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Posts posted by rott

  1. Scyriacus, sorry to hear you are still having your replies deleted, perhaps it's because they're as barmy as your first one. Just to restate my position; my sympathies are with those who are murdered - and their families. You seem to sympathise with their (muslim) murderers, who in the name of ''freedom'' feel 'free' to murder the softest of soft targets, i.e. 60 year old school janitors going to work on the bus, or 50 year old school security guards on a tea break, or Buddhist women riding on motor-bikes.

    And I still do not understand how I made myself conspicuous. Or perhaps you feel that the 'freedom' you claim to value so much should not be extended to a law-abiding Englishman making a train journey.

  2. I was on the train from Hat Yai to Sungai Kolok a short while ago, and being the only farang and seemingly the only non-muslim in the carriage i did feel a bit conspicuous. Got no time for these people who think their opinions are so special someone else can die to help prove their point. Evil bastards, may they rot in hel_l.

    sorry, rott, but you render yourself conspicuous (like an american)

    i was on the train from hatyai to sungai kolok too for an incredible 42 baht and everything was peaceful. what did bother me were the many soldiers with their guns and barbed wires along the route. please don't forget, that this is an occupied country (not free like the rest of thailand)

    How exactly did I render myself conspicuous? I made a train journey which I've made many times in the past but this time it just didn't seem right (i've been doing it on and off for 10 years). Yes it was cheap and peaceful, and for what it's worth I am British/English and f---ing proud of it.

    I would be interested to see what PB deleted. What offended you about criticism of cold blooded, cowardly, murder? I repeat my statement, I have no time for people whose opinions are so special that they feel free to put somebody else to death (anybody will do) to make their point.

  3. Yes you are right the potato in Ireland in the 19th century was very much the staple diet of the Irish and they mostly relied on it as their main source of food.

    When it was no longer available due to a blight (a fungal type I believe) which was thought to have been transported in the hold of ships coming from America then many Irish people perished.

    Thank you for that snippet of information. In the past I have heard Irish folks tell me that the blight was deliberately introduced by the perfidious English.

    Next time the Irish folks tell you that, inform them that the famine is now over and they are O.K. to go home.

  4. You have to smile with these cult people.

    I once had some bozo try to tell me that by repeating certain phrases and by making a few signs and gestures, he could turn a communion wafer into ''literally, truly and substantially the body of Christ.''

    You couldn't make it up! Well, obviously he did.

    Taking the advice of several tvers, I asked him for a loan of $50 but all he did was plead poverty.

  5. Numerous container ships can carry passengers both from West Coast USA and Europe to China, Singapore and Malaysia but not to Thailand. Not cheap, upwards of US$130 per day. In USA cotact Freighterworld.com, UK try The Cruise People Ltd, and possibly ''The Internet Guide to Freighter Travel''.

  6. Thanks for the clarification gents, it has been pretty variable all my life and on the last occasion I mentioned it to a doctor he said ''if it's always been like that don't worry about it''.

    But recently I feel it is getting worse-possibly my imagination- although I have had the all-clear on a stool sample test.

    Gross subject, thank you for the response.

  7. Mobi,

    You had the pseudomembranous colitis a few weeks ago. With underlying diabetes, it may just be fungal overgrowth as we suggested in a post on that thread. C. dificile is not easily found in tests but have it repeated.

    More antibiotics without a specific diagnosis will only aggravate the situation.

    By all means have a colonoscopy done; it is a good test to have if you are over 50 anyway but I don't know of any colon cancer that presented with diarrhoea; the colonoscopy should exclude that and may also offer an opportunity to take samples from the intestine for checking.

    Can you clarify ''I don't know of any colon cancer that presented with diarrhoea'', is it not a symptom?

  8. Only a Urologist can really advise you. I spoke to the guy at BNH in Convent Road and he did say that brachytherapy is a very expensive option (although he did not quote figures) and I got the impression that in Thailand the overwhelming majority of treatments are the straightforward surgical removal of the prostate.

    But just e-mail a few thai hospitals the details and ask for a quote, that seems to be the way they work.

    I would say speak to several urologists before deciding, both BNH and Bumrungrad seem very competent. And the very best of luck.

