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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. The Thais make copies of everything. I'm booking a helicopter ride as soon as the office opens.
  2. Anyone got a copy of the famous photo taken at its opening with the bigwigs under the sign?
  3. It is said a posting to Pattaya Plod costs 1 million baht but this is recouped in the first year.
  4. AKA 'writing off debts.' The whole country is built on sand; farmers and teachers borrow and never pay back; 85%+ never pay traffic fines. Teach them backbone.
  5. and to order more sand for Pattaya beach.
  6. Does he mean multi-mouths at the trough?
  7. How many are killed by wild dogs?
  8. Does that mean every dangerous junction will be obscured by plastic signs and slow-moving speaker vans will p1ss off the electorate and cause massive fuel waste?
  9. It is a University town. The place is full of young students roaring around on bikes all night. It is empty of police.
  10. I expect the UK pound to be worth 60 baht by the end of the month.
  11. Further waste of time/effort. Even sterilised dogs cause accidents when put back. What do they do with those suffering indescribable ailments? Only a nation-wide cull will rid Thailand of this menace?
  12. Instructions; 'place the bags of rice across the threshold of your front door.'
  13. I thought they usually use convicts?
  14. It will never happen; these guys control everything. There's a move to resurrect the watch scandal but that is a fight already lost to the powers of darkness.
  15. This list has not changed in the 18 years I've lived in Pattaya.
  16. Who buys one baht necklaces? Indian tourists?
  17. Pattaya Hive is full of drones except for the office collecting 'fines'.
  18. It's been so long since I saw one, I've forgotten what they look like.
  19. It is a sad reflection that this is not limited to Thai politicians.
  20. It's as bad as announcing bars need a licence to play darts when no such licence exists.
  21. A team of specially trained inspectors will be appointed to ensure all fire doors remain unlocked during the daylight hours.
  22. Hidu must be in 7th Heaven here with the number of mates on every corner.
  23. Is this Prayuth's idea of 'Happiness to the people'?
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