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Posts posted by rott

  1. C'mon, guys, he may teach math or something less pedantic than advanced grammar. He did not set himself up as a perfect poster. I could pick apart a few of the minor points of el kan's corrections, too. We are not reviewing his demo lesson.

    Maybe ThaiVisa should have a new forum for "Preaching in Thailand, picking apart picayune pieces of poo-poo, pedantically, with illiterate alliteration."

    Yes!!! Right on!! Great idea! I am sick of these bastards who can't spell, although it does not mean they are not good people. Er, very good in some cases.

  2. Sheesh Garro you are one straightfaced, humourless git. At the minute I am too tired to put a proper reply together, but lighten up for fcuks sake, "3B" and the spelling bit were legpulls with you being a schoolteacher and all. (3B being an imaginary class).

    This is a thread on religion and I posted a brief exposition of Protestant theology, from which you alternately ignore and distort what I say and become abusive and offensive. Obviously you are incapable of an intelligent and rational debate. Note that I am not sinking to your level.

    More later.

  3. Protestant, i.e. The Primacy of Scripture.

    Any doctrine not proven from Holy Scripture is not a true Christian doctrine.

    Doctrines not warranted by Scripture include, a sacerdotal priesthood (celibate or otherwise) including the office of the papacy, transubstantiation, the immaculate conception, the mother of God(?), the mother of the mother of God (St. Anne apparently), indulgences, holy water, rosary beads, votive offerings (lighting candles that is), enough for now.

    Well you asked about religion.

    This is the real problem I have with certain religions. The insistence that their particular brand of interpretation of a book is the correct one and that others are misguided. This is what leads to ignorant bigotry. If you believe in the Bible then you take on faith some fantastic claims which may sound quite absurd to many people. To then go and poo-poo others for making similar fantastic claims from the same book, but yet try to ridicule them is the sign of a very limited mind. Good luck to you.

    Well hello again Garro, wondered how long it would take you to bite. Thank you for your good wishes, with my limited mind I obviously need all the good luck I can get.

    However you do miss the point, I am ridiculing their claims not because they are a different interpretation of "the book", but because they are totally without foundation in the book. To revert to my habit of over-simplification, the above (and many others) are man-made inventions actually contradicted by the bible.

    In case this has you puzzling, the "immaculate conception" does not refer to the virgin birth but to the unscriptural teaching that Mary was born free of sin. (The Bible states "all have sinned", and generally only mentions Mary in passing.)

    Your criticism of me i.e. interpretations etc. would seem to sit very snugly with the R.C. church, would you apply your comments and withering tone to them? According to them they are the "one true church", and they and only they are competent to read and interpret the bible.

    Good luck to you also, and I hope 3B or whoever behave themselves this afternoon.

    Thank you Rott, I would apply the same criticism and withering tone to any group who claimed to have a monopoly on truth. I would find it difficult to differentiate to between RC or other Christian groups as their main claims seem fairly similar. Of course, if you are a member of one particular group the differences might seem huge. I think though that it is silly when one Christian group calls another group as not proper Christians because they don't get the same interpretation from a book - even more so if that group identifys themselves as Christian.

    I am an outsider looking in and at the end of the day Christianity doesn't really make much sense to me, but I do respect those who follow this religion. I have less respect for those who strive to sow discord through pedanticism.

    For me the purpose of religion is to make people better humans. If a religion seperates them from their fellow man or fills them full of hate and anger then it would seem obvious to me that either their understanding of their religion is flawed or that their religion is a negative influence in the world. Of course, many will disagree with me and feel that I should burn in hel_l for saying such a thing.

    Hmm. where to start. Well if you don't know the difference between the RC and other churches why are you posting anyway, and you seem determined to ignore my basic point about the role of Scripture in Christianity.

    "Monopoly on truth", I thought all groups (and many individuals) claimed that.

    "Hate and anger", not from me chief, do you have a mirror handy?

    You attempt to take the moral high ground with the phrase "ignorant bigotry", then admit to a major level of ignorance yourself, and display bigotry by being personally offensive to me because I don't share

    your views.

    "Negative influence"? dead right, but so has the internal combustion engine.

    The thread asked about religion, I stated my beliefs, I have a strong academic objection to Roman Catholic doctrine, that's it.

    But you may be right about me being pedantic, please ask 3B to tell you how to spell sepArate.

  4. Protestant, i.e. The Primacy of Scripture.

    Any doctrine not proven from Holy Scripture is not a true Christian doctrine.

    Doctrines not warranted by Scripture include, a sacerdotal priesthood (celibate or otherwise) including the office of the papacy, transubstantiation, the immaculate conception, the mother of God(?), the mother of the mother of God (St. Anne apparently), indulgences, holy water, rosary beads, votive offerings (lighting candles that is), enough for now.

    Well you asked about religion.

    This is the real problem I have with certain religions. The insistence that their particular brand of interpretation of a book is the correct one and that others are misguided. This is what leads to ignorant bigotry. If you believe in the Bible then you take on faith some fantastic claims which may sound quite absurd to many people. To then go and poo-poo others for making similar fantastic claims from the same book, but yet try to ridicule them is the sign of a very limited mind. Good luck to you.

