M-16's that were stolen from a Thai armoury... ????
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