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Posts posted by rott

  1. Speak English or you can't play soccer

    Date: 08 May 2008, Sheffield Star

    By Mark Hookham

    FUTURE football stars could be barred from donning a South Yorkshire club strip if they can't speak good enough English.

    A new government ruling means all skilled migrant workers from non-EU countries will be expected to get by in English before they are granted permission to work.

    Potential soccer signings from South America, Africa or the Far East will have to pasADVERTISEMENTs a language test, with everyday phrases and simple conversation.

    That could spell trouble for football clubs like Barnsley FC, now South Yorkshire's most cosmopolitan squad.

    The Reds have four non-EU players from Brazil, Nigeria and Peru: Anderson de Silva, Dennis Souza, Kayode Odejayi and Miguel Mostto. They might have been barred if the new rules had applied.

    Club spokesman Rob Knowles said: "When Miguel came to us he couldn't speak a word of English, but after six months he can get by,

    "Players in the past have always been granted permits on purely footballing reasons. Miguel, for example, is a full international.

    "If players have to pass language tests it could cause clubs problems. Dennis Souza is helpful to us as he speaks four languages, including English. We're not always sure he's translating exactly what is being said, but he does a good job!"

    A Home Office document says all skilled migrant workers from non-EU countries will be expected to 'understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases, to introduce themselves and others, and ask and answer questions about basic personal details.'

    The test, part of an Aussie-style points system, should cut the number of immigrants by about 20,000 a year.

    Ministers will exempt athletes in one-off events, like the London Marathon and Wimbledon, or performers at festivals like Glastonbury.


    While i realise this refers to my local area, the implications not only for players but coaches ect. can be about to unleash many problems, especially in the Premier league, next season and onwards.


    It is called football because basically you kick the ball with you foot. When and where did this strange word ''soccer'' first originate?

  2. its on your left hand side as you walk up soi 4, walk past the dynnasty hotel, walk past chequers bar keep walking and you will see a large signboard with a pair of sunglasses on it.

    if you have gone past the bus stop bar, you have gone too far.


    Actually Will it`s about a minute after the Bus Stop bar ( can`t have you ManU types getting duff info.)

  3. Heading to Bangkok in the Summer and spending a few nights in Bangkok. Was there last Summer and had a couple of visits to the Q bar, it was good. Does anyone know of any other "Top" rated bars in Bangkok like Q bar?

    Try Jool's bar on Soi Nana. Its full of edgy expats from the warzones and blasted lands with tales to tell! :o

    Its a proper boozers bar so make sure you're up for some serious drinking :D

    I was gonna mention Jool's and you are right in most of what you say.

    You could have said though, 'dodgy' expats who all try to outdo each other with their stories.

    I have never noticed people in Jools "trying to outdo each other", just a friendly convivial alehouse. Wish I was there now.

  4. BTW Neeranam, your Johnny Cash avatar rocks! I think that was when he was in Folsom Prison, because he's wearing prison garb.

    Johnny Cash was never in any real prisons except to do concerts. He did do a little time in county jails, but they are far less dangerous.

    I thought he did 10 years for murder?

  5. If I'm not drinking Singha Light, it's Leo all the way. I hate regular Singha and all Changs.

    NguuMuu, People who "hate", are the biggest problem on planet Earth today.

    Back on topic.

    I find lite beer, without exception, to be bland and tasteless.

    Alcohol is what brings out the exquisite taste of a good brew,

    Less alky, less taste, no arguement.

    Ya may as well drink water, you lite fans.

    I drink regular CHANG whilst in LOS

    Gosh you're obviously a real man, we're all suitably impressed.

    Some of us enjoy hurling ale down our throats for many hours at a time, but unfortunately don't have too much tolerance for alcohol. Singha lite is 3.5% alcohol, O.K. but tastes a bit thin and fizzy after half a dozen. Chang lite is 4.2% and tastes fine to me but others aren't so keen. Leo I've only been on recently and have noticed it doesn't have me falling over or leave me with a raging hangover, don't know what the alc. % is but it tastes alright.

