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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. Thanks Bamb! ... if you find listings for BKK or elsewhere could you please add? I am always getting asked !

    I travel with the ratgirl ... our 2 kilo chihuahua named Bruiser and never have any trouble ... people that have small dogs can feel free to PM me if traveling around outside of BKK ... I may have sme ideas where to stay ..

  2. right on both counts ... thought PB (though note I did not use PBAir) was the IATA code for Phuket Airlines (did not mean to make a libelous statement) PB is actually the IATA code for a Canadian Airlines (Provincial)

    As for PB Air ... there is almost ZERO information on the web (that would include Zero information on any accidents ... very probably a good thing!!! and zero info on the fleet's maintenance ... whether they are leased or owned etc ... not so good!) Again ... I maide a mistake above though ... and readily admit it :-) and again no "Libel" intended

    That being said. I do have a personal distaste for planes with propellors so all in all; I still happily stand with using Bus or Train to Nakhon Ratchasima though :o Plenty of pretty country and not much more time involved!

    ((before someone looks to see if PB Air flies prop planes ... that impression came from the one website beyond theirs that I found them mentioned on ... their website says they are only using 2 models of jet now))

    pps and at 4,720 baht to Buriram Round Trip .... plus then getting from Buriram to Nakhorn Ratchasima Round trip etc .... not very cost effective even when weighed against time constraints

  3. assuming they are single-vision lenses ... it can be done ...

    however if it has been awhile ... get new ones and a new vision test ....

    there is a particularly inexpensive place in Siam Square ... 2nd floor above Boots right about the center of Siam Square ...

    3 prices 999 1299 etc

    includes vision test frames and single-vision glasses

  4. If the bike 'lanes' are just marked parts of already narrow roadways, they'll just be ignored. Sounds like another half-baked populist scheme. :o

    If actual paved paths are set up in areas as short cuts or save passageways, I think more people would bike.

    Half-baked Populist scheme?

    Sorry to be that it would have to include a promise of a new bicycle for every person in Isaan

  5. Well I'm sure I could save 800 baht a month. That makes 40000 baht in 40 years, which will satisfy the requirements, unless of course they change them.

    How many increases will they have in the next 40 years?

    If I retired for 20 years that would mean they want me to have/spend 8 million baht!

    Maybe that is a more realistic amount to save, only 8,000 a month, which is 1/3 of my salary. :o

    haven't finished reading through the thread yet ... but the mandatory income/savings/earnings is 0 baht if you are Thai .... sometime in the next 30 years you should qualify :D

  6. Funny, how the US government just has to come to Pattaya every year. Is it really about training? George Bush loves Jesus but he sure has no problem with American GIs in cash-for play.

    Don't get me wrong if I were in the militray I'd be happy as hel_l we were having a stop-over in the city of sin.

    Ummm just for training? No ... R&R of the special sort is lower on the list of reasons than you'd think though.

    Training is probably reason #2 .... continued presence in SEA is probably reason #1 ....

    and the boys are told to be good and not visit the BG's .... (fat chance of that!)

  7. Funny, how the US government just has to come to Pattaya every year. Is it really about training? George Bush loves Jesus but he sure has no problem with American GIs in cash-for play.

    Remember, todays Generals and Admirals were Junior grade officers around 25 years ago, and you can bet they had a great time in Thailand. I remember Pattaya in 1961 when there was basically the JUSMAG compound and dirt roads to Sukhumvitt. No bars, No beer bars, No ladies for hire just a pristene beach.

    Important note: GWB might be a born again Christian but the Military doesn't Kow Tow to the Christian Right in the USA.

    You remember Pattaya in 1961? And the dirt roads and no bars etc? WOW! Tell us all about it! :o

  8. forced to resign by public pressure = disgraced

    Thaksin didn't leave theUK on that trip ... and Bush wasn't there ... so that's pretty much proof ....

    If it weren't a "State Visit" ... certainly Bush or Blair wouldn't make time for a guy in the middle of a struggle for his political life .... and since Thaksin doesn't rate a "State Visit" ......

    Why would people care? Those of us that live here have a stake on some level ... plus it is interesting.

    Could Thaksin come back from this in the next few years? Sure! Will he? Probably not

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