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Posts posted by starfish

  1. 9 minutes ago, hobz said:

    Oh, its going to be hilarious to see how idiot thai drivers will honk their horns at the autonomic cars for stopping at a red light or letting pedestrians cross. Many many accidents will happen when the autonomic cars stop when they shouldnt . Pedestrians will die when they try to cross as the autonomic car stopped in one lane while the honda city in the other lanes speeds up.

    The autonomic cars better get extra reinforcement in the rear section. Oh boy im gonna eat popcorn for that one :)


    Thats all just programable, don´t you think ?



  2. 8 hours ago, hobz said:

    I can understand stress, but people are switching lanes all the time just to save 1 second or 2... let's say i'm in the right lane because I need to u-turn (yes the u-turns are insane),, im signaling right. im not driving super fast because I need to pull out onto the u-turn-thingie... now the idiot behind me,, instead of waiting 2-3 seconds until i pull right into the u-turn thing, he decides that he can't wait any longer and decides to suddenly undertake me, thus jeopardizing everybody.. 


    Just look at every violation that you see on the roads (i see tens if not hundreds every time i drive) and ask yourself if impatience could be the reason behind,,, you will start to see the pattern.. 


    Thankfully, all of this will soon be history, thanks to "autonomic driving", in 5 years (yes, not longer)  i will ask myself what to do until i`m there, then i finally have time to calculate all my taxes :smile: .

    I´m convinced they will fill up my free time, in no time . . .



  3. 29 minutes ago, hobz said:

    Impatience is the underlying root cause for 99% of the accidents.

    Found your statement funny at first, but on the second look it came to me, not with age, but experience: If yourè in a hurry, then please go, i even close the door after you. Respect is what people startet out with, when they began to drive.

    We have a stressful life, then we jump in to our vehicles, then we shoot off. . .

    Stop, heres a lifethreatening situation, and we are better not so demanding here, my mind says. And if i don´t have time for that, well, my whole life is wrong then, i guess.

  4. 1 hour ago, 55Jay said:

    Those sadistic U-Turns on main highways are insane.  Like roundabouts, fine when there were less people, less cars/traffic, and Thailand was a slower place.  They are woefully inadequate now for the current and continually escalating state of society here. 


    Oh and, don't forget Facebook/Texting while driving.

    U-Turns would be fine, if all participants would be aware of the situation. There we are, at basic education .


  5. 19 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

    Those sadistic U-Turns on main highways are insane.  Like roundabouts, fine when there were less people, less cars/traffic, and Thailand was a slower place.  They are woefully inadequate now for the current and continually escalating state of society here. 


    Oh and, don't forget Facebook/Texting while driving.


    It´s about the virgins, believe you me.

    Just like in muslim world:



    Amen !




  6. I always am amazed, how little crime there is here, considering the fact, that Police is nearly nonexistant. It really speaks for the people. peaceloving citizens, thaipeople. Thats why i´m here.


    But you need police sometimes, and they are not there, in this country.

    You know why this guy is speeding and crashing ? Because he can.

    Thailand would be such a wonderfull country, if they would bring their police in order. It`s sad.



  7. 3 minutes ago, CGW said:

    First of all you need a competent and non corrupt police force, until then nothing will happen, just playing with words!

    Yes, in my neck of woods, they are just checking for Helmets, because its end of month where they need some money.

    I don´t know what they are there for.

    Had a breakin, in my house, at night, complete with Fingerprints, Shoeprints, Tools, etc, but was of no interrest to them, all of the "investigating" Police smelled like Sang Som. Was just an interruption to them.

    Needless to say, nothing came ever out of it.  Thanks.



  8. 33 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

    AMEN. In some countries a person operating a vehicle in excessively slow speeds will be ticket. They definitely are a hazard. BUTTtttttttt ......

    Yep, a friend of a friend of mine always said: "i´ll go slow". He died, mowed down by a Minibus.


    My credo is: go with the flow, just 10 km/h faster, because then i´m in charge of what happens.

    So far, so good.

    (which is still no antidote against drunk drivers, i know)



  9. 3 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

    Give the guy a break. The biggest problem is the selfish, inconsiderate, idiotic fkwhits behind the wheel. How do you change that in the current system. Just absolute fkn maniacs. Without an attitude change it will stay the same. 

    It will stay the same.

    Education: oh man, thats a can of worms.

    Enforcement: Police to the roads, oh thats another one.

    We´re talking about hundrteds of years change.

    All hopeless. leaves me to just decide, if i stay here, or not. Makes no difference if discussing that here. Farangs bla bla.

    We´re just mourning, it will not make any difference here. We stay, or we go ! Pasta.


    Meanwhile, i try to enjoy the chaos, but when it gets to much, i´ll go.

    But my wife (not Thai) says: Buy, buy, hammer a nail through your foot into the floor, and i say: no way :smile:

    "No way" is going to be it. She just got this disorder, what was the name of that ?





  10. 9 minutes ago, survivalblue said:

    Honestly the main thing I don't miss about Thailand is the crazy drivers and the lack of safety on the roads.

    Not just the highways.  Every soi, every road.

    Even as a pedestrian I am always extra careful.

    A few close calls over the years and an accident last year as a passenger in a car, it all amounts to the feeling that I'm not safe being anywhere near traffic in Thailand, even in the countryside.

    Almost all of my stress in Thailand comes when I'm in a vehicle.

    I'm not saying everyone is a bad driver, but there are some really bad drivers and even worse is the teenage boys on motorbikes.

    I'd propose raising the driving age to 35 years old and no longer allowing anyone 34 and under to operate a motorbike or vehicle.