  6. onzestan

    Perhaps these miserable people should try a change in lifestyle and location. Thailand is a wonderful country with lots of loving and friendly people. 2 cities within the kingdom in particular that remind me of a human sesspit are Bangkok and Pattaya, For me there is nothing nice about these 2 places, they are rife with crime and the dregs of the worlds societies. No wonder your all so grumpy. Break outta there chaps!

    Bangkok and Pattaya "cesspits''?? Sorry, I'm not trolling but what a load of b*ll*cks. There is plenty nice about them but nobody is saying they are perfect.

  7. I am afraid I am going to have to say that I think the pizza at the Seafood Emporium is not good pizza and bears no resemblance to good pizza you could get in the states. Specifically, I found the crust tasteless cardboard variety and the so called gourmet toppings presented as tiny specks. Other than that, the flavor was pretty good but I can't forgive a crappy crust. For Pattaya, in my view, it is average pizza (meaning: bad and not worth the price). Favorite local pizzas so far: Pizza Big in Naklua and that Trattoria place on Beach road, Pattaya. Pan Pan in the shop pretty good (but the calzone is bad).

    Sorry Jingthing but as any fule kno the best pizza in Pattaya comes from the Barloon Pizza stall opposite The Ritz in Soi Yamato. And while we're at it the Ritz does excellent breakfasts, sandwiches, and Thai food.

  8. making the city a younger, more attractive, refreshingly family-oriented destination instead of the scum of European jails being unleashed on us.


    The world is full of ''family-oriented destinations'', what's wrong with having one Pattaya in the world?

    The place is continually (if slowly) changing and evolving in the direction you favour, and it's never as bad as people like you make out.

    A wet Sunday afternoon in Bournemouth circa 1955 it'll never be, enjoy it for what it is while it still is.

  9. Transport him to Australia :D

    What even more POMES'!!

    They can stake him out on Bondi beach and watch him turn lobster red like all the other pome(granates). Then for the next week or so he will wonder around in the lightest shirt money can buy because normal t-shirts hurt too much. :o

    Another moronic post by an inadequate who thinks it's cool to slag off "pommies".

  10. I posted a few months back about some idiot from the UK who was getting drunk and into fights and also had aggro with his Thai g/f and some male Thais.

    Seems he did leave Pattaya, as he was strongly advised to do, but went back and carried on as before.

    So, I got this sent in an e-mail the other day.

    An extract.....

    'The lad that was over in Thailand got arrested & put in jail for 2 weeks & then to a deportation unit who contacted the home office to arrange for money to be sent £550--b4 they would release him. He's back over here in the uk now. bloody idiot.'

    So, one less alcohol crazed idiot bites the dust. Seems he was in Thailand on a 30 day visa. I am under the impression he overstayed his welcome in more ways than one and maybe that is why he was deported.

    Reading between the lines, sounds like he got arrested for drunken violence and had no visa.

    Unless they would deport him anyway, for arrestable offences?

    How do you know that it was the same guy? Sounds like most of the Brits in Pattaya to me. :o

    Moronic comment patsfangr.

  11. What is going on here...all i see is whining poms...well i guess the restaurant owners are sorry you cannot have roast beaf & yorkshire pudding for Baht99 . It just cannot happen. As far as the pizza slices... come on .. where did you all grow up..uyou wanta good slice of pizza then buy it from a restaurant that specialises in pizzas. You cheap charlies make me laugh !! :o

    Another supercilious git who thinks saying ''whining poms'' makes him cool. (If you go on a thread about worst eateries and complain about seeing complaints aren't you a whiner too?)

    Also most comments seemed to be about quality rather than cost.

    And a place that specialises in pizzas, well wouldn't Slices Pizza (source of most of the complaints) fit the bill?

  12. The use of the word "git" puts the OP up as a Pom.....they are all whingers anyway......

    arent they ????? :o

    BTW.....me 51.....my wife 32 going on 33......pretty close to the 1/2 + 7 rule.....works for us.


    1)Well he does say "we in the U.K.", so yes you could be right, -- and hey you can speak about poms and whingers!!, hey right on man!! hey cool!! original or what?!! Perhaps you've created a new supercilious, gormless, phrase that will help gormless, supercilious people feel good about themselves.

    2)And of course it works for you, all these Thai ladies love us for ourselves, older men have always turned them on, money doesn't enter into it.

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