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Posts posted by rott

  1. http://news.independent.co.uk/world/asia/article3326545.ece

    Have you seen them staggering down Sukumvit in the middle of the day, bare chested, old football tattoo's on thier forearms, drunk as skunks, arms around each other and singing..."here we go, here we go, here we go..."

    I'm suprised it's only 17 :o

    Hate to appear difficult but I've never seen that in the middle of the day in Sukhumvit. Not that I'm saying it's never, ever happened but it's hardly a daily event.

  2. Had a pleasant session watching the football at the Pimarn 'outside' last night, but I was surprised to see "Collections" almost empty. The band still giving it 100% though.

    Not been for a while and never seen it so quiet, but still think it's good value for a nice place.

  3. After a few years of living here I've yet to find myself being really ripped off. Yesterday was out on the bike and suffered a blow out with the back tire in the middle of nowhere. Local stopped and gave the missus a lift to the nearest town while I managed to nurse the bike there. Found a bike shop and asked if they had a tube, not many shops carry tubes for 600cc trail bikes. The mechanic shot off on his bike and came back 20 mins later with a new tube and while he had the wheel off noticed the bearing was a bit worn. Made a tempory shim out of a beer can refitted everything and sent me on my merry way. The charge for a strange farang, middle of nowhere, 150baht!!!!!! yes 150 baht. A real rip off in a third world country eh.

    Not everyone here is out to rip you off and you sure as <deleted> couldn't get that service in UK for a couple of quid!


    Very pleased to read of your positive experience draggons, but I don't see the logic in your conclusion that, ergo, all contrary opinion and criticism of Thailand is therefore null and void. I've experienced decency and honesty from a Pattaya baht bus driver, a Bangkok taxi driver, and (back to Pattaya) from both the police and the tourist police. If you want to talk about value for money, I once called a vet out because the dog was sick, and his fee for the call-out, diagnosis and injection (which was 100% successful by the way) was 60 baht!!! Not bad eh.

    The vast majority of people are honest and decent, the problem is these long-running tourist scams, some of which have been noted in travel guides for nearly 20 years and are still operating with no interference from any government agency.

    As regards a third world country, well people living in tin shacks and working 60/70 hours a week for less than US$40, in a state riddled with corruption. I am quite happy to say that is a third world country.

    Which also explains the low prices.

  4. " It was a wet and steamy night in downtown Bangkok and the only angels playing harps were the sisters of mercy renting their charity to the hungry and stupid. Slouched in a back street hoochie coochie bar nursing my own cup of bile, I knew the score and it wasn't pretty. This town could kill but I never knew a patsy that didn't have it coming. My name is Bend It, and I'm a lawyer......"


    Cracker that one ''gent'', will use it for my next postcards/e-mails home.

  5. Actually forgot I was on the Bangkok forum, and was on

    a thread about scams so thought I would stick my oar in, did not mean to start a new thread.

    It started at Surat station, the taxi-driver told the g/f the only hotels were in the town (although there is one round the corner), got to the Bandon and a room was sorted for 650 bt, difficult to price provincial hotels and it was clean with new ceramic etc so I didnt see a problem. But later when eating, the g/f (being a bit suspicious) phoned the Bandon asking for a room and was quoted 350. She flew round there to have a go at the manager(owner?) who was full of apologies, refunded the difference, blamed the taxi-driver -- who apparently had also overcharged us 50 baht for the fare.

    Then there was more nonsense with the Bangkok bus, while waiting we were told that we had the wrong tickets:- a Thai female was not allowed on the bus!! New one on me, were they afraid she'd corrupt the backpackers? So we were taken to the/a main bus depot and told this bus (which apparently did allow Thai females) was leaving in 15 minutes. After a succession of lies and shrugs the bus left 90 minutes later.

    Like I said, all petty stuff, but what a way to treat people, and this is presumably what happens all day every day when you don't know the ropes.

