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Posts posted by Boksida

  1. Where I live, the police set up checkpoints in the city almost every night for random breath testing. I don't personally know anyone who has been caught on a motorbike, perhaps because evasion is easier. The car drivers have all had a similar experience: a night in the police station cells and a 4,000 baht fine the next day. If the fine can not be paid alternatives are offered such as jail time and/or community service. All the drivers I know have been Thais. Some have negotiated to pay the fine without the night in the cells.

    I can't really see where discrimination comes in to it.

  2. I have seen houses with basements in Thailand but they have only been used for storage purposes. I don't think it would work if you wanted a self contained room for the mia noi or mother in law. The majority of homes are on flat land and use a septic system for waste disposal. The cess pits or tanks are usually gravity fed and this is going to be a problem from a basement.

    I am sure a lot of sh*thouse engineers are going to tell me how it can be done, but I would think it will add expenses that won't be attractive to most. A pump failure is potentially going to be catastrophic compared to groundwater seepage.

  3. I have drilled several hundred wells in the north-east and an extremely low percentage of these have had the quantity or quality of water required for irrigation. There have been some decent wells in one area of Nakorn Ratchasima and a small area in Maha Sarakam. Most of the Khorat Plateau is underlain by massive rocksalt deposits and the salinity increases with depth and pumping rate.

    Windmills have been used in the north-east but as Slapout pointed out, they are really only useful for watering stock rather than irrigation.

  4. Boksida we have amoungst us a great Chinese philosopher, Confuse-us. He is a Chinese Singaporean living here in Chiang Mai.

    He also goes by the name of Ta22. I'm sure he would be glad to help you out when he gets back from his honeymoon.

    Do you think he will be up to it after a honeymoon? I remember going on one last century and I haven't been able to read Chinese since.

  5. What I was hoping to get from this topic was an indication of whether people had heard of The Gymkhana, or had any views on the place? It's been there for over 100 years after all - it should be world famous!!

    I am under the impression that Cricket Sixes was more or less "invented" in Chiangmai and the first ever game was at the Gymkhana. Is this true?

  6. I have just bought some new equipment from China including a truck crane and 500KW genset. The manuals only come in Chinese. Does anybody know someone in Chiangmai who can do Chinese to English translations of documents containing technical information?

  7. stayed at tipchang -lampang a couple of times with the young bloke, chose this hotel because of swim pool, which was green the 2 time. One of those places that is in a state of slow decay or min. of maintainence, besides that was o.k. central to town & river.

    regards songhklasid.

    Local rumour also has the Tipchang as being haunted, but that's probably an exaggeration.

    Wiengthong has a pool.

  8. I am going there soon with the Chiang Mai male hashers, is there much in the way of nightlife in Lampang?

    Is Superman one of the Hashers? I can prepare a special program for his low tastes.

    Quite a few places with live music. The Highlight is popular at the moment and the Mot Yim is a "must see" after 11PM. You may be surprised.

    I am on my way to Lampang :

    The highlight ... any direction ?

    The 'Mot Yim', is it this large disco in the 'Santa-Fe' complex ? ....


    The Highlight is near the back entrance (Phaholyothin Rd.) of Big C.

    Correct on the Mot Yim. It is in behind the Santa Fe.

  9. For info Australia Network is free to air. Australia Network will send you a card for free for watching super 7 rugby and other broadcasts that are encrypted for use in other countries.

    Check the Australian Network for set top boxes that are compatible with their card before buying. A lot of the boxes sold locally are not.

  10. what sort of ceramics are popular at the Indra Outlet???

    Plates, cups, saucers, bowls, dinner sets, coffee mugs - that kind of stuff. There are also more expensive items like one-off plates hand painted by well known artists. There is a Sikh temple in Lampang but I don't know if they shop there.

  11. I am going there soon with the Chiang Mai male hashers, is there much in the way of nightlife in Lampang?

    Is Superman one of the Hashers? I can prepare a special program for his low tastes.

    Quite a few places with live music. The Highlight is popular at the moment and the Mot Yim is a "must see" after 11PM. You may be surprised.

  12. We are going to Lampang for a couple of days, TW wants to choose some ceramics and I want to try the horse and cart taxis.

    I did a search here and on the net and the stand out hotel is the Tipchang sounds the best, 700 baht for a standard room which includes breakfast for two. The room go up from there and look really nice.

    Can anyone second this choice or suggest another?



    I always stay at the PIN HOTEL in Lampang. A "refurbised" room on the 2nd floor is now called "Deluxe" and is 700 baht. The two "suites" are 900 baht. Includes taxes. Do NOT recommend the Wiengthong Hotel.

    The PIN is nothing fancy. Basic / clean / a restaurant - but in the centre of town. If you prefer - Black Canyon restaurant is not too far away for dining.

    Horse drawn rides outside. A private taxi available outside. Short walk to Seree department store and supermarket. Capable English speakers at Reception. The walking street from 6pm on a Sunday evening is delightful. Dont miss it if you are there on a Sunday - a short walk from the PIN. They are sometimes booked out on a weekend - but a phone call prior always gets me a reservation. Tel: 054-219398-9

    Sorry, I forgot about the Pin. It also preferable to the Tipchang. The taxis that run between Wat Upakut (sp?) in Chiangmai and Lampang have their base outside.

  13. We are going to Lampang for a couple of days, TW wants to choose some ceramics and I want to try the horse and cart taxis.

    I did a search here and on the net and the stand out hotel is the Tipchang sounds the best, 700 baht for a standard room which includes breakfast for two. The room go up from there and look really nice.

    Can anyone second this choice or suggest another?



    In Lampang, the Tipchang is considered relying on faded glory and is near the bottom of the barrel. The generally accepted hotel rating is:


    Wiang Thong



    The Riverside Guesthouse is a farang operated place in the centre of town and very popular with tourists. I think it is about 500 baht for an airconditioned room.

    The best place to see a lot of ceramics (crockery type stuff, not industrial) is the Indra Outlet. Very famous, reasonably priced and under Royal Patronage.

    The horse and carts congregate outside the Wiang Thong Hotel and near the main Police Staion.


  14. Partially house trained, de-wormed and fully immunised.

    Do you have a certificate from a vet? I've heard contradictory information on all three of those claims.

  15. People who say they come because of the kind Thai people with great smiles I think are trying to fool their friends and relatives back home.


    Takes more than that to make me come these days but I still like it here.

  16. Thanks for the directions. As the OP I too am making that trip in a week or 2. But I was thinking about breaking it up by stopping in Loei for the night. 5 years ago went through but didn't stop. Anyone know of any good spots to stop in and around Loei ?

    Phu Rua is in the mountains and won't involve any detours. There are a couple of resorts there but I have not stopped over.

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