  9. I was on the train from Hat Yai to Sungai Kolok a short while ago, and being the only farang and seemingly the only non-muslim in the carriage i did feel a bit conspicuous. Got no time for these people who think their opinions are so special someone else can die to help prove their point. Evil bastards, may they rot in hel_l.

  10. If the law says 12 then 12 it is. Most of the bar owners on the dark side are paying smaller rent they should move to the sexy side and pay the rent for an entertainment zone. I have noticed most of the bar owners on the dark side are Farangs and some work in their bars probably without work permits, so they are lucky to only be closed not shown the door. This is Thai country we should respect their laws and culture if you don't like it bye bye.

    this seems to be a popular opinion... :o

    It is not mine. I was holding it up to ridicule but my subtle, wry, irreverent, witticism was classed as a ''flame'' and deleted. As others have mentioned, licensing laws are so vague and subject to such arbitrary enforcement that I found the last sentence rather ludicrous and out of context.

  11. If the law says 12 then 12 it is. Most of the bar owners on the dark side are paying smaller rent they should move to the sexy side and pay the rent for an entertainment zone. I have noticed most of the bar owners on the dark side are Farangs and some work in their bars probably without work permits, so they are lucky to only be closed not shown the door. This is Thai country we should respect their laws and culture if you don't like it bye bye.

  12. Pattaya has similarities with Liverpool in the sense they are both coastal city's and both magnates for criticism by the media. However Liverpool must be categorised as Pattaya's alter ego. Liverpool is cold, miserable, windy, rainy, aggressive and expensive. The bars in Liverpool are full of moody, poorly educated druggy scallies. The locals hate the royal family. Shops and banks close at 5:30pm during the week (and all day on Sundays), which makes the place feel like a ghost town. After dark the streets and parks are empty apart from teenage gangs searching for entertainment in the form vandalism and victimisation, in full knowledge that the police and the courts are there to protect them should any unruly citizen dare to front them. And finally, unlike Chonburi FC, Liverpool have the most famous football club in the world.

    Been livin in Pattaya for a year now..........best year of my life.

    It's only the local left-footers that hate the Royal family.

  13. Sorry to be thick but I'm mising the point with the ''na'' thing, can someone take pity and explain.

    I probably hate them too.

    Are they Celtic supporters?

    I wouldn't say that I hate them, but I do find people who dislike other people because of their sports team to be mind-crushingly dull. I also find bigots to be spirit-crushing people so when this is combined with their choice of football team, for me, it is time to walk away. Luckily I don't have to deal with these people much in Thailand. Hopefuly the continued increases in aviation fuel will discourage this type of punter from travelling so far.

    garro, had a feeling you would rise to that one. Agreed, let's ban all bigots from Thailand.

  14. I am about to go eat lunch with a fellow moderator. We could discuss the obnoxiousness of brutish expatriates to one another. We could discuss Brutus' obnoxious behavior to Caesar and what he et. More likely we will discuss what we et, what Roy et, or Roi-Et.

    No casualties here. Other than a few posts deleted when members insulted each other, and a personal photo that violated privacy laws. Gandhi non-violently liberated three nations by being confrontational to the brutish colonials.

    ''Brutish'' colonials PB?? A bit stereotypical surely?? I think Gandhi's point was being anti-colonial (rightly or wrongly) rather than the ''brutishness'', (real or imaginary).

  15. this thread is turning into a medieval witchunt , what was initally a light hearted wind up about an obnoxious customer in a coffee shop has become a childish feeding frenzy , with posters sinking to the same level as the protagonist , and despite protestations to the contrary , an angry confrontation and showdown will be the only conclusion.

    thais will shake their heads in disbelief watching the equivalent of a bunch of bald men arguing over the possession of a comb.

    grow up.

    Sorry taxexile, have to disagree, it's only a bit of a laugh and hardly anyone turns up anyway (despite all the noise to the contrary.)

    And he does sound like a bit of a <deleted>.

  16. I hate it when they think they can take my stool or sit near me when they're clearly aware that it is my stool, and my space,

    I try to stare them down to indicate my displeasure but some just don't get it,

    Lately it's gotten really bad, this one guy is actually waiting evryday now to take my stool and my personal buffer space, :D:o

    Nice one.!! Best laugh of the day.

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