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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. Following on from a disaffected poster who wishes to return from whence he came, it occurs to me that there may be more folk who would like to quit the LoS if they could but cannot for whatever reason.

    Assuming the windfall was yours, where would you like to be and why ?

    Thailand is hardly a cultural mecca, its climate is challenging and its people are exasperating to the point where most, given the chance, would gladly be rid.

    Would you choose to remain in differing circumstances or would you decamp. The world is your lobster so choose.......

    Or does the LoS meet your needs?

    Where MOST would gladly be rid? ... what most is that? Maybe the English teachers w/o proper credentials making nothing (like the guy from that thread).

    The amount you named was low ... but honestly all I would do dofferent would be to add a small house down near Krabi to the assets and put a car in it's garage too!

    That being said ... I'd just as happily live almost anywhere but Isaan in the LOS .... and be content

  2. Folks ... there is a whole Pets and Vets subforum

    I love my Vet here .... he isn't very fluent in English but we get by just fine!

    There are a couple of animal hospitals that are excellent (PS ... yes Vets will make house calls ... mine made sure to give me his mobile number after our second visit!)

  3. Ando ... in a democracy ONE man doesn't hold enough power not to be impeached ... and when the courts fail to protect the people ... and when the institutions like the NCCC are no more ... and when the Free Press is no longer Free ... there exists only one recourse left to the people ... to gather in the streets and petition for redress ....

    quit thinking that this is somewhere OTHER than Thailand .... but simply there are protests all over the world ... they fail to topple governments because they are often just wrong ... here it worked for exactly the opposite reason .. they were correct

  4. hello

    Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this shit hole (bangkok thailand)

    Im so happy to be going home

    this is the worst place i have ever lived in my life.

    see ya

    I understand the negative responses the OP received regarding his post, as already said by other posters the Op intentionally expressed his anger for failing his own plans.....I think if the poster wanted to have some positive feedback his post should have been something along those lines:

    Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this place that gave me good and bad times (bangkok thailand)

    It took long time to decide but finally Im so happy to be going home

    Considering the outcome the time I spent here gave me the chance to learn in the hard way that things can go wrong and I will put what I learnt on my personal life experience

    I am sure that a post along those lines would have generated a more positive approach from all the posters

    Just my opinion

    Nah ... look up the OP's history (try his Topics) We're just happy that he made it out .....

    It does boil down absolutely that some people are not built to live away from familiar things ...:o

  5. note ... the roads from poipet are dirt .... the numbers above are estimates ... your time could vary (like mine 10 hours from poipet to siem reap ... (during rainy season ) one bus went off into the rice paddies .... our bus pulled it out (with all of us still in it!!) then later a lorry had crashed through a bridge .. so a 2 hour wait for a pickup to come get us and get us the rest of the way into town)

  6. cool .. it was recc'd by someone here as a way to get to Nakhon Ratchasima ... didn't make sense to me ... (amd I got spanked for thinking they were still connecte with Phuket)

    I rather enjoy driing around Thailand ... seeing new things every trip ... so would probably skip PBAir at 4400 baht RT :o

  7. It's a wonder so many people still stay at the DayNight 2 hotel. Almost every room has the angry spirits of dead people. Good news is, no one has died there in almost 2 months !

    (do angry spirits have an expiry date ?)

    Perhaps it's only the girls who are superstitious.......and I doubt that too many DayNight lodgers are interested in the female variety of night time company. :o

    Mighty Mouse, you're wrong mate, Toursits come to Pattaya for the easy laid back lifestyle, clean seas, immaculate beaches and Traffic free roads, the way you talk, everybody ( except you and the other members of the pattaya forum) is a sex tourist. Please refrain from making Pattaya appear to be a venue for sex tourists, you will give the wrong impression about Pattaya. :D

    Ac-chool-aly.....the only Brits who I know who have chosen to go and live in Pattaya were gents of a certain age who have serious problems dealing with women as anything but other than sex objects.

