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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. They've just announced the biggest daily numbers; have a poor vaccine take-up (probably because the vaccine ranks lower than the Chinese stuff?). The Kremlin has, today, freed up air travel to all its millionaires.
  2. Banks are run for the benefit of the staff who treat the customers like serfs. Why don't shopping malls open at 9am & banks with them. Changed my Kasikorn bank at Pattaya Lotus South to BKK Bank because I prefer to do my shopping when it's cooler not wait for K Bank to deign to open.
  3. Neatly sums up RTP. (Not so much online scams as this requires a modicum of intelligence.)
  4. 100% agreement. At one time Pattaya taxi drivers erected bill boards with prices to various places listed with no recourse to meters. Needless to say Pattaya Plod have not prosecuted a single driver in over five years for failing to use his meter despite fights/riots with outsiders entering and touting for business.
  5. Why are companies queueing up to surrender 51% control to Thais?
  6. Over 90% of traffic tickets go unpaid. It's easy to issue via CCTV but difficult to collect without leaving the police station.
  7. Newsworthy indeed - Pattaya Police working after dark; even Pattaya Police working!
  8. It's metres away from the police station so what do you expect from the most work-shy force in Thailand?
  9. From The Guardian this morning; 'To date, 48% of Thais nationwide have received at least a single vaccine dose, while more than 30% have double-jabbed, health officials said Monday.' (I suspect most of those above with Chinese stuff.)
  10. There is a shortage of workers for a number of reasons. Covid has decimated the work force -' recorded 17,751 dead.' (not all of them old & only this Gov's word that this is the true figure!) Thailand has been the hub of overmanning for decades; a walk round any Thaiwatsadu branch will reveal mobs of workers following customers about, or if the customer is a farang, hiding in the shadows ready to chant 'No have' if discovered. This has produced generations of a work-shy labour force. Job vacancies advertised, went unfilled as most (male) Thais prefer to watch rice grow than stand up. The average Thai would not last a week in Europe but perish from exhaustion.
  11. There isn't any; just mouthings and wishful thinking whilst stashing the baht away.
  12. ride motor bikes under age with no crash helmets whilst owning a free range dog to play among the traffic.
  13. Thai law & Justice = Hilarity. The main thing one gets prosecuted for here, is telling the truth; it hurts so the Gov don't allow it.
  14. Any chance of jail time? Oh, I see a high-ranking cop headed the scam, so I just answered my own question.
  15. Several months. Running a high fever + aches. The test pointed the likely source to within a 3 day time period.
  16. I smoked off & on most of my life in UK. When I came to Thailand & saw the price of cigs was less than half I couldn't believe it. As I grew older on a frozen pension, it made me more determined than ever to keep drawing it as long as possible. A Thai hospital cured me in a week.
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