    Well hello again Garro, wondered how long it would take you to bite. Thank you for your good wishes, with my limited mind I obviously need all the good luck I can get.

    However you do miss the point, I am ridiculing their claims not because they are a different interpretation of "the book", but because they are totally without foundation in the book. To revert to my habit of over-simplification, the above (and many others) are man-made inventions actually contradicted by the bible.

    In case this has you puzzling, the "immaculate conception" does not refer to the virgin birth but to the unscriptural teaching that Mary was born free of sin. (The Bible states "all have sinned", and generally only mentions Mary in passing.)

    Your criticism of me i.e. interpretations etc. would seem to sit very snugly with the R.C. church, would you apply your comments and withering tone to them? According to them they are the "one true church", and they and only they are competent to read and interpret the bible.

    Good luck to you also, and I hope 3B or whoever behave themselves this afternoon.

  5. That is one of religions biggest lies - 'You are inherently bad, therefore you must be saved'.

    What utter drivel.

    Just a lighthearted thought. Power corrupts. Absolute power? Maybe we should start wondering how corrupt these gods are. Would explain a lot. :o

    Don't know about inherently bad, but definitely inherently imperfect.

    I presume you are referring to a biblical quotation, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

    An interesting lighthearted quote, "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely".

    Frequently quoted, and largely forgotten that the writer was the English R.C. peer Lord Acton. Even more forgotten is that the target was the pope!

  6. Protestant, i.e. The Primacy of Scripture.

    Any doctrine not proven from Holy Scripture is not a true Christian doctrine.

    Doctrines not warranted by Scripture include, a sacerdotal priesthood (celibate or otherwise) including the office of the papacy, transubstantiation, the immaculate conception, the mother of God(?), the mother of the mother of God (St. Anne apparently), indulgences, holy water, rosary beads, votive offerings (lighting candles that is), enough for now.

    Well you asked about religion.

  7. Garro, just to clarify a few points:-

    1)'Simplistic'?, perhaps simplified would be more to the point as I was replying to somebody who has no real understanding of a very complex situation. The last time I was in the USA the mainstream press was treating press releases from PIRA/Sinn Fein as objective political comment, rather than bigoted sectarian <deleted>, so I understand his lack of knowledge.

    2)Gerrymandering? If Donegal was part of N.I. I think the word would be justified, otherwise simplistic comes to mind.

    3)I thought previously Eire didn't have enough money for Ulster, now they have too much.

    Obviously we could go on forever, it's strange that something I thought started as a genuinely humorous and obvious parody/spoof, engendered such nasty responses and turned into a brief debate on Ireland. Garro I will never agree with your sentiments but do recognise an intelligent (and non-abusive) response.

  8. (1) We have never had a war or conflict WITH Northern Ireland, a minority are not happy, the overwhelming majority wish to remain part of the United Kingdom.

    (2)The difference between the 2 sides is identity/nationality, - are you British or Irish. They are essentially different religions, but the violence is/was not over the 'real presence' in the mass or the efficacy of indulgences.

    (3)I enjoy talking so much?? I think you have the greater word count.

    (4) Rhyming slang. If you wanted to join in the spirit of the thing you could have tried Richard the Thirds.

    I think I know more about the history of Northern Ireland than you ever will.

    Also it's not pronounced EYE-rack it's irack.

    pip pip

  9. You to get up to date with slang JimJim!!!! Septics are what we call you now. Septic Tank = Yank.

    ...and what's in a setpic tank is what we call you Brits = turds :o

    Well that was a deep, thoughtful, incisive and ironic riposte, brimming with humour.

    Have you never heard of the concept of rhyming slang? But then it was you who thought we were at war with Northern Ireland.

  10. Brilliant. A cracking post sgunn65, sadly some septics are a bit thin skinned and lack a sense of humour.

    Forgot to ask, what's with all this pro-South African stuff? Lived with the gits for 10 years, the above applies.

  11. Quiksilva, post 19, ''They should of known''.

    I see this on tv many times but never expected it from you, a prominent local businessman, my illusions are shattered. I need the beer that you saved earlier in the thread.

    I didn't save that beer for an English teacher, I saved it for someone who added value to the discussion.

    Calm down Quiky, no offence meant. English teacher? I dream about being an English teacher, but one O-level from the sixties just does not cut it. However, I am flattered by the comment.

    Not sure about added value, but ref. The Regent I am wondering if Lehman Brothers could be the American investment bank that is forecast to have major problems in the next few months.

    Other than that I read this thread because I am fascinated by the property market in Bangkok and Pattaya. Will BingoBongo ever be proved right, or will the diversity and unique nature of the local situation ride out the storm?

  12. Great yet another cheap Charlie added to the tourism repetoire.

    Saving money on accomodation, to be able to squeeze the services of an additional Isaan "girl-of-the-night" into the budget.

    Higher quality tourists, please.


