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Posts posted by billythehat

  1. There goes the neighbourhood. smile.png

    Hab au contraire, Sir, have some faith that the prison system has worked and that these poor souls have now been redeemed to become productive members in a civilised society. They would have used their time in chokey to learn perfect English, Latin, how to be good fathers, etc. The immense satisfaction gleaned from doing an honest day’s hard work should not be denied to the soul of any man....hmmm, hmmmm, praise the Lord, let me hear ya yeah!...hang on...where’s me wallet?... facepalm.gif

    • Like 2
  2. Most importantly, it was an exciting race.

    Yes, exactly Steven. It was much better entertainment value than the Melbourne race. Might turn into a more interesting season.

    “Might turn into a more interesting season”... coffee1.gif Hab sheesh...only 2 races in and the curmudgeon club is already launching the diapers...just because the fastest thing you lot ride on is in a home stair chair lift, how could you possibly know what it’s like sitting in one on those cars?...oh never mind. I’m going to Silverstone with my brother and a work colleague is going to the Monaco circuit...lucky bugger...I’d love to go to that one but the air tickets and accommodation are silly money.

    • Like 1
  3. The other day it looked like they were trying to lift the base of the overhead walkway by the school. Parts of the side just shattered exposing the rebar. Does not instill confidence in the strength of the walkway or that possibly bits of concrete will break off caused by vibrations of vehicles passing by. Also likely they do not have a clue how to sling a load properly.

    “just shattered exposing the rebar” – this is a very serious issue as I would expect to see at least 50mm cover to the rebar (the distance from the edge of the outside face of a rebar to the outside face of the concrete). This would suggest poor fabrication and the concrete mix not being up to specification. The subject of vibration affecting the structure will be minimal as the piers (where maximum shear will occur) are normally designed with movement joints or are supported on bearings. However, I take your concern as should the longitudinal beam(s) fail it won’t matter how the ends are supported...coffee1.gif

  4. “Somebody claiming divers are moving from Phuket to Koh Tao obviously does not know much about that subject.”

    Yes, I may have to retract the line about being ‘a wee bit age crazy’ although he’d been remarkably lucid in previous postings that the Chinese, et all, were just kipping at his digs before moving on elsewhere. However, reading post #210, I’m feeling somewhat concerned defending the aforementioned copper by his reference to Patong as a city. Personally, I view the high water mark for Phuket (for European westerners) as at least prior to the 2004 tsunami; the others are now just having their time as we all did. burp.gif

    Where exactly did Detective Inspector Simon43 say there is ‘nothing’ to do? coffee1.gif

    As for his alleged ignorance, well, seeing as he appears to have identified a business model that keeps him afloat whilst others (in the same market) struggle harder than an old clapped whore on Bangla, I would hardly describe him as just another deluded inmate who’s gone a wee bit age-crazy. As a frequent visitor to Lalaland I read his observations as well observed and note he doesn’t need to resort to lame insults to make his point. Take note, Sir.

    Quote from Simon "Back on-topic, many of my guests ask the very fundamental question 'What does Phuket have to offer?'

    Well, IMHO, the answer is not much!

    I suggest visiting the Big Buddha, Bangla Road, Simon's Cabaret, Phuket Fantasy. Apart from that.. hmmm."

    II did not call Simon ignorant, I said with regards to the mentioned activities he brushes of f too easily, possibly (or probably, I don't exactly recall) based on ignorance of the mentioned activities. Somebody claiming divers are moving from Phuket to Koh Tao obviously does not know much about that subject.

    And maybe Simon's guests are typically not interested in any of the mentioned activities, including beaches, but that does not mean Phuket does not have them on offer nor that Chinese in general are not interested in them.

  5. Where exactly did Detective Inspector Simon43 say there is ‘nothing’ to do? coffee1.gif

    As for his alleged ignorance, well, seeing as he appears to have identified a business model that keeps him afloat whilst others (in the same market) struggle harder than an old clapped whore on Bangla, I would hardly describe him as just another deluded inmate who’s gone a wee bit age-crazy. As a frequent visitor to Lalaland I read his observations as well observed and note he doesn’t need to resort to lame insults to make his point. Take note, Sir.

    I'm with Simon on this one.

    Ponder this. There are far more activities and things to do now, especially for Western tourists, than ten years ago.

    Yet, there are noticeably fewer Western tourists here now. Therefore, people don't come for the activities, If they did, Western tourist numbers would have increased, instead, they have declined.

    Many people choose their holiday based on boasting rights.

    When Phuket was relatively unknown (before the tsunami), we had lots of Western tourists. Saying you holidayed in Phuket, Thailand had a certain prestige.

    Now that Phuket is known and has opened the door to mass-tourism, it isn't fashionable any more. It's become the Benidorm of Asia.

    You agree with Simon and in the same sentence you say Phuket has far more activities and things to do now. While Simon is saying there is nothing to offer.

    BTW, compare tourist numbers for Phuket with those of other destination in Thailand, and you'll see the situation is the same. Krabi, Khao Lak, Gulf Islands, Bangkok, all suffering from a lack of (spending) tourists.

