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Everything posted by transam

  1. I think even Trump now knows Musk is an odd-ball who thinks he is untouchable because of his cash stash............
  2. Nice try, but everything the Government does is taxpayers money, but YOU think it should not be used to support freedom, you are an insult to those from your country that fought and died for freedom, and not money.....
  3. Ooooooh, it's MONEY that's your thing, NOT freedom....................Oh well.... Must be a Trump follower...........🤕
  4. That is a rather silly comment, when the State pension is actually called a benefit by the UK Gov, which I have shown you from credible links. It is a benefit to give pensioners, get it, pensioners, as in pension...........🙄 Now posting 'put-downs' to members shows you ARE in a corner, now run along..........
  5. Fed..........
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Pension_(United_Kingdom)#:~:text=The State Pension is an,of qualifying years of contributions.
  7. What a waste of time..............🤣
  8. Don't be silly, do all pensioners get paid the same amount....NO, each pension benefit is worked out individually.........................😂 Read below, then ride off into the sun-set.......... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Pension_(United_Kingdom)#:~:text=The State Pension is an,of qualifying years of contributions.
  9. Instantly, if you go back for a holiday, tell them, you get the increase for the time you are there, but it goes back on departure. Tax makes no difference, it's where your feet are planted...... 🤗
  10. Weeeell, it seems the UK state pension is a benefit as some MP's are not happy about it, so I just go by what the law is at present... https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/121267
  11. Did you actually read your link........? 🤭
  12. So no change in his information, he always updates stuff....😉 Give him a call............
  13. Make sure you take notice of this video, you could even email them to stop you worrying............😉
  14. So you haven't found anything yet to debunk the DWP 'aren't' coming after you..? 😉
  15. I thought threatened country's asked to join NATO for fear of Putin's expansion plans............ Everything was going fine until Putin invade Ukraine in 2014, and then what happened next in 2022. Perhaps you should open your eyes, chap........
  16. So you haven't found anything that the DWP is or is not going to do, great......😬 The barrister is putting his future on the line, posting rubbish..Yes/No....?
  17. So, starting January 2025 is out of date..Please try harder...... I can post what ever video I want, even for pension fiddlers to get upset about...........

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