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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. I just get horny when i see other blokes perving at my mrs. Especially when the blokes are early 20s as my mrs is 45 and im 51. 5555 Mate just appreciate the fact that shes your mrs. Sometimes if we r walking through a mall especially in Australia i get filthy looks from western women. They must think im a dirty old man. Which i am.i just smile at the western fat pigs.

    Dont know if this is of any help to you but its my thought.

    Cheers Cobbler

    Yep, just love it !

    When we lived in OZ, my wife was obviously the object of many a lustful gaze by the local lads. Even funnier if the "local lads' were sprung by their

    wife or whatever.

  2. As previously mentioned by someone else, RIMPING Supermarkets in Chiang Mai , or at least the "Airport Branch" has it.

    They ran out a few weeks ago but I requested it and they had supplies within a few days.

    RIMPING has been excellent ... about ten years ago, I asked for Hoi Sin Sauce, an assistant said he was sure they had it and went to check his Stock Sheets to locate some for me.

    It is a MUST HAVE for Dim Sum and sadly the Management of MK Restaurants where they serve a reasonable Dim Sum, have over the past Decade taken NO NOTICE of my written requests for them to provide Hoi Sin Sauce. I even started taking my own jar of it to try and SHAME them into getting it... no result !!!

  3. It is not butter. But I have had good results making shortcrust pastry.

    Also, using it to replace butter in hot water crust pastry recipes.

    However, if you spread it on hot toast or crumpets you will be disappointed.

    Ahh, CRUMPETS... can they be bought in Chiang Mai?

    Haven't had any for YEARS and now you've got my mouth watering.

  4. They hate asians.

    Possibly because Japan attacked Australia, bombed the Hell out of the North of the country, tortured and murdered millions around these parts

    and Abe is Rattling his Samurai Sword as well as praying at the Memorials to Japanese War Criminals.

    May just have something to do with the problem, even though you are Eurasian,it is probably the Japanese part they don't trust.

  5. And as in past years there has been absolutely nothing ,bar talk,done to combat it.

    And as in past years thousands suffer young and old alike.

    ... and don't forget, the FERANG Health Insurance Fund, introduced by the previous government has been ditched by the current government, so

    the long suffering Ferang can Cough-up even More Money when they have to visit a hospital.

  6. the only news is, i am old, chubby, middle class and not in with a chance with her.

    Don't sell your self short fella, most women don't care what you look like, only how big your bank account is.

    Not all just some.

    Eve wasn't able to afford 2 kilos of make up, 2 hours at the hair dressers, nail job and crack wax on a police salary.

    Yes, I remember now...

    "Age is just a number" .... and by the way, WHAT is your Bank Account Number Darling?

  7. Hope you don't get the same uncooperative rude woman my wife and I had to deal with at the Thai Adoptions Office in BKK.

    Years ago we had been looking after a 5 Y.O girl on weekends who was in the care of a loving but unwell Aunt. The child is not a blood relative of my wife's. We decided we'd like to adopt her but as I was about to return to Australia to work, my wife (she is Thai) submitted the Adoption Papers in Chiang Mai, in her name only.

    Nothing happened for a few months and in fact, by the time it did my wife had joined me in Australia. She was asked to attend a meeting in Chiang Mai so she came back, had the meeting and was told she'd be contacted later.

    She made three trips back to CNX from Australia that year but the Adoption was approved and she was able to bring our little girl back with her to Australia.

    Both my wife and our daughter have Permanent Residence Status in Australia but we moved back to Chiang Mai when I retired five years ago.

    Our daughter is now 15 and last year we thought that it would be wise for me to Formally Adopt her, so in the future, if she wishes to return to Australia to live, study and/or work she can do so. The Thai authorities told my wife I would have to go to BKK to make the application.

    We asked why it couldn't be done in Chiang Mai but were again told we'd have to apply in BKK. We had ALL the documentation you could possibly think of and so we went to BKK. The woman who saw us at the Children's Services Office didn't even acknowledge my existence, didn't reply when I spoke to her ... maybe she doesn't speak English but anyway she point- blank told my wife that the Ferang would not be permitted to adopt as he is too old and there is no need for him to adopt a 15 year old Thai child.

    No reason other than age, she didn't even look at the documentation, let alone check my background... NOTHING, just waved us off!

    We are going to take the matter up with the PM's Office, so who knows ?

    As I said, hope you don't get the same treatment!

  8. It's amusing when farangs think Thais don't get English language sarcasm or irony. Do they really think Thais don't have the same in Thai? The slapstick programmes on TV actually extract the urine out of the participants all the time.

    But as already mentioned, even the Thais need those strange, TV Sound Effects, to alert them to something that was intended to be funny.

  9. Curry is a very hardy tree, yes you can put a stick to straighten them out.

    They do not really need the food but they cold benefit from some light cow manure application. (stay away from chemicals)

    Hope you have a real garden to plant them in, nice trees, in the right soil they will grow fast, flower and produce edible yummy berries. (don't eat the seeds)

    Not to mention the aromatic leaves good for endless cooking applications or just eaten raw with " spicy larb moo"

    Best regards

    We have one growing in a fairly large pot in the front garden. Had it for about 3 years and it produces enough leaves to supply our needs (family of three) and a bunch of friends.

    It gets the Morning Sun, we keep it watered ... a little every day (evening) You'll probably find it produces more leaves than you can use, so you may want to harvest them and dry them thoroughly to keep in the pantry or hand-out to others who use them in cooking.I Must try the Berries.

    Haven't given it any Plant Food to date.

    Good luck!

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