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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. I'm from Oz and feeling a bit the same way, in light of the way things have been going here. A mate has suggested KK in Malaysia where he has "retired" with his wife and they have an excellent Aussie Restaurant there.

    I'm retired but we have a teenage daughter who is doing very well in High School here and I don't want to make her change schools, otherwise I would seriously consider KK which I love. The same applies with NZ, I used to ski there a lot and although I don't imagine I'd be doing much , if any of that now, I still love the South Island, Queenstown in particular.

    Just some thoughts !

  2. I agree with the point about we Expats not being IMMIGRANTS. As for learning the language, ah well.....

    Many years ago while working for a Thai Government Department in my home country, I enrolled in a Thai Language Class.

    I took just one lesson and had to visit BKK. On arrival at HQ, I dropped a few words in Thai. Everyone was delighted with my having made the effort BUT, they then suggested we revert to English because THEY wanted to "work on their English skills."

    To top that off, when we moved here after I retired, I enrolled TWICE in Thai Language Classes BUT my wife told me they were a waste of money, as I could Learn from BOOKS and from her and our daughter... that was FIVE Years ago and all I can do is get by with a few Polite words of greeting in Thai. I suspect the Wife doesn't want me to understand what she's saying around her old School and Uni Cronies.

  3. Tesco Lotus Hangdong Road is HOPELESS.

    Weeks ago the company advertised it's own "TESCO FINEST" Brand Indian Curry Pastes. The product was discussed here on Thai Visa.com

    My wife and I found just ONE JAR of the paste at the store on Hangdong Road. Staff attempted to locate more but without any luck. We gave them our phone number and asked that they let us know when Stocks arrived.

    NO CALLS ... so we've been back several times, still no Product and the Staff just smile and say they'll call when it arrives.... and when might that be I ask...

    that "stoopid" Ferang type question is greeted with smiles and giggles. The PRODUCT...the One Jar we purchased, was EXCELLENT BUT...NOT IMPRESSED with your SERVICE, TESCO LOTUS !

  4. Or you could do what most do....

    Buy a Family Size Box of CORNFLAKES and you may find a Driver's Licence in the bottom of the box.

  5. Easy for you, just report online 15-7 days before your 90 days is up using the link below (practice when you have free time):



    Attempted to use the above link twice and each time got a WARNING to say it is UNSAFE, Hackers could gain access to your Personal Info including Passwords, Banking Details etc.,


  6. Further to our previous discussion, I tried Tesco Lotus on Hangdong Road Chiang Mai today.


    kind assistant took me to the "Imported" Section where I grabbed the last remaining Jar of the Paste. Then got the "run-around" by other staff until my wife arrived on the scene and extracted a promise from one of the staff (she wrote down his name) to Phone her when fresh stocks arrive.

    Could be today, tomorrow, who knows????

  7. How can you assure someone that it's disgusting without having tried it. I suggest therefore you purchase a jar and then post your comments.

    In the meanwhile, I will try it myself at only B79 a jar.

    A very unhelpful post.


    Maybe the Oxx is really a PORKER? Don't be put off by his/her Asinine comments.

    I'll be trying the Paste and thanks for the tip. Have been trying for years to find all the ingredients for a decent Indian Curry in Chiang Mai but without luck.

    Thanks again!

  8. Please excuse me ...I am a pensioner in Thailand for 13 years...Liberals want to enforce the residency based nature of Australian pensions.

    May I ask can you please explain further....Cheers..

    Read the link I provided. Here it is again. Click on it.


    Sorry but your LINK takes us only to a SUBSCRIBER ONLY Site. They want me to sign up to BUY the "Australian Newspaper."

    Any other suggestions on how to see the story you mentioned?

  9. Many thanks to ALL Contributors on the above matters. Greatly appreciated!

    Now a silly question: Is it more Cost Effective to turn the Air Conditioner/s OFF for an hour once the room is cool or should they be run

    continuously day and night ?

    Our Electricity bill in Chiang Mai is running about 5-6 K per Month during the Heatwave.

    We have Three units. One in the Lounge, on most of the day, one in the main bedroom on most of the night and one in a spare room, used intermittently.

    Thanks in advance for advice.

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