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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. First you have to catch the offenders before administering this mild deterrent. I actually viewed half a dozen of Pattaya's invisible police force yesterday setting up a check point. Played table tennis for one hour by which time they'd gone!
  2. I thought they had protected status judging by the number of vet bills being paid by farangs almost monthly?
  3. Like State pensions for those living in Thailand?
  4. With all the dirt in the air, it could take four weeks. How can he take four days off chairing all those committees?
  5. Thais should not be allowed to drive anything faster than a buffalo.
  6. In case they didn't. It's one of those tourist stories invented by TAT to justify their existence. RTP are having a bad press period so out comes the feel good tales.
  7. 'he still needs to gain the trust of the opposition' given his police record he should be a certainty for the next Thai PM.
  8. It's not that the baht is strong, it's the fact that the £ is weak. In the good old days of 70+ to the £ I used to spend it all on high living; now I have to check the price of Weetabix carefully. Where did all the North Sea oil money go?
  9. It's the brown paper notes clogging up the system just as the brown envelopes sustain the police force.
  10. But this Insurance scam is on top of the already introduced levies?
  11. Do tell - I'm trying to economise as my pension goes down the plughole.
  12. I drink three big mugs a day each needing TWO capsules. I use 1 home made/1 Nespresso in each mug. She lightly tamps the coffee into a capsule & the lids are self adhesive. Occasionally one is a bit slow is too tightly packed. Agree with your comments about Nespresso Company ordering/delivery is 1 st class. My only crit is the number of sheets of paper with each order = half a forest.
  13. Here are my picks during the last six months with some reasons why. I tend to watch series not single movies. I don't want to be harrowed so anything dystopian is out. I like action that moves in a straight line without jerking the time line about. Belgravia & The Gilded Age - both costume dramas from Julian Fellowes who regurgitates 'Upstairs & Downstairs' on both sides of the pond. Stranger Things - started watching it with my grandkids who are now teenagers. Obi-Wan Kenobi - not usually keen on the this genre. Time Traveller's Wife. Wayne - ignored for some time as I associated it with Wayne's World but a clever script & memorable characters. Safe - Harlan Coben has been a favourite author & is now being chased by TV. Hacks - comedic observations. (S1 better than S2). Bosch Legacy - throws off the straightjacket of police procedures. Southland 1-5 the LA cop characters grow on you. Signore Volpe is low on action/characterisation but the scenery is nice. Lincoln Lawyer from another of my favourite authors. Almost Paradise is a one trick pony but filmed in the Philippines. Ten more tomorrow.
  14. I can watch every game live on my MediaAsia box + Sky everything + box sets + new movies for about 1500 a month.
  15. I wish I could help you. I spend 2,200 baht a month on Nespresso capsules for my machine. To save money my GF re-uses the capsules by putting other ground coffee in & topping with foil lids from Lazada.
  16. He's filling up his pension pot prior to stepping down to allow a new snout in the trough. No wonder he banned Orwell's 'Animal Farm'. 'All animals are equal: some are more equal than others.'
  17. Good to hear - I'm off next week. Meanwhile on Thai roads ...
  18. 'We used to pay 500 baht per ticket and I think at some point it went to 800 baht per ticket. It is yet another tourist rip off adding another 300 baht to total now 11,00 baht. No one believes they are going to receive 500,000 baht coverage at a first-class hospital if you're injured. This is a money grab, plain and simple, by someone in government who thinks he can get away with it.' - a BP reader's letter. LOS = Land of Scams.
  19. Like the drainage pits every 10 metres on all roads which contain stagnant water all year round except during the rainy season?
  20. But no mention of being savaged by dogs in Pattaya; or injured on the roads everywhere; or premature deaths from lung disease through carcinogenic air? Seems a bit selective to me.
  21. Phew - caught up to P83. I came to this thread late & have gone through every page. At first I started downloading every promising title. I realised quickly that, at nearly 80, I've got more hours of viewing than my life expectancy! This thread is an excellent idea (& I believe there's more than just the year 2022?). I enjoyed the skirmishes over Woke stuff. My view (& I only watch fiction) is if you care about the characters it doesn't matter what colour/sex they are. If the dialogue is literate or funny and not trite then it wins. I will be publishing my list shortly but as an example of the above (K/Catherine) The Great is written in the modern idiom/has lots of taboo subjects and is very funny (2nd series struggles to maintain the jokes.)
  22. in horrific painful and diseased conditions while spreading disease and causing accidents. If he believes in animal welfare he should be lethally & humanely ending their suffering at a rate of a hundred a day.
  23. So this 2022 poll is based on seven months of limited tourist numbers both of whom can afford to stay at a 5* hotel?
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