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Posts posted by rott

  1. All ManUre supporters in the south of England (or anywhere in the world for that matter) are just shameless glory hunters and are deemed illegitimate. Same same Celtic.

    Hope this clarifies things.

    Not entirely no.

    Are you saying that people who come from an area where there is no football pedigree should not be allowed to support a team? Or are you saying that they can but they must choose a club which is crap?

    Also, if the shameless glory hunter supporter you speak of, continues to support a team when that team no longer continues to be successful, does that change their status or are they still illegitimate? In Thailand many Thais, especially middle-aged guys, support Liverpool, because when they were young this was the team that was most successful. Relatively speaking, Liverpool hasn't enjoyed that degree of success for 20 odd years, but all that support in Thailand didn't suddenly switch to Manchester United.

    So although you might be right in your assessment that what attracted these supporters originally was glory, or to put it a better way, attractive and entertaining football, the fact that these people continue supporting the team shows that their support isn't empty and shallow, but based on a real attachment and genuine passion for the club.

    Congratulations, you've just won the "Rixalex award for missing the humour".

    Oh! I see! Maybe you should indicate when you are being funny because it's not obvious! :o

    Oy!! Watch it lad, what exactly are you trying to say?

    But then again being a Manc. perhaps subtlety is not something you recognise!

  2. Does the reason why you support a club make you any more or less a supporter?

    Are all the Manchester United supporters in the south of England (or for that matter anywhere else in the world), just shameless glory hunters, or should we all be able to choose the club we support regardless of where we come from, without being deemed as somehow less legitimate or worthy?

    All ManUre supporters in the south of England (or anywhere in the world for that matter) are just shameless glory hunters and are deemed illegitimate. Same same Celtic.

    Hope this clarifies things.

    :o Which team do you support?

    Kind of you to ask Mr. T., - Everton and Glasgow Rangers.

    I felt Everton were flattered a bit by 5th place last time, though arguably a full season's league table shouldn't lie (much!). This season looks to be a long hard slog, but a few other clubs having worse problems than us should keep the unthinkable at bay.

    Oh, for the away match pubs of my youth, - "16 brown mixed over here quick lad."

    As for Rangers, well they are true magicians - they can turn gold into <deleted>, fancy losing 1-0 to St. Mirren and giving up a 3 point lead to the unwashed. But Rangers will always have the best songs!

  3. I got a really quick reply from BOSI:

    'I have spoken to my Colleague about this and he has confirmed to me that if your account/s with HBOS in the UK are held Onshore then these deposits would be covered by the UK Government up to ฃ50,000.

    Your deposits held Offshore on the Isle of Man would also be covered up to ฃ50,000 by the Isle of Man Government. Therefore providing you with more cover in this volatile time.

    I hope this helps you and answers your questions.

    Many thanks and if there is anything else I can help you with please let me know.'

    So its looking better for sure. Jersey has not changed its stance.

    The Isle of Man deposit protection scheme covers UK banks, NOT building societies. Nationwide is a building society

    Sorry CM, they specifically state "Banks and Building Societies", and then list them - including The Nationwide.

    Different subject, does anyone know if philstone is under the influence of dink or drugs when he posts, or if he is not a native English speaker?

  4. I found my self broke, alone, and in deep trouble in a foreign country in the early 70's. South Africa (Joburg) at that time wasn't a good place for a naive kid who had thought he was invincible. I was immature and ignorant of the pitfalls and problems of travel/living in a place like that. I had planned to work there but jobs weren't available. I won't go into details of my time there.

    I'm not a brainless person (can produce documents to prove that :o ), but I had placed myself in a position of great personal danger because of my immaturity and bravado. The boy I was, eventually returned home a much wiser and more careful man. (except in dealings with my 3 ex's, but that's a different story :D )

    My rambling point is: People come in all shapes and personalities. It's not necessarily a cranial shortfall that results in circumstances overwhealming an individual in a foreign land. And it's not great self advertising to smuggly condemn people who take a chance and fail, instead of always playing it safe. I am now one of those people who plan and play it safe, but still encourage others who want to shoot for the moon. Usually the brave become the really rich on this planet rather than the careful accumulators. The experience of travel, and learning different cultures, is enrichment by itself.

