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Everything posted by transam

  1. Including the one in waiting..........🀭
  2. We know all that, but no Party is interested in changing the ruling.....πŸ€”
  3. I think MalB goes for the 3 a day ladies, has to queue, but suits his pocket......
  4. Wrong thread chum.............πŸ€—
  5. Don't be silly, anyhooooooo, Trump will end it in 24 hours, did you forget........?......πŸ˜‚
  6. ....so that Russians can move forward, back-up, the Koreans are in the war...............πŸ€”.......
  7. And MalcolmB really is the voice of experience..........
  8. Nice to read something from probably your own experience........
  9. Probably, but a lot cheaper on Lazada......πŸ˜‰ Not that you will need much of it..........😲 I only used it once, about a month back, been OK ever since..πŸ€—
  10. And I will keep pointing it out, just to keep folk on here up to date on a for no reason invader, supporter. You egg the war on by supporting the INVADER, the KILLER of innocent civilians........😬 You are a hypocrite, who should be ashamed of himself.......
  11. "War mongering", you support Putin's invasion, talk about hypocrite........
  12. Posh Medica fibre Tamarind, it will clear you out, give it time to work, do not go out further than your garden..........😲 https://shopee.co.th/POSH-Medica-Tamarind-Dietary-Supplement-with-High-Fiber-15000-mg.-พอช-ΰΉ„ΰΈŸΰΉ€ΰΈšΰΈ­ΰΈ£ΰΉŒ-ΰΈ‘ΰΈ°ΰΈ‚ΰΈ²ΰΈ‘-15000-ฑก.-x-6-ΰΈ‹ΰΈ­ΰΈ‡-กΰΈ₯ΰΉˆΰΈ­ΰΈ‡-i.153772007.19312265927 Watsons, Lazada sell it too...... Other than that, you can buy a salt water thingy that you insert and squeeze into your bum space, it works in about 60 seconds............😱
  13. Like you, supporting Putin in a safe country.......
  14. Rather a silly comment, talk about brainwashed.........πŸ€ͺ....................
  15. Are you another Russian supporter, or just knowing you are sitting in a safe country..........☺️
  16. Point out which are baiting threads, your strange hobby..............πŸ˜‰
  17. Or you, still looking, eh, good luck.........😘
  18. Civilian infrastructure, I thought was housing, try 'murdering civilians'.......
  19. You got a link for that..........😊
  20. Another baiting thread, how surprising.......πŸ€• But, did you turn up with your boyfriend, or your mum, who.............? πŸ€—

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