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Posts posted by ksamuiguy

  1. Just wondered, who empowered "The Durian Police", where did, do they get the power to look, inspect a purchase I have made, bought and paid for.

    Control of your industry or association is Ok.

    If I choose to buy bad fruit knowingly or not is my choice.

    After some research I Got It wrong, only applies to the Growers and Sellers???


    Interesting law, regulation, the link is above, worth the read!

  2. Reality sucks!

    Some one needs to feed the animal and take care of it.

    Alternative, put it back in it's Natural Environment, OH!, there home is gone, replaced by resorts, roads, farms and people.

    As long as the animal is not abused or maltreated, it is better than the alternative of being relegated to the growing list of Extinct Species.

    Enjoy the as long as you can, they won't be here long.

    Taking care of these animals is difficult and expensive.

    Who is going to do it YOU!

  3. It happens ever where, getting information to the right people who need it is always difficult.

    Coordination and knowing what is going on in your area of responsibility seems lacking.

    As always they don't talk, only "Knee Jerk" reactions to unreliable reports from unreliable sources.

    It seems that way all over the world now a days.

    In these dangerous and uncertain times meetings, gatherings, festivals ect need to be confirmed with relevant and responsibly authorities.

    Again no one talks, everyone assumes that everyone else knows.

    This is a world wide problem, not only a Thai problem.

    It would seem that "in-charge" person needs to get his shit together.

    This type of mistake should not happen, send your representatives to these gatherings.

    Offer assistance when it is needed, get to know the community and what is happening.

    TALK and be friendly, it works!

    This behavior has been going on in the South for a long time.

    Influential people are loosing power, and they don't like it. (Central Samui).

    They have been the scape goats long enough!

  4. your token has a serial number on it, this number references a corresponding Random Number Generator in the banks computer. The number changes every so often (set by the program. The same program is in your token. They change generating the same number every 30 or 60 seconds. fairly fool proof system. I have one for my BizBanking account at Bangkok Bank. As long as the banks internal security is maintained things run smoothly and are secure. A low cost effective and secure system.

  5. For years our traffic lights in Natorn have not worked.

    The one at the Raja ferry / Nikki beach turn for over 5 years.

    The Immigration road , works when some one bitches, 2 days later it doesn't work.

    It also has been "broken" for over 3 years.

    Traffic has increased 10 fole in the last 2 years, and with the "New Race Track" road is a Danger to everyone.

    You can not enter the main road or make turns due to no break in traffic flow.

    Traffic Lights primary function is the regulation of traffic flow.

    Long story short, how do we get these lights fixed Permanently, the situation is a Danger to Our Community.

    Traffic Lights are not Rocket Science, but do need power and surge protection and well a well ventilated enclosure out of the sun.

    Any Idea how we get this done???

  6. 10 years or so ago, the Garbage Incinerator (near the Prison) was working and was very efficient.

    I did an inspection for (unnamed group) the system worked and worked well, little on no wast emitted.

    The problem than came up that the smell was bad on Couudy/Misty days.

    The problem was the caused by the opening of the door to the dumping pit, the garbage trucks used did not fit/seal to the opening.

    The cost of maintenance and operation than became a problem.

    This was a "State of the Art" Japanese designed and built plant, but underused at that time.

    It is difficult to imagine that they need parts from Bangkok.

    If that plant was put back in operation, it would solve the islands garbage woes.

    It was another project that was to early for it's time., now that it is needed no one seems to care or want to resurrect the beast.

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  7. Everyone has a phone now days, take a photo of the taxi ID displayed and send the photo to your self.Now you have a record of being in the vehicle, driver has nothing. lets start using all the tools to stop the corruption and scams.

    They are afraid of cameras, it is Proof and Exposure. As usual they can't stand the Exposure.

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