    I'm saying that tourists don't come for the activities, whether there are lots, or not many. Available activities on the island is irrelevant when talking about the Chinese.

    I also agree with Simon that many of the activities you mentioned do not interest the Chinese, anyway.

    The Chinese go on tours, which, in all probability are part of the whole package, including flights and hotel.

    What's important to them is lots of photographs for boasting purposes when they get home.

    Ah, ok. Yes, agree, many people come for the beaches, not other activities, although there are still quite a few people coming here only for diving. But yes, they won't come here for a cooking course. But they will do a cooking course on one of the days they don't feel like going to the beach or take a massage or do some shopping.

    And yes, quite a lot of Chinese are on package tours, but they will not stay at Simon's. And I see many Chinese not on package tours doing snorkeling trips (look at all the drownings), cooking courses, etc.

    My point was: Simon is complaining there is nothing to do on Phuket. And sorry, that is simply not true, also for Chinese there are many activities, but he simply brushed them aside, quite a few of them seemingly out of ignorance.

  6. The Russians are broke. As are the Americans, the Brits, the Chinese, and most everyone else. (Except for the Nordic nations).

    Brits?...I’m not skint and neither are many of the quality Brit tourists I know that visit Lalaland. No Sir, I think there are many and varied reasons why folk are not going there...kop some of NKM’s sermons for the unfortunate low-down. Arh, the good old days... coffee1.gif

  7. "Also, not seeing any drainage. The cement thats going in, once underwater, do they think it's going to hold up? I mean, you mix cement WITH water, right?"

    How do you think concrete jetties and wharves are made?

    Jetty's where I come from aren't made of concrete

    attachicon.gifNewport Jetty.jpg

    cement will go hard under water as long as it remains still

    Best one yet!...keep ‘em coming... laugh.png

  8. Cmon guys, there's NO prediction where any criminal will appear, to be 100% safe, stay home.

    Like stevenl says, there haven't been any officially reported incident the last year and a half anywhere on the coast line roads outside the villages, that doesn't mean it hasn't been any, just not reported or the incident might have slipped through my spy glasses.

    Even so, caution have to be observed on ANY road, anywhere at anytime.

    My best suggestion to be safer is to never ride alone with only 1 bike, two bikes or more is preferable, if the OrBo Tor wants to save money by turning off the street lights at night, don't go there any time of the year (but they mostly turn if off low season).

    Listen to stevenl, he knows what he's talking about.

    "Listen to stevenl, he knows what he's talking about." facepalm.gif

  9. Enjoy cheap oil prices whilst you can. Another year to 18 months it will be close to US$100 a barrel again.

    Russian ranks have already been thinned. You can see this at Villa Mart. Have a Russian works house close by. Used to be five or, six of them sharing. Now only three.

    Chinese tourists will increase due to easier visa regulations and a raft of airlines planning on more direct flights from China to Phuket.

    Australian tourist numbers will go down drastically in 2015 due to the relative collapse of the A$ which the Aussie government want to see even lower than it is today.

    Within another couple of years, the Indian mass tourist market will start.

    It's too late to get back the quality European tourists, they're not coming back.

    “It's too late to get back the quality European tourists, they're not coming back.

    Shoo nuff, guv. I’ve never seen Patong so quiet at Kitmath time; empty beaches, soi’s, bars and worried hotel owners.

  10. One of the more stupid news titles. ThePhuketNews team should think before they write.

    Unfortunately I hab to agree with you in this instance but note from the photo that the crash rail upstands are formed from thinned walled circular hollow sections and not the prescribed universal beam sections...tsk,tsk...RIP the Honda Civic. sleep.png

  11. Whatever is being sold in Phuket at the time and is available in Rawai.

    Most of these ciders only last six months, or so, before becoming "unavailable".

    I remember drinking Bulmers, Stowford Press and a couple of others I can't remember the name of.

    I did try the TNC, but, frankly (sorry Nathan & Steve), I didn't like it.

    Sir, pray that you will allow me to shake those remaining neurons around a wee bit, but does thee remember a wee brew that cost a few mickles more than a quart of Woodies called Gaymers Olde English? This was a decidedly better brew than the former and less sweet too. wink.png

  12. coffee1.gif Hab sheesh...first it was Patong is not Thailand, now Bangla is not Patong...so wot’s next?...the Chuff Bar is not Bangla? The Bar Stool on the left is not the Chuff Bar?...

    Anyroad, to the OP, yeah come to Patong and see the real Thailand and its folk. In addition to the positives already mentioned by the valued members above, I would add that the zoo is free and unfenced. Just grab a seat and marvel at the view. blink.png

    • Like 1
  13. Having lived in Thailand for 9 years, I never made it to Phuket because none of the women from Phuket ever recommended it!

    Recently, many have told me it is downright dangerous at night even for them. I'm just conveying what 5 have told me recently. I have no opinion other than what was conveyed to me.

    Having lived over 18 years in Phuket, I have never considered Phuket dangerous for the average person. For sure there are dangers - anywhere in the world - but downright dangerous in Phuket is a complete exaggeration for the vast majority of visitors.