    I still have nightmares about my time in SA, but appreciate the experiences I had there.

    However, having said that, I don't have an enormous amount of sympathy for old buggers who go to Thailand with little money nor income, planning only to drink and whore themselves to death. :D

    Hello, Old Croc, having lived In Jo'burg myself between 74 and 77 I found your post very interesting.

    Firstly I agree that being broke and far from home is a very chastening experience, although one I've only had limited exposure to. BUT "I had planned to work but jobs weren't available.", how on earth did you get in that position? Can only have been through a total lack of planning, research and foresight.

    Anywhere in Africa westerners can only really get work if they have a trade, profession or locally needed skill, there are too many local people available for the relatively unskilled and low paid jobs that possibly you thought you would get. (I realise I'm telling you something you found out the hard way.) But how could you not have known that before you went?

    Having said that, immigrant drinking places such as Michaels Tavern and the Summit Club were full of chancers somehow scraping a living, I don't know what age you were, or whether you were an immigrant or tourist (gap years weren't really happening then), so you might not have been aware of such places - then again they might have been the root of your "deep trouble"!

    Hate to turn your words against you but "cranial shortfall" does apply to people of whatever age who go to foreign climes with "little money, nor income". And older guys coming to Thailand to drink and whore themselves to death, well why the hel_l not.

    But you obviously had a very bad experience (feel free to tell us more), and I am very happy for you that you came through it, and got on with life - very successfully by the sound of it.

  5. All ManUre supporters in the south of England (or anywhere in the world for that matter) are just shameless glory hunters and are deemed illegitimate. Same same Celtic.

    Hope this clarifies things.

    Not entirely no.

    Are you saying that people who come from an area where there is no football pedigree should not be allowed to support a team? Or are you saying that they can but they must choose a club which is crap?

    Also, if the shameless glory hunter supporter you speak of, continues to support a team when that team no longer continues to be successful, does that change their status or are they still illegitimate? In Thailand many Thais, especially middle-aged guys, support Liverpool, because when they were young this was the team that was most successful. Relatively speaking, Liverpool hasn't enjoyed that degree of success for 20 odd years, but all that support in Thailand didn't suddenly switch to Manchester United.

    So although you might be right in your assessment that what attracted these supporters originally was glory, or to put it a better way, attractive and entertaining football, the fact that these people continue supporting the team shows that their support isn't empty and shallow, but based on a real attachment and genuine passion for the club.

    Congratulations, you've just won the "Rixalex award for missing the humour".

  6. Does the reason why you support a club make you any more or less a supporter?

    Are all the Manchester United supporters in the south of England (or for that matter anywhere else in the world), just shameless glory hunters, or should we all be able to choose the club we support regardless of where we come from, without being deemed as somehow less legitimate or worthy?

    All ManUre supporters in the south of England (or anywhere in the world for that matter) are just shameless glory hunters and are deemed illegitimate. Same same Celtic.

    Hope this clarifies things.

  7. Looking forward to it guys. Have noticed a reluctance from supporters of the "other" Scottish team to make themselves known!!!

    Good! The b*st*rds seem to be everywhere, we might get a bit of peace on here.

    Despite being from Anfield I am an Evertonian, and despite that I am a Glasgow Rangers supporter. (All Scots fellers can now do a double take - see it ain't the same!)

    But am getting old and mellow and can even tolerate kopites and their team nowadays, well as long as they don't actually win anything important that is .

  8. Thailand meets my expectations and I am not crying about the country nor trying to change it :o I have addressed every issue brought up by our newest one-trick-pony and finally the AC is on and i am not sweaty :D

    He's not trying to change the country, he wants it to be the way it's always been.

    He brought the holier-than-thou brigade out in all their glory, and distorted logic.

  9. Double standards here.

    Kill a cop and get a death sentence.

    A cop kills tourists, Kanchanaburi a few years back, and he gets a prison sentence.

    Rumours even say that he is walking free....... :o

    I see - Is it any different in the rest of the world? What happens if you shoot a cop in the USA? You are lucky if you even GET to court, as you will probably be hunted down and shot several times by all the fellow coppers...

