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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. Thanks. Will give these a try. My wife is refusing to allow me to buy wine at the Rip-Off Prices charged here.

    .... ah yes... for a quiet life, I obey her...................... (Sometimes.)

  2. Siam Commercial Bank in Chiang Mai used to be very good but staff have changed and they have become a pain in the backside.

    Years ago I opened an Account with them when I was working here. Very simple, so introduced a RETIRING relative who moved here recently from the U.S.

    They gave him a regular "run around" with all manner of dumb requirements so he went to Bangkok Bank and it was all done without a hitch.

  3. "...education...much less important than your attitude and personality..."


    Bachelor's or Master’s Degree in Business Administration, Marketing, Economics or related fields.

    Official GMAT/GRE or equivalent test results would be a plus."

    Make up your mind, is education less important or not?

    Salary must be too good to mention, eh?

    Are you providing a work permit for the successful non-Thai?

    I frequently reminded people working for me in Broadcasting to, "Put Brain In Gear Prior To Opening Mouth."

    Would seem a slight variation on that theme, should apply to individuals writing Job Descriptions.

  4. A very weak piece indeed, intended to be humorous...fail

    Chinese tourists visit shops, ride on buses, smoke and eat...riveting stuff indeed

    They might get more mileage on a expose' one the local beer bar farang residents/walts who claim to be EX-SAS, EX-Navy seals, EX senior managers of multi-nationals, you know the types, wash up on Thailands fair shores and re-invent themselves....one week executive of a MNC, the next a property tycoon

    How about a piece entitled "A Walt-A-week"

    Thought it was far more interesting than your "Riveting" little exercise.

  5. from yesterday 8 april at all thailand post office you must show your passport or id card to even mail an envelope???? (this data is KEPT on the thailand post data base and used for god knows what else in the future) this country is insane ........BUY SOME SNIFFER DOGS like the rest of the worldfacepalm.gif

    I have no problem with that.

    Just wish that postal items from overseas would be DELIVERED instead of being Lost and/or Stolen !

  6. I've been going to "LANA BARBER SHOP" in Chiang Mai Land for past 5 years.

    Don't ask me the name of the guy, he has the SECOND Chair as you enter the shop. My wife does all the negotiating. Quite Inexpensive and an excellent job. Prices are Listed on the Wall, alongside his Mirror. I always give him a 20-Baht Tip. (Wife says that is ENOUGH!)

    Don't get confused with another "more modern" looking Unisex Hair Salon a couple of doors further down near the 7/11.

  7. ohhh please one apprehended canine butcher is a mere minuscule percentage point on the whole dog trade here and certainly does not signify that the junta is barking up the right tree

    And there are those who say the junta are dragging this country back to the dark ages. If this disgustingly cruel practice is eliminated from this 'emerging' country, here is just one example of why I strongly disagree.

    Every Journey begins with a FIRST STEP!

    The "Naysayers" will never be happy.

  8. I don't want to see a squashed body on the floor but why bother with the pixelated photo published ? Surely they could have printed a file photo of the monk, or even of the building.


    Bit like good old days of RADIO PLAYS... the THEATER OF THE MIND.

    You can conjure up your own vision of the scene, complete with the Keystone Cops running madly around, trying catch the Jumper.

    Quite a sight to behold, in MY "Mind's Eye."

  9. To the people that don't like golf..... Most courses have their own reservoirs and/or bored and the rainy season waters refill these. So tee off!

    Not the point.

    The water in these Reservoirs or from the Water Table MUST be conserved, as you may not have noticed but the past couple of "Rainy Seasons" failed to deliver the goods and there is not a lot of hope that this year will be any better.

    Suggest you get your facts straight before you start Teeing Off !

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