About a month back we had a lightning strike on the post outside our house, the post has 5 meters on it. So 5 houses have their individual feed wires from outside my place, that is a lot of wires hanging up there, plus the Internet wires.
Anyhooo, my meter was trashed, the lightning hit my electric wire feeds and sent them to the ground..
PS. If a house needs more power, they usually run another wire/cable to bolster it.
In UK, house feeds come from a huge underground cable, which is about 4 inches in diameter, has 3 live cores and one neutral, the lead sheath and armour are used for the earth, it takes about half a day to connect a house, which itself has an underground cable. But it may well have all changed now, but for sure, the copper/aluminium cables that were planted a zillion years back, are still doing their job... ????