    They have had an inability to form any form of relationship with a woman without an overt sexual content and indeed, had explored such countries as Brazil and Sri-Lanka before latching on to Pattaya. They have personal income, mostly made in insurance, and properties that were left to them by now dead parents and sold to fund their lifestyles.

    When at home in Blighty they bore everyone and their dog about Thailand this and Thailand that.

    But, ask then to ask directions for a bus in Thai?.

    (Not that difficult really, is it?).

    A good look at the demographics of Pattaya would show that there are a great deal of the foreign poulation who are not there for beaches, exercise, culture, or have any interest in any other than cheap women.

    I would garner a guess that my demographic map would be in the thai expression, "Unusually rich in podgy fat old ######s attached to girls old enough to be their daughters, or granddaughters".

    Pattaya is known as a world centre for sex tourism and that is the way it is because that is what it is.

    Ask a Thai.................................

    posting from the UK are you? a tish jealous?

  8. that was NOT the PAD ... but hey .. the PAD didn't exist back then did it :D

    Yes Cappy ... we know you love Thaksin and hate Sondhi ... your continuous protestations aside ...

    Oh, are we finally back to infantile "jokes" and distortions of anything i have posted.

    Can you point out where i have ever posted that i "love Thaksin"?

    Topically speaking, are you trying to tell me it was only Sondhi who asked for Royal intervention, had nothing to do with the PAD members as it was not yet called PAD, even though the later-on PAD members have signed the petition for Royal intervention, and then only at a later stage then as PAD members asked for Royal intervention?


    Yes that is exactly what I am saying .... Sondhi at Lumpini ... and the PAD were seperate entities .... (Clearly)

    Your Pro-Thaksin/Anti-PAD stuff is getting old Cappy ... not because you have those leanings ... they are welcome ... just because you continuously obfuscate about it.

  9. according to the foriegn press they have ....

    in the USA ... like here ... people would be asked to assemble at the Quad (as has been done) .... but look to the Mexican Americans etc that have rallied over the latest months ....

    very simply ... I have not seen places in the "West" violently dispersing peaceful protests anywhere ....

    though in some cases of civil disobedience like chaining oneself to a gate of a powerplant ... (a true act of civil disobedience ... not in fact a peaceful protest) people HAVE been removed peacefully

    Your singlemindedness in making out people who gather peacefully to protest a government (or in this case really just Thaksin and his cronies) into a mob out to harm the country they love is to be admired .... not many people could manage to take the same lame point and continually harp on it and not end up giggling uncontrollably! Kudos to you!

  10. time-line .... the folks with PAD did NOT put the royally appointed PM thing up until very late in the game ....

    They should do what any responsable citizen should do .... peacefully gather and make their thoughts and beliefs and desires known. Perhaps it would be better if they were in fact a political party then all your complaints would have a bit of valifity ... but since they are not . They do what they do.

  11. WHEN and WHERE in the "West" do peaceful protests get dispursed* violently?


    Typcal example: Demonstrators blockade peacefully a road in which nuclear waste is to be transported. Police asks demonstrators to disperse. Demonstrators stay, police carries the peaceful demonstrators away and arrests them, and uses violence against the ones who resist. Happens all the time in Europe.

    The only reason why police has not yet here in Thailand ordered the demonstrators to disperse is because the government wants to avoid an escalation of violence ending in scores of dead.

    Nevertheless, if for some reason the demonstrations keep blocking public life again, there might be one day a clear evaluation of the situation, in which the damage done by the demonstrations might overshadow the possible consequences of a violent dispersal.

    Yeppers that is an AMAZING comparison ... a few protestors outside a privately run or state run NUCLEAR power plant .... with the stretch to say they <the police> use violence when resisted ....

    compared to a Public open space in Bangkok with 100's of thousands of people protesting the sitting PM etc. Has anyone ever mentioned apples and oranges? or using specious counter arguments?

    think about the USA ... recently and even MORE people protesting peacefully .. and no police action required.

