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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. Channel News Asia (CNA) based in Singapore is excellent.

    I spent a lifetime in Broadcast News and when I retired here in Thailand several years ago, I did "the rounds" and decided CNA is the BEST.

    Give it a try and decide for yourself. You'll also find their main Presenter, Glenda Chong, is perhaps one of the best anywhere.

  2. Run water into a clean glass , screw top container until you see the worms. Then cap the bottle and take it to the water supply company ( You may need a Thai speaker to assist)

    Ask what the worms are and if the water is safe.

    The water supply people will be interested and hopefully helpful.

    I commend you on being so optimistic!

    Have you been here very long? "Water supply people will be interested." Bless you, may you continue to have faith!

  3. From time to time I've seen "Cavalier King Charles" pups advertised on the Notice Boards outside Rimping near the CNX Airport Plaza.

    You might check with the Service Desk at the Supermarket as they possibly have a record of who advertises what, on their notice boards.

    As far as a Reputable Breeder is concerned... don't know ... only seen the advertising.

  4. Sorry I was just having a bit of fun with you. No hard feelings. I keep my bedroom ac on 24/7 as well and 2-3 others on about 12 hours a day. I also have them cleaned every 4 months or so and it seems to keep the electric bill down after cleaning.

    Does that send your electricity bill through the roof, or is it more efficient?

    Past few Summers, we've had a Bedroom AC on all night. One in the Computer Room several hours a day/night and the same in the lounge.

    Average Electricity has been between 5K Baht and 6K Baht PER MONTH.

  5. NancyL, read closely and you will see that we were at different, adjacent windows.

    Loved the story. Well told and if people choose to question its authenticity, who cares? It was still an entertaining yarn.

  6. Honestly, I'd go home to Oz instead of trusting the Witch Doctors who simply prescribe more Pills. Don't even bother to use the Ornamental

    Stethoscope to have a listen.

    On top of that, since the Government here DITCHED the Ferang Health Care Scheme, it now costs a small fortune the moment they see a FERANG!

  7. What degree/qualification willl the young man have ?

    If he graduates with a "professional" qualification he should not experience difficulty in securing employment.

    i think you are missing the point the post is about paying for jobs in actual fact the higher education the higher the entrance fee unless of course you are well connected

    I missed no point but do not share your cynical attitude which I very much doubt can be justified with sound fact or evidence.

    Oh, well then perchance you have not lived here for very long, or maybe you have a beautiful pair of rose coloured glasses?

  8. "Called on them" did he?

    I bet their ears pricked up.

    Silly question BUT...

    Wonder if they'd start taking notice if a Nasty Old Farang Took Legal Action against the Local Government, for allowing this to happen here in CNX every year?

    Very least the Government could do, would be to bring back the Farang Health Cover that the previous (Elected) Government introduced.

  9. I wish they would.. there is no worse thing then red light jumpers.

    I agree wholeheartedly.

    My wife was very close to having her front-end swiped by a couple of fools on a motorbike today. Fortunate that she wasn't too quick off the mark when she got a Green Light. The Motorbike just came hurtling through WELL AFTER we had the Green.

    Hope the cops collect heaps of Tea Money from these idiots.

  10. I used to use machines but now get my water delivered in the big transparent bottles.

    I have zero faith in the ability of the management in my building to follow maintenance programmes, or to monitor them.

    Ahh, BUT have you ever tested the water from these bottles?

    They don't have to have GreenGunk showing up, to be contaminated. Best to get your own Tank and Water Purification.

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