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Everything posted by transam

  1. Weeeeeeell, for certain Western countries do not believe Russian propaganda, after all, NATO was formed in 1949, guess why.........................😉
  2. Weather.........
  3. A few interesting interviews from folk in the know from the Western perspective.......😉 For the Western wannabe trainee Putin cadets here, worth listening to......😉
  4. Indeed, correct, those who are 'thick', westerners who support Putin's invasion of a free sovereign nation, then there is me, and most who think like me regarding the appalling murdering regime that you support..
  5. Another that has lost his sense of humour..................
  6. Yet another riveting post from the guesser......... As well as not spotting wit............. It would seem you have a crush on Trump, anything not positive about him, in your eyes, is a felony.. Oh, did I mention felon..........
  7. 😂..........So nothing to do a Hitler style tank convoy, heading to Kiev so they could strut around in their jack boots, then, that failed........😂 Seems you forgot the carnage of WWII, where aggressors HAD to be trounced, and were. Japan, 2 big cities flattened, Germany, many cities destroyed, but YOU look at those cities now. Invasions by tyrant 'dictators' should never succeed, never.....😐
  8. 12 lashes of the birch, 500,000 bht fine, no money, go straight to jail...😒
  9. Sadly the truth has no effect on you, your hero invaded a sovereign nation for nothing, if they had succeeded, who would be next. Come on, tell us, who would be next, you're in the Know........
  10. Typical Russian rhetoric, just to cover their invasion as justified...............😂
  11. 2028, Trump arrested as he leaves the White House for the last time..........................................
  12. Is that your thing................?
  13. Denying what, that the UK state pension is actually a benefit, I think that is you...........🤭 Anyhoooo, don't worry about it, move on...........😋..............
  14. I don't think that's how it works, in fact, the type had to use, the nozzle was about 50ml long, I believe the solution has the effect of relaxing everything in the pooh track, and it does, with me, it took about a minute for the unbelievable landslide.........😝
  15. Not sure about that, remember, dear ol' Adolf thought he was the bizz......🤗 If Putin was the bizz, why the problem dealing with even Ukraine....
  16. No, it's a saline solution 'gun' from the pharmacy, similar to this, works in seconds....😵
  17. The Putin supporter people or sensible people........?......🤔

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