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Everything posted by transam

  1. My very old Intel PC has had a few things done to it, as I don't fool around with cars any more I like fooling around with it to go 'faster', perform better as cheaply as possible. ???? First was to find a better CPU, I did, a Q9400, it improved stuff, then bought a 250GB SSD, installed my W10 on it and used the 500BG HDD as storage. What a difference that made to start up and shutdown times, increased the RAM from 4 to 8GB, max for the board, no real noticeable difference but am sure it has. The biggest difference in actual use was upgrading the CPU again, I found a 10+ year old 3.0 Ghz Xeon E5450, that made it whizz. So, for sure, I would never have an HDD running things, my experiments have shown me first hand differences. PS. Don't forget to check on LAN, I installed a 1GB expansion card in the PC, gone from 65Mbps to around 560Mbps, though I have just changed the motherboard which has a 1GB as standard, same result.. ????
  2. My 10+ year old desktop now boots in 16 seconds with a cheap Lexar SSD, ancient 'customised' 3.0Ghz CPU and W10 quick start enabled....???? Before with HDD, 2.6Ghz CPU it took near a minute...????
  3. Only because you haven't worked out how to make your own avatar yet....????
  4. It is not, and since then I have been to get a pink ID card, it has the 13 dig. ID number from my yellow book on it. When I go to get my third jab tomorrow, I will point it out... The 13 dig. number on the Cert. begins with 600000_______ , the rest of the number refers to nothing to do with me. I was told to take the Cert. and my real ID info to the Ministry of Public Health for a Covid card..
  5. My Cert.ID number isn't related to anything, I pointed it out, she said the bloke printing the things said don't worry about it. The Cert. does have my PP number.
  6. It's not a cure. https://www.healthline.com/health/shingles-natural-treatment I had Chicken pox as a kid, it showed it's head as Shingles when I was about 40, it did it again last year after my second Covid jab, Mr.Shingles didn't like it...????
  7. If you get rid of the little deterrent you have, then you may find that you do have an enemy. Burma isn't exactly bubbling over with cuddles, is it. ????
  8. Toyota takes dethrones GM in the USA...???? https://www.nbcnews.com/business/autos/gm-dethroned-toyota-almost-century-long-run-top-selling-carmaker-us-rcna10895
  9. From my experience with those modes of transport, I have never seen one with proper rear lights showing anyone behind the width of the bike and carriage, the other type that drag a trailer should be outlawed.
  10. I read bloke ride problems here, but, I also take note of s/hand prices and what brand fleet owners buy, which I have noticed is either Toyota or Isuzu. Never yet seen a Ford or Chevy used by a fleet, maybe there are, but I have not seen any...
  11. Not that I recall, except punctures...That was in my Toyota Vigo 4x4 auto, sold it at 11.5 years old.
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