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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. Quite frankly, I rather doubt that many of us give a Tinker's Curse, as to what YOUR problems are and if we require your input,

    we will rattle your chain. Till then, you are (you're) welcome to go stick your nose into the nearest wasp nest.

  2. One step up from the charming traders who think they own the ROADWAY in front of their shops and place Obstacles there to prevent you parking.

    One such Medium size Jewelry Store in Chiang Mai Land has even constructed two WHEELED advertising signs that he leaves on the road

    to discourage people parking.

    When walking past, I take great delight in pushing them into the Gutter for him. Obviously I don't park there as he may decide to do something

    Unkind to my car.

    Often ask my wife to complain to local Authorities about this guy and others like him but sadly, "Thainess" prevents her from doing so.

  3. So according to the Government the rainy season will start in about 7-10 days,

    nothing to worry about then !

    regards Worgeordie

    Ah, well nothing to worry about. Seems "someone" Up High has ORDERED the Heavens to produce rain or, or, or....

    Maybe the Heavens can be Locked-up for re-education?

  4. Just a few weeks ago, the United Nations General Assembly convened a special session on the world drug problem from 19 to 21 April 2016 ("UNGASS 2016") at the U.N. Headquarters in New York.

    Drug policy reformers were hoping that a recommendation would be made to abolish the death penalty for drug trafficking offenses, and many countries were in support of abolishment, but no such change came about.

    Countries clash over death penalty at UN drug policy session

    The Death Penalty: A Major Disappointment at UNGASS

    Decriminalize all drugs, business and world leaders tell UN. A quote:

    a representative of Indonesia was booed when he called capital punishment “an important component” of drug policy

    These buckets of puke have no regard for the lives of their victims so Hang them and be sure,

    they'll never push drugs to your kids or anyone else.

  5. A while ago I bought 2 bottles of orange juice and 2 bottles of grape juice from the Rim Ping airport branch in glass bottles with the sealed metal lids they had on special offer, 50% off the price tag said. The bottles had a long expiry date on them.

    First bottle I opened was an orange juice, stunk to high heaven. Second bottle I opened was a grape juice, same thing it was obviously on the turn. I didn`t even bother checking the other 2 bottles. Could not be bothered taking the drinks back I just poured the lot down the sink.

    RIMPING used to be very good to deal with but over past few years it has "Gone Off." Lazy/bad service, prices missing on displays, ignorant staff on the Checkout counters.

    Very sad... used to be a pleasant place to shop... maybe they've just become TOO BIG?

  6. Who drinks boxed wine for the taste? Although I understand what he means. I buy it too because it is affordable but I know I am drinking swill. I think I found fortuna is alright for what it is.

    Gone are the days when most of us thought wine in a box was simply cheap swill . . . .


    The Best Boxed Wines

    Spot on.

    It has now become EXPENSIVE SWILL in Thailand. Ah, for a decent "RED NED" that won't cost more than a new car!

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