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Posts posted by Boksida

  1. Gentlemen,

    The name of the game is "What's The City?"

    According to Neeranam's original post;

    Here is a new game called 'What's the City?"

    All you do is post a photo of a city or a famous landmark in the city.

    If no-one can guess, then clues can be given.

    With all due respect Pete, this picture sucks. I would not describe this as a city. This particular picture could be any small town (not city) in the American Midwest or Canadian prairie provinces. Furthermore, there are no features that give any indication of this place... geographical, architectural, famous landmarks or buildings, or anything else that would allow a person to figure out what this place is without making a lucky guess or taking a lot of hints / directions. There is absolutely nothing interesting or unique to identify it. A signifiicant number of recent images fall into this boring unidentifiable category.

    Can we all do something to improve the quality of the pictures, so that this game can start moving like it used to, and be more fun for everyone?

    In defence of Zpete, the answer to his picture took two guesses. According to Wikipedia, Ulan-Ude is the 3rd largest city in Eastern Siberia and is the capital city of the Buryat Republic. It is served by two airports and the Trans-Siberian rail line. It is the twin city of Taipei and Berkeley, California. Apart from being a major trade link between Russia and Mongolia, it boasts the largest statue in the world depicting the head of Lenin. Of course none of this can compare with the grandeur of the Americam midwest or the Canadian prairies.

    I sniffed it out by recognizing the Russian rolling stock, typical Central Asian terrain and distinctively crappy buildings and electrical systems common to railways in that region.

    As capital cities of Republics are now apparently disallowed, presumably all state and provincial capitals in North America and elsewhere are now off the agenda. This leaves us with national capitals. Can anybody guess what this city is:


    It's beer o'clock, I'm outta here.

  2. a number like MCMXDII, which I think was a great year for blond, nearly bald, baby boys :D

    are you sure that this year exists PeaceBlondie? :o

    Nah, Naam, not sure at all. I finished studying Latin in 1958, from a teacher who was old enough to know Julius Caesar personally, if not carnally. I forgot the symbol for 50. Maybe D stands for 500. Let me ask Brutus and see what he et. Maybe sip-et.

    Try MCMXLII (if you mean 1942). This system was still in use when I attended school and I remember it well as it was very difficult to erase on papyrus.

  3. Zpete- you gave away the farm on this one. Rename your picture files to a generic name before uploading them.

    If you right click and choose to save the picture, the original filename is displayed in the "save as" dialog.

    "romania-brasov-city-view" makes it rather easy.

    Quite right ZPete, I was just pulling your chain (having previously done the same thing myself). Have another shot.

  4. i hate expats who drive yellow Ferraris :o

    I don't really know why I should have to justify this, but it was the only colour available on the showroom floor the day I wanted it and it matched my shirt. I suppose I could have it resprayed another colour but this would require the tedious business of reporting to the motor vehicle registration department with chassis numbers etc. I would need someone reliable to perform this task efficiently and, I am sure you will agree, it would be a thundering bore to be deprived of the services of one's butler for a large portion of the day.

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