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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. The point is not one of comparison. It is extremely dangerous to advocate the use of violence to crack down on any form of protest. Once this happens it sets a precedent, enabling any future government to use violence to quell any future protest. Well, as long as it can be explained as 'being necessary to avoid political instability'.

    It is equally dangerous that demonstrations can bring the country close to collapse.

    Also in the west there is a point when peaceful demonstrations get dispursed with violent means when they become too much of a public nuisance.


    WHEN and WHERE in the "West" do peaceful protests get dispursed* violently?

    They might get moved from some place like in front a 1 building ... back to an open space like Sanam Luang ... but even then probably not.

    Though it is kinda cool that PAD pulled off what they were trying to do ... and did it peacefully ....

    For all the whining the total amount of "violence" at the PAD rallies was less than what one could expect to see any ONE night in RCA or Ratchada etc!

  2. The PAD were obviously trying to start a war.

    They pushed as much as possible to instigate violence.

    They blocked the Government House to create anarchy in the country and keep it from functioning.

    They were even going to go to Thaksin's house and attack him personally.


    Do these imagined events happen anywhere outside the deep confines of your own cerebrum's misfiring neurons?


    lol ... read this guys posts all the way through from early on ... claims to be Thai .. no wait farang etc etc :D gotta love him :D

  3. Don't the powers that be understand that if they don't stop this nonesense they won't have jobs anymore because with this stuff going down no one will want to come here anymore.

    Let's be realistic here, the only thing that will stop Farangs going to Pattaya is if Thai women could claim Social Security, and they did not go to Pattaya to look for dumb Farangs who seem hellbent on giving money away.

    All the while there is a situation to exploit, farangs will flock to the likes of Pattaya.

    Take away the opportunity of cheap sex, and a Farang in Pattaya would be a rare sight, why else would anyone go to Pattaya?

    Let's face it lads, it's a dump, I have been living in Pattaya for over 15 years, I doubt this gives me any authority to talk about Pattaya in such a way, I will have to listen to guys that have thousands of posts on an internet forum to really understand.

    But if any of you could truthfully tell me that you go to Pattaya for the crystal clear waters, the immaculate beaches, the easy laid back lifestyle, the traffic free roads, then I will go out and buy a hat to eat.

    Pattaya has got too busy, the traffic is a nightmare, crime is on the up and up, not as bad as UK but maybe one day it will be, it ain't a nice place to live anymore.

    It's all down to women, take them out of the equation and Farangs in Pattaya would be in danger of extinction.

    Does this mean we know why you stay? :o

  4. wow ... 2 posts before flaming someone! a new record!

    <for those of you that are not familiar with the USA etc ... there is a guy named David Duke that was the head of the KKK <Ku Klux Klan- a racist white supremacist group >

    Journalist Bridges's book is the second biography available on right-wing Louisiana politician David Duke. Michael Zatarain's David Duke: Evolution of a Klansman (Pelican, 1990) offers a good account of Duke's life and political career through his election to the Louisiana State legislature in 1989, but its publication date precludes an examination of Duke's subsequent unsuccessful races for the U.S. Senate, the Louisiana governorship, and the Republican presidential nomination. Bridges's biography examines these three campaigns and also provides a good analysis of how Duke blends traditional Southern racism with anti-Semitism. For these reasons, it is probably a better choice for general readers, despite its organizational deficiencies and repetitions. Scholars will find The Emergence of David Duke and the Politics of Race (LJ 6/1/92), edited by Douglas Rose, to be more useful.

    Thomas H. Ferrell, Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette

    Now to the OP .... do as David says ... use the search function and scroll through the threads ... you will learn tons! <even if sometimes it is just what NOT to do ... by example >

  5. Don't swim with the sharks if you have soft skin

    Perhaps there are times when there is no alternative.

    TV is the leading site for information on moving to and living in Thailand. Whenever I come across people asking about moving to Thailand or very specific questions about living in Thailand I direct them to TV, I’m sure that is true of most of us.

    Very useful information is available here on almost any topic, any topic it would seem except one; that being the ‘Down Side’ of life in Thailand and the problems people genuinely do have.

    Someone considering a move to Thailand is going to be far better prepared to do so if they have the chance to read both sides of life in Thailand. Flaming people for expressing a negative view of Thailand drowns out that discussion and, I argue, denies us all valuable insights.

    I agree whole heartedly that he OP may have prompted some of the response by his earlier negative posts, but that neglects the consideration I think we should all make when responding to posts. ‘Is the discussion useful to other readers, not necessarily a response only to the OP?’

    LOL ... without being a bastard that just whinges on ad naseum like the OP did ... on various threads etc .... you can sum up ALL of his garbage posts as

    "They don't speak English"

    "They don't pay me anything"

    "I have no clue what life overseas is about anywhere"


    "but I like trains!"

    and GuestHouse ....

    No homophobia here ... even the gay folks that read the OP's other threads didn't like him :D

    Some people just aren't capable of living in a place that is different ... the OP is one ... I am sure anyone that spent a week online researching and read a book like Culture Schock Thailand .... or any other good book on life in Thailand would have been better prepared than the OP ...

    But he left Australia with a dismal outlook on life there .... and arrived in Thailand with a dismal outlook on life here .... and is returning to Australia with a dismal outlook STILL ....