    I understand the very high sentences and punishments for killing public servants, like the police. They risk their lives, to save yours. I know, killing another person is bad, no matter who it is (well, I CAN think of some scum we could be without...)....

    Since none of you on this website actually attended the Court proceedings then u have no fuc_king idea what evidence is there or not there so I suggest that unless you actually know what's going on then u have no comment. As for charlem's son, there was NO forensic evidence to convict him unlike this case where there was plenty of evidence, photos and eyewitnesses so unless u actually have been to court you don't know shit about why someone is convicted and one is not so shut up.

    Hmm..? Another know-all, nasty bastard, or an existing know-all nasty bastard with a new(bie) name?

  10. Partly right it takes two to tango, but then the banks and other financial institutes started lending 4-5-6-7-8+ times income, I had a friend selling mortgages some of the amounts borrowed on small incomes was incredible, I want to borrow £100000 and I earn £10000 a year.......... no problem!!

    Thankfully I owe nothing to anyone.

    How many letters have you had from banks offering you thousands? Even when I went into the bank they were asking me about personal loans and I was only there to pay in somethings etc.

    I know what you mean, about 2 months ago I got a leaflet from the Halifax offering loans of up to £25,000. Not a leaflet in with a Statement but a pure mailshot, well into the credit crunch, advertising loans with money they didn't have.

  11. as an alien from another planet and not familiar with some of the terrestric behaviour i dare to ask the question "how does one support a football club?"

    donations? prayers? beating up the wife, kicking the dog, beheading the neighbour who supports another club or demolishing cars and shop windows if/when the club loses a match? :o

    Kicking of dogs is totally unacceptable, and practiced only by "supporters" of ManUre and Celtic.

  12. A funny thing that happened to me was that I had left around 500 baht in my SCB account to withdraw in case of emergency. I never normally use it or check it. Then recently when I did actually need to use it, i.e. it was an emergency situation, there was almost nothing left! So I checked the account online and found that they were stealing 50 baht from the account every month... "stealing" sounds a bit harsh, but that's what it felt like. At a time when I needed that money most, it had all already been taken away from me.

    Anyway, normally I only ever use banks for withdrawing money (via ATMs) from my offshore account for normal spending. On my computer I used to always have around 10 web browser pages open of each of the banks' exchange rate pages and when I needed to withdraw, I'd do it from the bank that would give me the best rate. It used to always be SCB, so I was quite loyal to them, until they started charging 20 baht per withdrawal recently. So I'm now a bit smarter and use this site:


    I no longer need to have 10 pages open and just choose to withdraw from the ATM of the bank that is listed at the top of the page for the particular currency I need to exchange from.

    You keep 500 (FIVE HUNDRED) baht in the account for an emergency? For fcuks sake, won't even cover a trip to the Blue House.

  13. Hi Naam, u living in Pattaya too?

    i do.

    By the way, there are charges for Depositing and Withdrawing money from the Bank over the counter right?

    no charges!

    By withdrawing money twice a year will result in having lots of cash at home right?

    those withdrawals are small sums of money. our living expenses are paid by my wife's daily earnings. she does laundry and house cleaning for three neighbours. whatever she brings home in the evening is spent the same day for some sticky rice but mainly for cheap booze.

    Can I please have your wife's mobile number?

  14. From the business point of view, the upside and downside of considering hiring a native speaker to proof read an ad is easy to calculate. Risk of language error in ad with meaning of said ad still communicated (and which can be measured as inconsequential for ads that aren't targeted towards an *insignificant* minority) vs. no errors in ad + added cost of said ad, not to mention the richer cultural significance of keeping another "native speaker" from realizing some financial revenue (however minor). It's perhaps easier to compare the feelings involved to how much you care that the signs in Spanish and Vietnamese are grammatically correct at your local driver license office in the US for example.


    spell check is free and those signs are designed on computer. Thai friends of mine are graphic designers and make loads of mistakes, if they took 5 mins to spell check it would be beneficial as there's nothing worse than going to print and then seeing the error, looks unprofesional.

    I agree though that it's only important in business......

    There is the time cost as well as monetary. The main issue is that these errors are inconsequential.


