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Posts posted by ksamuiguy

  1. We have many locations using wells that are as far as 300 meters away from the tank.

    We use a pump that cost 2,200 baht, never had one fail because of the application, low voltage, yes the Cap blows, Foot valve fails the pump seal goes.

    Also need to be covered (loosely) to keep sun off and rain out!

    The key is the closer to the water source you are the better the operation will be. A suction line of many meters is asking for problems.

    "The Little Red Pump" buy 2 keep one around for emergencies.

    If you put the pump other than at the source you won't have to worry about theft, you will be replacing it often anyway.

  2. Prk-nam-pla, filter out the pepper seeds after gring in a Koke.

    Put the liquid in a small squirt gun or spray bottle.

    Spray some in the face or ass of the offending creature.

    No permanent damage, my experience using this method while in Bangkok when jogging was, they never bothered me again (the same one). Aim for the nose!

    Cheap nam-pla has a lot of salt in it, so test the device before use.

  3. I suggest you take a look at the below link. You can also contact the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok, American Services, They have been very helpful in the past.


    The treaty offers many advantages, but the Thai officials don't like it!

    They will tell you the Wrong Government signed the Treaty. Just be aware that the Treaty is between "His Majesty The King Of Thailand and The President of The United States". Official translation are available in Thai and English. The translations are correct and certified in both languages.

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  4. It will work if some one can coordinate and execute the smooth transition from the airport to Samui.

    A complete package so there are no problems with luggage, bus, ferry. Just get on the flight in Bangkok and pick up your luggage in Samui, or on to your hotel.

    Tourists will pay for this service and it will give them a better idea of normal Thai life as they will see a lot more on the Bus and Ferry.

    What won't work is to plop them at Surat Airport and leave them to figure out how and where to go and what to do.

    A smart company would set up this service and cater to there "Guests of The Kingdom".

    Get the Samui Hotels involved, people will pay for these services, few Services are offered by the hotel on Samui.

    No one seems to take care of the guest once they are checked in. They need some one like the annoying , happy go lucky person on a Cruse ship, who is always organizing things.

    Most people would love this attention and direction, remember most Tourists are followers , not adventitious, organize things lead them and they will follow.

    The quickest way to rune the whole thing is as most have done in the past. Take them to shops and areas where Touts screw them.

    I see it every day with various vans, stopping at restaurants and see who will pay the highest commission to the driver.

    It seems there is no service provided any more, like personal guides, you all know what I mean.

    At the pier fighting over where the passenger will stay, ie what hotel. Don't we have a hotel association, they should have a representative at the airport to meet the Guests, before the Touts get to them, License and train these Thailand representatives to take care of tourists, agian 90% are followers, we just need to make sure they follow with out getting screwed.

    Service, Service, Service none provided here or else where for that matter, unless 5star hotel.

    No one seems to care , so they constantly bitch instead of doing something to help the situation!

    • Like 1
  5. In over 40 years 99.9% positive on honesty, and reliability of the Thai people. That said knowing the Thai Culture also prevents disappointment on some occasions.

    The younger Thai's seem to be loosing this, I am sad to say.

  6. 111 report the incident with the Taxi number. It seems they are building a complaint data base, using the Taxi number.

    Most taxi drivers on Samui follow the rules and are polite and friendly, lets get rid of the bad ones, it will also help the "Good Guys"

  7. Like a town meeting, a FREE ZONE", with a modarator and NO PRESS, NO CAMERAS, just People expressing thier opinions and concerns in Anonminity.

    Give everyone a chance to voice thier opinion, obviously the Royal Family would be off limits.

    It is possible to critisize things and people with out names and instances.

    It would have to be organized and modrated to keep the crazies out.

    Thai Only, we need to keep our noses out of thier internal affairs and cultural differences.

    A Represenative of the Government Present to listen and hopefully learn and report back what the Thai's are concerned about.

    It can not be a deabte or chaos would result.

    Just a thought!

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  8. The tissue is a big problem, it must desolve, break up in water. Most Public places use very cheap tissue.

    Test yours, place a meter or so of tissue in a container of water, stir, is should break up into a slurry. Cheap paper just sits there, it will accumulate in the pipe bends and septic tank and block the weirs that catch the unresolvable solids, this will eventually block the outlet and the tank will overflow.

    Also don't flush food or oil down the toilet, also plugs things up and slows the Biological process in the tank.

    If you don't use a particular toilet or are going away for a few months, the toilets need to be flushed regularly.

    A dose of Bio-Bacteria down the toilets 2-3 times a year is recommended, the powered type in about 40 baht a box and can do several toilets.

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