  12. Not sure what any of that has to do with the statement I wrote which was to simply point out that there was nothing unusual about his not turning himself in at the earliest possible moment. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary about his "cavalier" act. [/color=#FF0000]

    You forgot to mention undermining democracy by trying to get the Monarchy unnecessarily involved. But then, we all know that you would rather stage personal attacks at any of us that do not share your misguided beliefs. You defiantly have learned something on that account from your PAD heroes. If all else fails attack someone or something they believe in to deflect attention from yourself and your actions. What else could be expected with tutelage like that.

    where are my marshmallows? ... they could be cooked nicely on that flame :o

  13. I don't understand anything in the post above...

    PAD's point is removing Thaksin. Courts point is getting Parliament and democratic system back.

    Courts are not interested in Thaksin's status, and PAD is not interested in how we can get the Parliament back (and Thaksin is somewhere 10,000 km above Mongolia, no one asked what he is interested in so far)

    As long as they don't cross eachother, there will be no mass protests.

    So, and why does the PAD still go ahead with their mass protest at the 2nd, as Sondhi has stated? Is it maybe just so Sondhi & Co can show some mob support in order to safe their &lt;deleted&gt; from the rather serious lawsuits?

    And, yes, you are right, PAD is not interested in how we can get the parliament back, they risk a collapse of the country in order to get..., well,....what now? Still being in the limelight? Showing that they can still mobilise a huge mob? Or what?

    And i don't understand why, according to you, the courts should not be interested in Thaksin's status. Isn't that what it is all about - the question of Thaksin's legitimacy?

    If the Thaksin opponents are not able to build a case against Thaksin then of course the courts won't be able to be interested in Thaksin's status. But then that does not mean that demonstrators have the right to judge Thaksin.

    Yes, in a democracy people do have the right to demonstrate peacefully. But, Thaksin so far has still not made a move towards returning to his premiership (which he could legally do), and the second demand - the installment of a Royally appointed interim Prime Minister - has been clearly refused. So, presently i do not see any other reason for the demonstration at the 2nd other than being a show of force which will only result in further escalation of the mess.

    Which means that the PAD is not that interested in "saving the country", as their headbands say, but demonstrate more for the sake of demonstrating, no matter what harm they do to the country and the people.

    Egads .....

    as has been pointed out before ... without the rallies how does the information that the PAD ... which is not a political party ...how do they get their views out? They don't.

    So ... with unclear answers on what happens next ... and days before info will get out to them ... what should they do? Pack up and go away? Disappear?

    during the speech the other night it was mentioned that the right to peaceful protest was an integral part of democracy in Thailand.

    PAD will keep the heat on enough to help people remember what instigated this crisis ... and that is not the PAD ... that would be Thaksin ... and the major areas of political reform that must keep happening. <<Since the speech the other night the only mention of a royally appointed PM has been by Cappy ... not by the PAD>>

    The PAD's initial requirements were for Thaksin to step down and for political reform ... they have accomplished one ... they are still working on the rest.

  14. the "gay scene" (non commercial) is just starting to expand outside of BKK

    There are now businesses in places I never would have expected them ....

    But I do believe you are correct in one of your assertions ... no need for gaybars all over ... since for the most part gays and str8's get along here

    Gaydar in the west is a bit problematic .... but here ... for locals ... it can be couples with a level of physical intimacy you'd NEVER see in the west ... when you can go out drinking with friends and leaning on the other guy in the group. If eyecontact didn't tell you something .. this next step would ...

    Add to that the Thai pasttime (and gay pasttime everywhere) of gossip and ..... well .... :o

  15. hmmm The PAD isn't a political party ... they are looking for Thaksin out and political reform.

    Thaksin has choices open to him ... and he has exhibited enough Hubris in the past to ignore everything and try whatever he wants :o

    I doubt anyone on this forum would think that him stepping up for the PM position in the next government formed would lead to overwhelming problems in Thailand.

    I don't see where the courts will be addressing anything to the PAD though .... unless they change the constitution to disallow peaceful protest ... but after the speech the other night .. I don't see that right being abridged in Thailand.

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