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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. 1. Pay the 20k that you owe and leave. Or you face jail/fine/deportation. You were in the wrong.

    2. A visa only allows a 90 day stay. You can not get another 90 days by reporting your address or paying 1,900 baht (at most an extension would be a few days).

    3. You do not leave the country when you do a 90 day report. You only do a 90 day report on an extension of stay, which you did not have. With your visa you have to leave the country every 90 days.

    Since he didn't state what school or if his school ever arranged an extension of stay (the reporting gig) I have no idea ... but I guess he did get the 90 day check in thing set up and didn't get a re-entry stam ....

    then again I could just be reading it all wrong :o

  2. I really dont know if Thaksin did have an informal meeting with Bush or not. By the same token, none of us here know for sure he didn't. The substance of the debate here relies very heavily on the presumption that it would have been reported in the media if he had, verses the Thaksin "yes" answer to the question.

    I just happen to be one of those people who believe that all is not transparent and open to media scrutiny in international politics. Perhaps I am just cynical. I do concede though that if he did in fact have an informal meeting with Bush something most likely would have leaked out to the media somewhere. However I do not believe that lack of media coverage confirms beyond doubt that such "private" meeting did not actually take place. This is hardly an issue that would attract in depth investigative reporting in USA. The media is fed selected pre-pared snippets in such minor maters, if at all.

    Who knows what carrots Thaksin might have offered to get a private, "off the record "audience with Bush? Such things do actually happen in our imperfect world. Anyone who believes differently is living in Disneyland.

    I think a lot of people here let their personal dislike of Thaskin colour their assessment of his political skills when they type a reply here. But I think even his enemies have to admit he is a very skillfull operator and should not ever be underestimated.

    Thaksin is not a foolish bozo who needs to lie about his international connections to gain votes. He already has the overwhelming support of the vast majority of voters in Thailand. His sudden whirlwind round the world holiday tour quite obviously had agendas other than R&R.

    For the masses scanning Google for proof that such meeting did or didn't occur, and the content of the alleged private meeting, -- good luck.

    Thaksin said he wanted to meet with Bush and Blair before he left ... to not have been granted a meeting would be a public rebuff that he would not like to be known ....

    of course .. what could he offer as a reason to get 2 of the busiest men in the free world to meet with a disgraced former PM? not much

  3. geeeze ... just give me curries and soups made from coconut milk .... and meat-on-a-stick with some sticky rice ... I love it all

    but complaining about Thai food? ... meet some Thai folks that will take you along for a day ... eat what they eat ... you'd be amazed ...

    don't kid yourself that everyone eats fat fat food and huge portions all the time

    breakfast ... a rice porridge

    lunch ... noodles ...

    etc etc

    over-all very healthy in the quantities of rich food to rice

  4. OK ... I fail to see the issue here ....

    People see something ... they see the price ... they decide the price is not acceptable and make an offer .... the offer is rejected ... with no counter offer so they leave ...

    oh wait ... could the issue be they tried to buy something the OP wanted first? :o

    Really ... who is anyone to decide what is being too cheap when it is in an accept or reject the offer situation ...

    (Unlike tipping ... where it is easy to see who is too cheap)

  5. No, but the media covers all important events that are in the schedules.

    It's unlikely Blair or Bush would meet any foreign leader and the media didn't report a word on it.

    I heard that someone that looked like Thaksin was in Houston, Texas US last week.

    It is my understanding that he was play golf on one of the more elite Country Club Golf Courses in Houston.


    In Texas? ... "someone that looked like Thaksin"? ..... The way folks think in Texas that could have been a 12 y/o mongaloid ... to a 70 y/o Mongolian ...

    Texans see an Asian and if he isn't 7' tall (where they think Yao Ming) they'd have no clue :D

    Obviously you have never looked into the demographics of Texas.

    Over 300,000 Thais, Lao, and Vietnamese live in Texas.

    Aditionally, it is a prime location for prominent Thais to send their kids to school.

    Thaksin is not the only prominent Thai that went to college in Texas.


    I grew up in Texas .... still have business there ... and your average texan couldn't pick out a Thai from an Upper Mongolian ... or a Thai Chinese from an Indonesian ....

    your 300,000 mostly live in small coastal communities with a few ghettos in HOU and DFW ...

    as for what the locals in most of those communities call the asians .... well .....

    ((sorry that you are stuck in Texas BEM ... and it wasn't a dig at you .... but "someone that looked like Thaksin? :D )

  6. egads ... even after it is over Marsha is still whining on about Songkran?

    Things change hun .... strangely all over the country people in pick-ups throw water ... use squirtguns etc .... (including places that don't have farang cluttering things up ...)

    But really ... the Thai people should change things back to a time before plastic and the internal combustion engine so some old farts can stay dry!

  7. This is an easy one for me.

    They crashed the car.

    Got rid of the car.

    Dreamed up some story about a monkey.

    Tried to make it look like the car got stolen by no fault of theirs.

    Insurance covers the car.

    And they don't pay for the damges,from the crash due to his terrible driving.

    End of story.

    Just a thought, I don't wear glasses.

    But how many people go on vacation with two pairs of glasses?

    actually I always take 3 pair of glasses when I go on vacation .... 2 regular and one polarized sunglasses

  8. No, but the media covers all important events that are in the schedules.

    It's unlikely Blair or Bush would meet any foreign leader and the media didn't report a word on it.

    I heard that someone that looked like Thaksin was in Houston, Texas US last week.

    It is my understanding that he was play golf on one of the more elite Country Club Golf Courses in Houston.


    In Texas? ... "someone that looked like Thaksin"? ..... The way folks think in Texas that could have been a 12 y/o mongaloid ... to a 70 y/o Mongolian ...

    Texans see an Asian and if he isn't 7' tall (where they think Yao Ming) they'd have no clue :D

  9. Anonymous clinic at the Red Cross .... will do a rapid HIV etc ... I am 85% sure they do Herpes tests as well ... I know they do the rest ....

    Not free ... but cheap cheap!

    And Herpes is VERY common

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