    Really ... what is there to learn from someone like this?

    No loss to Thailand that I can see :o

  6. almost depends on where you are in the USA if you want a non-imm-o with the wrong initial letter ... but if you are near Denver (they have an honorary consulate there) it shouldn't be a problem ... ask for non-imm-o multi entry if you plan on being ordained for more than 3 months ... but honestly it shouldn't matter ..... any should be able to be changed to a 1 year visa after you are here!

    DO make sure you get some kind of non-imm visa as you are not supposed to be out of your temple overnight during rains retreat (starts Jul 11/12 I think (... with a second date in early Aug?) so you may need your 90 days :o

    Good luck

  7. huh?

    where did that come from? After having read last night's speech ... do you think anyone would boycott?

    I could see non-party attached groups calling for another no vote in certain circumstances ... but that would be about it!

    But TRT will never have the excuse that the democrats did ... a working parlaiment dissolved because of pressure against one man with the power ... and not because the Gov and Parlaiment were at odds ... :o

  8. somehow I just didn't see it worth replying to the gent ....

    same as the guy that married the dumb woman.

    There are all types of people in the world ... rugged individualists that succeed beyond all expectations ... corporate clones .... etc etc

    but it is simply true that all types of people get ink for all types of reasons :o

  9. baiting?

    Very simply I assume they will cease calling for a royally appointed PM ... and work for political reform ... and of course keep the heat on Thaksin but with less rhetoric.

    I am sure that SOMEONE around here could just call and ask them what they are thinking though :o

  10. impartial? :o

    Since the PAD doesn't have the clout of a political party ... and it's only power is percieved to be the population that supports it ... and since they have always been restricted to rallies since the airwaves for the most part have been closed to them ....

    makes sense that they will gather ...

    I am betting we will see reduced rhetoric ...calling on political reform and not calling on a royally apponted PM etc ... but that assumption is based upon what I THINK will happen tmw :D

  11. A freind of mine currently resident in Singapore with his Thai wife, has mentioned on several occasions, that this year there seems to be more and more well to do Thais in Singapore for a weekend.

    My guess is that like nightclubs in Bangkok, this is another fashion fad and will soon pass as they all do.

    doubt it is for the bars ..... shopping on the other hand .... bought a 60 gig IPOD in Sing ... the savings covered my flights and hotel stay

  12. gay men are masters of flirting ... on almost every level ... and it is simply social interaction

    I read your two examples above and in situation #1 the behavior of the employees flirting with the customer is a bit wrong ... but only a bit :-)

    Yes, wrong, that's not where they are there for.

    The second situation just isn't wrong at all :D

    Yes, it is. It assumes that I am incapable of controling my sex drive, that the second she pushes her goods in my face to convince me to help her I will not be able to say no. If a man acted this way to a woman he would be looked down upon, am I wrong?

    Yes you are wrong :o A bit of flirtation only acts as a social lubricant ... unless you are so insecure that you think you CANNOT control yourself then it is a game only ..If you know you can control yourself and trust me she probably knows that you can too .. then no harm no foul

    Though in niether example do I see it as "putting on airs" ... it's not like lying to manipulate someone ... they didn't say "I only work here for fun ... want to go out to my yacht next weekend for a day-cruise?" Oh and how about a nooner? :D

    Waitresses flirt for bigger tips .... Customers flirt for the excitement of possibility even when they no nothing is gonna come out of it ... (and pay bigger tips often :-)

    Not all.

    It is entirely OK to flirt with the bosses wife at a cocktail party (ONCE! and only in the presence of the boss!)

    hel_l ... I've even had bosses (VERY str8 Syrian guys) that I flirted with at company parties in front of THEIR wives ... mainly for the look on their faces ... you just gotta see it ... but they hired me knowing I was the best salesman around ... and sales is about 2 things ... getting the customer happy and off-balance :-)

    I would call this unprofessinal and if I was your boss and this was something that you continued to do I would have a talk about your behavior. You don't bring sex into business.My boss and my co-workers at that time were all incorrigible ... but again your definition is wrong ... "My what a lovely dress you have on Mrs B ..." would be considered by many to be flirting ... and in a way it is ... but it is also nice ... and can have no ulterior motive

    BTW, I am not trying to be insulting, please don't take it that way.

  13. nothing that I know of .... probably most people travel up to BKK ... only an hour away ....

    but I'll post on one of the Thai language boards and ask ... if I get a response back I'll let you know

    How long did it take you to learn Thai, JD? And what method did you use?

    at Chula for the basic course ... then started over again at a place MUCH less expensive and intense. I am far from fluent ... but i get most of what I hear/read

  14. am not sure ... it's not like the Demos could do worse in a real election than they did in 2005 ... once there is no possibility for censure of a PM/Gov't through parlaiment then the results are all the same.

    Recent elections showed a big drop in support for TRT ... given 90+ days and a good marketing plan the Demos could make significant strides .. not to mention TRT has had a little fracturing inside recently

  15. pretty much a no-brainer ....

    Minimum wages must increase ... having seen the increases in transportation costs just for people to get to work ... not to mention how things being transported all cost just a little bit more ... using equipment costs more ... etc

    hope they go with the 10 baht or more increase .. even though it will also lead to more inflation at a guess.

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