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Everything posted by transam

  1. "Trump-haters are Communists", could well be, though there are a few Commies on here, but they are Trump bootlickers, so you maybe a bit confused. Plus, I can't think of anyone on here that actually "hates" Trump, he's a dip-stick, yes, but hate.......ðŸĪ”
  2. Is that another one.......?...ðŸĪ­
  3. I don't need to show anything, it is you that is trying hardest to show something, whatever that is... Come back to me when you've been here for at least 12 months, not years, months........😂
  4. And yours, isn't.......................😂
  5. Agreed, same as Trump, a salesman, gift of the gab..............
  6. But you've posted all the secrets you don't want your gov to know on here................
  7. Yeh, but, you told us you are on the pension fiddle, so of course you will duck & dive not to get caught.......ðŸĪ­
  8. How is it escalating, Putin is now paying N. Korea to put troops on the ground in Ukraine. N. Korea is now in the war..........Is that not an escalation.........? ðŸĪ•.....Gawd.....🙄 Listen, if you want to support Putin's invasion, at least think before you post, eh........
  9. Your opinion and many other ....... is the reason the USA has a new lying, convicted felon, buffoon of a President........ðŸĨī
  10. That reminds me of a John Lennon song, "I'm Just a Jealous Guy".........😋 Saying that, National Insurance does not just pay state pensions.........ðŸĪ­
  11. ðŸĪĢ..........Yeh, riiiiiiiiiiight..........And also, the blind will never see...........😉 That "hate" word again, how strange.............
  12. Why do you Trumpties always use the word "hate"......I find that strange, after all Biden & Trump have just had a fun day together, they don't hate, only the numpties seem to think like that...Strange..ðŸĪ”
  13. Does he, I thought Musk was being sidelined, given a nothing job for a short period.............
  14. Of course, he does......... In 24 hours, can you tell us when that clock starts ticking, please..........ðŸĪ­
  15. Brilliant, and on topic, Trump employing bootlickers, I wonder why.............
  16. Oh dear, digging again, listen, Putin is laughing at your hero Trump, it is not going your Red way...ðŸĪ­ So calm down, and get back to your Red handbook..........😉
  17. Accident......
  18. What about your Trump, he has shown the world over the last few weeks that he has a screw loose. ðŸĪŠ You and your ilk take the p_ss out of an ageing man because you've got nothing. How sad and childish...............
  19. Oh, you want to meet up............ðŸĪ­ Sorry, not my scene.......😉 Back to the thread......ðŸĪ—
  20. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5f48e69ed3bf7f5d7cce63d9/SFA-SLA-Accommodation-Charges.pdf
  21. Did I touch a nerve, give you something to think about, in shock, stumped.......

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