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Posts posted by Regyai

  1. Mish mash of two different things

    You can get an International Driving Permit (IDP) which 'validates' your UK licence for use in Thailand (and elsewhere). One being officially no use without the other. Essentially the IDP is supposed to translate the issuing country's licence (but of course you'll see no Thai script in it).

    The other (long term) route is to obtain the Thai Licence as above - though if you strike unlucky and lock horns with a clerk who knows you should have the IDP too you may have to do the classroom/test and driving test a la khon Thai


  2. UPDATE:

    Dunkin Donuts Apologizes For Blackface Ad In Thailand


    Dunkin Donuts has apologized and pulled advertising for its campaign in Thailand that shows a model with blackface makeup and the caption, Break every rule of deliciousness.

    The Thailand branch of Dunkin Donuts initially responded that the outrage amounted to paranoid American thinking. In fact, Dunkins Thailand CEO Nadim Salhani noted, their sales have been up.

    Its absolutely ridiculous, Salhani said.. Were not allowed to use black to promote our

    doughnuts? I dont get it. Whats the big fuss? What if the product was white and I painted someone white, would that be racist?

    But Human Rights Watch said it is unacceptable that an international brand adopt this line of marketing.

    Full story: http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2013/08/30/2558371/dunkin-donuts-pulls-blackface-thailand/

    -- THINK PROGRESS 2013-08-31

    Yea, according to this, the American home office stepped in and started grovelling almost immediately. Some PR flak named Karen. Probably a 20 something just graduated from Brown or Bryn Mawr or the likes.

    --"The corporate office responded more apologetically than the Thailand franchise and announced it would end the campaign. Dunkin Donuts recognizes the insensitivity of this spot, Chief Communications Officer Karen Raskopf said. On behalf of our Thailand franchisee and our company, we apologize for any offense it caused.

    Well there you have it

    Doughnuts that gastronomically and in ideology stick in your craw


  3. I don't quite understand all the brouhaha raised by an agency in California. How does this affect the market in Thailand?

    It doesnt in the slightest and if DD wasnt a presence in 'merica they wouldnt be listening

    Raise the 'racist whip' in the west and watch any corporation tremble.

    If there was no domestic target in his sights the hand wringing complainant would not have bothered

  4. I think its pretty obvious that there's no CSI investigation needed to unveil the fact that 'Free' Insurance given by the dealer is going to have the bells and whistles pared down from it. The dealer will want it as cheap as possible while retaining its perceived value. Obviously if you want to cast your net about the market place you will find cover with better benefits, but suffice it to say the self same cover will cost you more than the car dealership pays for it (in fact if you cozy up with the dealer you can - if he deigns fit - route the renewal via them so that you benefit from their volume discounts)


  5. 80% is standard fare for Thai insurance

    But other anomalies to what you may be used to with vehicular insurance 'back home'

    Such as

    Its the vehicle thats insured not the driver (in that unlike the West where the proposer - and often any other drivers - have to be named on the policy. here in LOS any legitimate driver is covered)

    Have a smattering of small claims and no swingeing price loading follows you around at renewal time


  6. <deleted> its a bit of fun

    If you want to report with teeth, camera up the drivers window and post the incriminating on YouTube and start the ball rolling

    No stomach for that

    Stick a l'll flag on Bribespot (its all in good fun and the Boogie Man most likely wont get you)


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