    Reading this sort of post I normally think, 'another holier-than-thou who has never been with a bargirl' but with this OP I think any response goes.

  13. I agree with PhilHarries, so many bars and so few worth bothering with. And again why come to Pattaya and Bangkok to drink in overpriced 'faux' Irish or British bars, but sadly this type of place sems to succeed.

    Try the afternoon session at the Nervous Wreck in Soi Yamato, with the most gentlemanly bar-owner in town! He is only an occasional piss artist, and a friendly one at that.

  14. Tarakandi that is one of the strangest (and worst) posts I have ever seen, you sound almost as though you are a lobbyist for the Thai tourist industry.

    Can you explain how a country where justice (according to you), is not to be expected, can be described as not a bad country.

    My sympathy and support to the family. I love Thailand but corruption at this level, and so blatant, is the cancer of the country.

    Let us hope that in the end justice prevails.

  15. (Garro)

    The point is that the Daily Mail is not known for the reliability of their reporting and already holes are appearing in this story (e.g the suggestion that she was Cambodian). I personally don't just believe something just because it appears in a newspaper, and I try to see through the bias that is present in all newspapers. At the end of the day these people are just about selling newspapers and sensationalism sells. Of course, some people prefer to be just 'fed' the news.


    Come on Garro, name your favourite paper that IS known for reliable reporting and lack of bias.

    Wouldn't be An Phoblacht would it? And if you are a teacher why don't you teach some of these gits on here how to spell?

  16. i agree with you when it comes to middle america, which is a wasteland of ignorant sheeple...

    seen from the perspective of an arrogant citizen of the Greatest Nation on Earth™ who's spanish is limited most probably to "how many paysados is this? no, no! esto mucho expensivo. make barato! :o

    By "middle america", she was referring to the middle of the US not to Central America.

    Come on Naam say you made a mistake (happens to everyone you know). Most of your posts are spot on, don't make yourself look bad.

  17. Scum is the shit that rises to the top. The residue that corruption leaves in it's wake. Forget your moral wars on drug traffickers. Fight the war on poverty. And you'll be halfway to empowering those that are victimized by corrupt states, nations and global corporations.

    the grammar and syntax displayed on this forum is hilarious!

    Well you must be a person from an english speaking country where they have no idea what so ever about a whole lot of other languages out there.

    A lot of members here use english as their second language or even third or more. So yes , they will make more mistakes.

    But we seem to get along fine, no need to point this out. If you are looking for a grammatical correct forum, i am sure there are some out there, if not, i suggest you think before you speak, because that is not your strong point, and it is very clear after just 5 posts.

    But he does have a point, the grammar and spelling (not sure about the syntax) can be a bit of a joke, though I do tend to yawn when people start on about 'empowerment' etc.

    I'm pleased to hear you get on well with people, though after your nasty sideswipe about english speakers it does come as a bit of a surprise. Incidentally I think the word that you're looking for is 'grammatically', otherwiseyou did quite well, but in future you may want to capitalise the i.

    Other than that I agree with the majority view that cracking down on drug dealers is a 'good thing', but police corruption is possibly a larger problem.

  18. I know Thailand does not want to lose land, as it has to other neighbouring countries, but what use is it trying to retain these three provinces. Does this area have rich minerals or potential oil wells? If not I think it would be better to move all the budhists further north, and rehouse them. Then I would give these three provinces back to the muslims. This area can either revert back to Malaysia or they can become totally independant. By that I mean that Thailand should not give them anything, just leave the present infrastructure for them, then see how they go on their own.


    A very simplistic answer, and a great reward for cowardly murderers. Have you read the reports of their typical 'operations', my sympathy to the buddhists trying to live peacefully in the place of their birth.

    F/oz, would you have been as keen to give Ulster to the IRA? - Or do I already know the answer to that one?

  19. Tornado was banned long ago and noone seems to know where he has gone. :o

    Perhaps he's studying English. Another one who genuinely thinks 'would of' is 'would have'.

    Don't mean to be cranky or have a go at Tornado, but it's getting to be almost more common to see it wrong than right.

  20. Guy living next door until recently, was in the Real estate busines. He was forever trying to get me into a high end developement they were pushing. We were in a really nice place at that time too. Anyway, gf found out from his gf that they were also renting. Soon as I asked him why he rented rather than buying, he told me that it was quite unusual for people in his line of business to buy, as they were "transient" Got to admire the guy for his ability to lie through his teeth without blushing, but his gf had already spilled the beans that he had told her it was daft for farangs to buy unless well settled in and married. Anyway, he was a nice guy and I hope he is doing well

    What an utter bullshit post or your perhaps extremely naive so will give you benefit of the doubt. Fact, thousands of real estate agents in Thailand. Fact 97% don't have a spare 10,000bht for a rainy day, that's why (apart from the super successful 3%)they rent

    and why would my post be bulls**t? Are you implying that I lied? Or are you also in Real Estate? I wonder why such a topic would generate your level of anger and bad language.?

    I was wondering that myself.

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