    Absolutely illegal under all circumstances and a lengthy sentence if caught driving.

    Then it will be easier to begin narrowing down the 35 and over drivers as to who is a danger to society.



    It´s not an "age" thing. It`s an attitute and enforcement thing !


    But i feel you :smile:



    Guys, youre all cought up in the symptoms here.

    But the underlying cause, where it all starts, IS :


    When Thais are walking on the footpath, up to a poor soul, which is begging on the road, lost hand, lost foot, whatever; they happily give some donations. You´ve seen that for sure, many times, and this is great, no doubt !

    BUT :  it`s not for the poor soul, but for themselfes, for a better afterlife (and they do many other things for this reason)

    Soo, when you believe in a comfortable afterlife, you basically can´t wait to reap the benefits.



    I mean, how do People behave and DRIVE, when they are not afraid to die ?




    It´s like the terrorists, who can´t wait for their 99 virgins . . . (well, thats a bit of a stretch, i know :smile: )





    But i´m NOT joking  ! !


    Solution:  Dear Thaipeople, go back, and read again, what Buddha said, and most importantly, really meant . . .






  12. 21 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

    I would not have helped you if in a similar situation because I have to place my own necessitates first, meaning I have enough funds for my own secure future in Thailand, but at my age now that`s it for me, what I have is my pension incomes and savings to last me out, whatever I lose or give away I cannot replace back. So in fact I am being honest with you. If I had a substantial amount of money over and above what I consider is my financial safety net, then I wouldn`t think twice about helping you out if in a desperate life or death situation and again I`m being sincere and honest with you.


    The problem is that too many westerners believe that Thailand is a bargain basement destination, but they are under a great misapprehension because this country is no longer cheap and the money can literally run away from you here. But sometimes people would rather follow the dream than the common sense reality in this highly competitive world where year by year everything becomes more expensive and we need more and more money to lead stress free comfortable lifestyles. Some may agree or disagree but that`s the way it is.

    You first, right ?

  13. 18 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

    Westerners that decide to move to Thailand, should have secure long term monthly incomes of no less then 50000 baht and a minimum of 4 million baht in a Thai savings account stashed away for a rainy day. This is after expenses needed to set themselves up here, meaning homes, transport and general items for everyday living and learn to budget themselves never dipping into their capital. If not they are living on luck.


    Westerners who can`t manage these financial necessities for a reasonable standard of living and a safety net for emergencies such as what happened in the tragic case of the OP, should not take the gamble and come here except for a holiday once a year if they can afford it. 


    In Thailand no one`s going to give a monkey`s s*it about you if you run out of funds as just begging for aid with those responding by throwing ideas around is not going to help you.


    Yeah, but sometimes things dont go "by plan". I´m happy, that I asked you not for help :smile:

  14. 35 minutes ago, mommysboy said:


    Yes literally, but I think many of us are commenting on his trials and tribulations, and apparent inability to secure treatment for a very badly infected leg, and what implications policies or the lack of will have on our lives.


    Earlier in the day it did seem that he was in a bit of a panic.  That may have had some bearing on how he was riding, perhaps too fast because of anxiety, or maybe feeling self destructive, and again just simply in a bit of a state through pain or panic.

    You are searching for other answers, and i envy you !, Give the man a break ! Or ?



  15. My wife and me went to a private Hospital. Good insurance in Hand.You know, the Hospital, which starts with a "B". Ovary Zysts. Now we know, they come and go, completely normal for a woman, they wanted to do surgery immediately, that was 5 or 7 years ago, can´t remember. Didn´t do it. We have no Zysts today, well, my wife at least :smile:

    Never say, you have good insurance, they will do surgery on you, even if you don´t need it. Stay away from private Hospitals, unless you enjoy beeing cut open for nothing !

    I think its best to say: "i´m paying out of pocket", but i´m not "completely broke" Thats the sweet spot there . . .

  16. 28 minutes ago, freebyrd said:

    Pretty much the same for us Brits. I paid NHI for 20 years, entitles me to nothing in the UK or in Asia once I relocated.

    Its just an excuse, for not paying, ridiculous. I´m sticking with my "Self Insurance" Fund. Last time i had an injury, i got a "not covered". I pay into that account, whatever i can afford, and hope for the best, it´s nothing more with insurances anyway. Best business in the world, money comes in, but never pay out. I bet, if i´m gay, then thats a reason , not to pay me :smile:.



  17. 10 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

    Very, very, obviously it wouldn't have or he would not have had the problem, he had had hospital treatment and every hospital has a pharmacy!

    Yep, but In a certain moment in his life he had had this situation, whatever the cause, it could be Depression, or Alkoholism, these are illnesses, you know, where one does not act rationally.

  18. 19 minutes ago, Cuchulainn said:


    £10 for what? For the embassy clerks to do their jobs? Give in one hand but take in the other. Typical of an embassy!!


    Embassies are just another form of Tax. When you buy something, when you sell something, when you go somewhere, or when you come from somewhere.

    Now i told them the "coming from somewhere tax". Sorry !

    But it was coming anyway, sooner or later . . .



  19. 56 minutes ago, Tilacme said:

    I collected a single entry tourist visa in UK on the 1st and was told that the £25 visa fee has been waived, however there is a £10 admin charge - not quiet waived then.  I am glad they are at least thinking about visas as it is way to complicated and all this regular reporting is a bind, especially if you live in the boonies.



    Did you consider, to come two times, because of the entry fee? Guess not. The price is still to high, if you count in what you will loose here . . .


    Anyway, why do countries, who want Tourists, impose an entry fee at all ?

    Thats like: please, stay away !


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