  6. Having recently stepped outside my usual Pattaya/Bangkok/local village circuit, and been the subject of minor but very irritating scams from a taxi driver/hotel/bus operator (i.e. every step of the way) in Surat of all places, I feel very angry that these practices can only continue with the connivance of the local police and TAT.

    There is no excuse, it is just greed and theft, treating tourists (i.e. any outsiders) with total contempt, just objects to be held up by the ankles and have their pockets emptied, and symptomatic of an unstable, Mickey Mouse, third world country. And sadly as long as these things are accepted,that is exactly what LOS will remain.

  7. sometimes i try to close my eyes and see the world from other's eyes, and emphasis with them, like why they decided to get a large ugly tattoo of a lion on their shoulder, but i cant do it.

    "Emphasis'' with them? With your talk of Ph.D and Professor friends I was beginning to think you were an English Teacher.

  8. Yes. There are still Jews. Had millions not had the courage to stand up there may not have been.

    Sanctimonious statements never stopped a genocide. Soldiers did.

    the world powers, including britain, did help hitler getting to power to clear off trade unionists, socialdemocrats from the political influence (the same style of governing they were advocating in their own countries, with members of the british royal family and the majority of aristocracy openly supporting fascist).

    the world powers did nothinh after the cristal night, allowed hitler annection of austria, sudets and the whole czech republic. They did nothing when the II world war started and ghettos were build all over the central europe. The UK and USA send back to Germany ships full of the jewish emmigrants trying to escape the oppression - they ended up in the chimneys of Dachau.

    france and the uk were selling armaments to the germans right to the day they declared war - business is business, screw the concetration camps, ghettos and public executions.

    the only UK response was the phony war http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phony_War and defence of the african and middle east colonies, with it's mineral resources being taken over by the germans.

    the usa went into war not because of the humanitarian reasons but because it was attacked in pearl harbour and it's economic and strategic interests were hindered.

    statements were exactly what the world powers were doing - before they were attacked directly. The war can stop only workers-cum-soldiers refusing to go to the army to become cannon fodder

    Yes Lodonthai it is all a conspiracy (yawn), the U.K. could not act earlier because they were not prepared for war, if the government had spent the money and preared earlier the likes of you would have screamed "warmonger".

    We wear the red poppy to remember those who died,not to glorify war. Save your rhetoric for those in the south who shoot and behead women and children.

  9. On deeper reflection, I realized my response wasn't appropriate here. Not everyone will understand the gallows humor that can easily be adapted here.

    I hope the bloke in question recovers from his injuries, and sorts out what motivated him to jump in the first place.

    I share your concern for the gentlemans health, but thought your initial response was quite acceptable, only a mealymouthed git could seriously object.

  10. Thanks Mark. I keep telling my wife how vulnerable Pak Phanang is but....?

    ...people will make their own choices no matter how good the intentions behind the advice...

    Anyway - no rain last night and the water levels have dropped again. As before, hopefully this is happening generally and not just because we happen to have good drainage.

    Was planning a trip to Phuket by road, with a stop in Chumphon, is this now not advisable?

  11. I can see how it would be a drain if a Thai partner was paying the way for the farang, also they aren't paying any NI or Income tax/tax on investments which is used to pay for the police, government, local council, schooling etc....

    Hands up all those who know any farang who has a thai partner paying their way, (or even paying their own way!). And what percentage of Thais pay income tax/tax on investments?

    All the farangs I know are long stay/semi-permanents,who contribute an average minimum of 65,000 a month to the economy and place no demands on the police/government local council or schools.


  12. pkrv, not trashing your comments at all, but I do not understand how any farang can be a drain on the economy. As far as I know no farang is receiving unemployment benefit/housing benefit or welfare payments of any kind, at worst they may be renting a room at 4,000 a month or less, eating thai food and drinking chang.

    Unless you are referring to those who end up in prison, but their numbers are relatively low.


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