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Everything posted by transam

  1. In your case, forget it............
  2. You forget, you have posted a zillion times on here defending the lying fruitcake, don't deny it, many others here read your posts, he IS your leader.........
  3. 😂 Time for you to stop making excuses for your lying leader...........🤕
  4. Hey, you forgot about "Trump will end it in 24 hours"......🤣 The point of my post, as you said it was not a LIE...........................
  5. It would seem that anyone with any brains does not understand what Trump is doing regarding his choice of questionable staff, even FOX News is scratching their head. Then we have Musk, who Trump has pulled in to be on hand to help his old gray cells out, all very strange......
  6. Here's a shock for @dinsdale, Trump not lying to stop the Ukrainian war in 24 hours....🤣 It would seem, he was just kidding the voters......... Let's see what Russia thinks of his 24 hour thingy...........😂 Watch till the end................
  7. I did do research, my accountant, unfortunately for me, he probably didn't know my pension would be locked, either.......😂 And hey, I would never in a million years have planned to move to Thailand, I ended up here via circumstances, which is another story.........
  8. I thought everyone here knew I was retired, it's not a secret.......... (I sorted your post grammar)....😉
  9. Yes, read the UK Gov site, of course things may have changed as it was a long time ago........😉 Oh, and no charges either............
  10. All the puffers here will be out in force saying........ "He's.. 🤬 ..lying, us puffers are all Larry the Lamb's".........😇......😂.......
  11. I am one who didn't know my pension would be locked, I came to LOS 8 years before pension age, my accountant didn't tell me my pension would be locked either, I found out after creating a life for myself, here. So, folk have different experiences, I, for one, never heard of locked pensions. Me plain stupid, I don't think so............😉 I also don't think this thread is for you, condescending posts from a non-Brit is a bit much........🤔
  12. I have no problems using DWP's payments into my Thai bank, even getting preferential exchange rate, which is something DWP states....... Every 4 weeks on a Thursday.......😉
  13. We all know, you keep telling us how wonderful you are and living in a 'luxury' villa.... Your problem is, you think everybody else should have done what you did, you cannot think outside your own weeeee bubble..........🤔 Pretty sad really..............
  14. Prison time, so these numpties think twice before defacing the country's heritage that belongs to the people.........😤
  15. Of course, it is unfair to lock pensions, over the reciprocal agreement thingy, and classifying it as a benefit, but we cannot argue that is a pension and not a benefit, because it is written in law that it is a benefit, so those who are using false information to claim more cash from a benefit are committing fraud...........🤔 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Pension_(United_Kingdom)#:~:text=The State Pension is an,of qualifying years of contributions.
  16. Wow, the new bloke is posting about things from years back, so who were you...........😂 But hey, what on earth are you on about, though I am sure we are all happy for you and your state pension..............🤭
  17. You remember wrong.................😉
  18. Dreamer......................😂
  19. Of course, new bloke...............🤣
  20. Indeed, NEW BLOKE...............🤣
  21. You are wrong, if you are not, post it..............NEW MEMBER..............😂
  22. Are you saying the UK pension is not quoted/stated as being a benefit.................? If so, show me...🤗
  23. My friend was nabbed, but it was for PENSION, not OTHER benefits or disability claim..............🤭 Why do folk here keep getting confused over posted facts, why, because they read others twisted facts..................🤗

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