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Posts posted by Regyai

  1. Old lion who thinks he can still roar...

    You think that the elderly and infirm should show absolute show obeisance and shower respect on young <deleted> hooligans? Should they throw away all vestiges of self respect and kow tow?

    That you choose to make a snide remark rather than express a little sympathy to a senior with the balls to express his anger and disgust in the face of unacceptable, and in this case dangerous, behaviour says much about you - and your upbringing.


    To a degree

    The sentiment is correct


    Issue challenges and subsequently lose the duel

    doesnt merit bemoaning the misfortune


  2. What happened to the government statement to the foreign embassies that the police would stop the violence and crimes against tourist?

    Like all legislation in these matters it is meaningless

    Until everybody gets a couple of policemen each you are largely responsible for managing your own predicament

    The Ethel Merman decided to get vitriolic about his perceived 'lebensraum', matey boy responded and gave him a well deserved (nay insisted upon) slap.

    And this is somehow news

    Of course had it gone the other way and the MCycle rider been sent with his tail between his legs then it would merely have been a cause célèbre at the next Umpah Band knees up


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  3. I thought this was a site where a person could make their bribes online, not report them! But I guess those getting the bribes aren't clever enough to do that (yet).

    Soon soon....the police already have a website for transfers so they should be able to polish up their paypal gateway.

    So last year

    EasyPay QR codes ... theiving BIB slides in on underside of notebook, scan of the QR with smartphone...job done


  4. Interesting exercise but 'clandestine camera and Youtube upload' still seems the only real way to garner action from on high.

    As already said when the maps aglow with l'ill red markers will the tooth fairy magically make things better (proliferations of spray paint markers on the tarmac doesn't seem to enhance the standards of driving)


  5. This is interesting

    The OP has this morning edited his post removing the statement that his cousin wanted his lifelong friend and tenant in common to receive the property.l

    The OP needs to explain himself.

    Or perhaps he already has


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  6. Contesting the veracity of a will in Thailand from 5000 miles away, with a half share of a condo as the prize (resplendent with in situ opponent).

    Contemplating UK legal vultures instructing Thai legal piranhas

    Pardon the cynicism but if you come out of this with a portion of Som Tam oreven the shirt on your back I'll be surprised

  7. Another reason to favor Ladyboy companions, one comes out of a scrape with 7 Thai fellas with minor injuries and ones valuables intact smile.png I'm sure if he'd been with a ladygirl, they both would have been hosed.

    Hahaha, good reason I guess. Still I would rather take an ass whipping and take a few of the thugs with me than to get my name published in the local paper and have it stated that I was with a transexual. Not exactly something to write home to mum about.

    "Yes mum all the best bodyguards out here are

    I mean Jeez you wouldnt think of going anywhere without one"


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  8. Ive just returned to Pattaya a few days ago and was quite surprised to see a Thai M/c gang on the highway into Pattaya when in the taxi from the airport. In over a decade of being here it was a first. Well over a hundred strong with the usual noisy little bikes and curiously sporting gang colours on sleeveless denim jackets.

    Following day saw similar group on about 30 bikes about 5km south of Pattaya on Suk indulging in what appeared to be a post collision punch up.

    I remember making a mental note then that the Mu7 is my weapon of choice now over venturing out alone on the PCX (as stated above a ton of fast moving metal with chrome bars up front aint about to be parried with some cutesy Muay Thai shin work ;) )

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