    No the main issue is that it's so easy to do it properly, there are so many native English speakers about.(Spellchecker would help but doesn't understand context or logic). While people are too polite (or think it would be racist or offensive) to point mistakes out they will continue to happen and give the place a mickey mouse third world feeling, so perhaps not totally inconsequential.

  15. Boring... Why are english so careful about their language and the mistakes? Actually not everybody can fluently speak english.

    And sorry for my poor english!

    You made a good , ligitimate point , but without accepting a little guidance at times , how do you expect some things to change for the better ? Surely , just for their image , a spot of proof reading would be to their advantage and definately save them some 'FACE'

    Oh , please guys , let us not forget that the government is rather inept in this area also .


  16. A Thai friend offered to bring some dinner over to my apartment the other day. They asked me what I wanted and I told them, "fish and chips." Imagine my surprise when they turned up with a nuclear reactor! They thought I had said fission chips!

    I hope you saw the funny side of it, and didn't <deleted> them for being ignorant foreigners, I mean you were probably starving as well.

  17. I think for news on an english language website it's very important to get grammer and spelling correct. It's irrelavent that this is not an english speaking nation, the publication is supposed to be english language. They need a proof reader.


    Lose 2 House Points.

    SAME SAME YOU!!........It's f---ing grammAr.

    Now I'll have some nob on saying I'm petty and pedantic.

  18. Quiksilva, post 19, ''They should of known''.

    I see this on tv many times but never expected it from you, a prominent local businessman, my illusions are shattered. I need the beer that you saved earlier in the thread.

    I didn't save that beer for an English teacher, I saved it for someone who added value to the discussion.

    Calm down Quiky, no offence meant. English teacher? I dream about being an English teacher, but one O-level from the sixties just does not cut it. However, I am flattered by the comment.

    Not sure about added value, but ref. The Regent I am wondering if Lehman Brothers could be the American investment bank that is forecast to have major problems in the next few months.

    "Major problems", I couldn't bring myself to use words like bust/crash/insolvent, it would have just seemed too fantastic.

  19. Garro I am encouraged by your more moderate tone, but what it is I protest too much about puzzles me.

    Anyway I think I've sussed why you call me arrogant, is it because I QUOTED the following:-

    "Any doctrine not proven from Holy Scripture is not a true Christian doctrine."

    Yes repeat I QUOTED:-

    A) The Church of England (The 39 Articles of Religion)

    :o The Presbyterians (The Westminster Confession of Faith)

    also The Baptists, Methodists, Congregationalists, Lutherans, Church of Scotland. Church of Ireland, and every Protestant church group in the world. This is in fact the basic principle of the Protestant Reformation. (the RC Church says that Christianity is half The Bible and half the 'traditions' of the church. This was anathema to Luther, Knox, Calvin and all the reformers.)

    Many of the 'traditions' were practices of those 'converted' to Christianity, frequently at the point of a sword or as part of a political deal. For example RC style Saints began life as heathen gods, but it was easier to allow the converted to bring their baggage with them and adapt to them.

    Do you understand me now, I was not being sneering or insulting, just stating a fact that anybody with any knowledge of the subject is aware of.

  20. In no way was my post intended to be "pedantic" or "picky". I was being quite serious.

    Mathematics, Physics or English teacher, there is no excuse for poor English from a person who teaches subjects in English...especially if the teacher is a "native speaker".

    Also, knowing a little about Thailand & its ways, it could be quite likely that the Thai employers of the aforementioned person, looked for another reason to dismiss the individual rather than walking into the minefield of "We think that your English is not up to scratch".

    As for my posts, I do make mistakes but they are mostly "typos" & very minimal at that.

    What's wrong with being pedantic? What exactly are you trying to say? Cheeky git.

  21. C'mon, guys, he may teach math or something less pedantic than advanced grammar. He did not set himself up as a perfect poster. I could pick apart a few of the minor points of el kan's corrections, too. We are not reviewing his demo lesson.

    Maybe ThaiVisa should have a new forum for "Preaching in Thailand, picking apart picayune pieces of poo-poo, pedantically, with illiterate alliteration."

    Yes!!! Right on!! Great idea! I am sick of these bastards who can not spell, though I realise that does not mean they are not good people. Er, very good in some cases.

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