    For the benefit of folk considering a visit can you please define ‘average’?

    I’m sure this poor Ruskie lass considered herself average...sad.png


  14. @NKM

    Sigh sigh - if you googled anywhere in the world you will find 'bad' stories, even where you currently live.

    "if you googled anywhere in the world you will find 'bad' stories" - sure, one off incidents of crime, but not sanctioned rip offs, scams and extortions that have been going on for years, and high crime areas that are never policed.

    "even where you currently live" - I have been using a VPN for a while now, as advised by you during a PM, ages ago, when I was having trouble with many duplicate posts on the forum.

    So, are there NO dangers on Phuket that people should be aware of?

    Would you ride you bike, late at night, along the coast road, regularly?

    Pardon my bad phrasing. I was referring to all our readers living around the world. I well know you live in Phuket. My point was that bad stories can be found everywhere.

    Sure there are plenty of dangers here - for folks who don't take care, are not aware of their surroundings, and worst of all get very drunk. Over the years I have spend nights out in very dubious parts of West Africa and South America. Never had a problem so long as I followed my rules above. And no I would not drive a m/bike anytime of the day.

    I consider myself well traveled, as you do LIK, my point being, many prospective tourists may now be putting Phuket, whether rightly, or wrongly, along side "West Afirica and South America" - which to me, sends a message to authorities here that Phuket has some issues, that must be addressed, or fear being a "no go zone" for those tourists with real money to spend.

    We all know it's Phuket's "image" that most concerns authorities.

    Do they really know how that image is slipping?

    Arresting the offender of a violent crime against a tourist is no good if there is another violent crime committed against a tourist tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after etc.

    Believe me, guv, as an outside visitor with no biznit interests and not having 180 years living there the rot is much clearer to see upon each visit. Then again it could be I remember it better than it actually was, but now the image definitely isn’t what’s in the tin. If one is nailed to the perch in any location for a long time squawking ‘Ships? I see no Ships’ serious change is not always seen until it’s too late. As for the authorities, does anybody really think any Thai really gives a rat’s ass what the farang thinks? Observe the tragic comedy over the poor murdered peeps on Koh Tao for example...

  15. Having lived in Thailand for 9 years, I never made it to Phuket because none of the women from Phuket ever recommended it!

    Recently, many have told me it is downright dangerous at night even for them. I'm just conveying what 5 have told me recently. I have no opinion other than what was conveyed to me.

    Having lived over 18 years in Phuket, I have never considered Phuket dangerous for the average person. For sure there are dangers - anywhere in the world - but downright dangerous in Phuket is a complete exaggeration for the vast majority of visitors.

    coffee1.gif ...hmmmm...well, I suppose such a viewpoint may come because you have a vested interest(s) there but would agree slightly that ‘downright’ was not the best choice of word in this context. Would I advise the wee bairns of my extended family to go to Phuket? No I wouldn’t. Would I advise them to visit other parts of Thailand? Yep, most definitely. Any Frenchman asking the same question I would, without reservation, advise they all go there.

  16. Russian and Chinese package holiday tourists are propping up the tourist numbers, but they come here on a tight budget, therefore, do not spend and inject little into the Phuket economy.

    The numbers may be up, but the money is down.

    Therefore, Thai Business 101 kicks in - "Money go down - put price up."

    At Similans, what this topic is abut, tourist numbers are way up. Don't try to make this about something it is not.

    "At Similans, what this topic is abut, tourist numbers are way up." - source please.

    Just look at the offers of the tour operators now and compare that to 2-3 years ago. Trips to the Similans have at least doubled.

    Just ask any of the operators.

    You could also do a search here on the forum, and check the posts about Similans. I recall the rangers complaining about the great numbers of Chinese leaving their cigarette butts behind e.g.

    Oh, and most importantly, I know what I'm talking about.

    "Oh, and most importantly, I know what I'm talking about." cheesy.gif

  17. Possibly but Id like to see a published source first, wouldnt you? Furthermore, it could just be as simple as Thai Economics 101 kicking in No Hab Biznit, poot pwicess up.

    I think it's as simple as that, BTH. As you say, Thai Business 101 - "Money go down - put price up."

    I expect to see more of this Thai business practice in the future, on Phuket, and across a broad range of industries.

    With the increasing tourist numbers there this is not the case.

    Russian and Chinese package holiday tourists are propping up the tourist numbers, but they come here on a tight budget, therefore, do not spend and inject little into the Phuket economy.

    The numbers may be up, but the money is down.

    Therefore, Thai Business 101 kicks in - "Money go down - put price up."

    Agreed and relevant to the OP.

    The reality of Thai economics still appears to elude some of the inmates here, ‘if living here one pays the Thai price’ blah, blah, blah, but at the end of the day one needs to view this as just a sardonic opinion rather than fact. Quite harmless. The price increases to Similan and indeed other tourist traps will have a cut-off point for whoever wants to go; price it too high and you end up with an over rated niche that only the rich, or dumb, or expats that live there can afford. Clever, successful business folk are usually canny enough to avoid such a situation when the majority of your custom is from the hinterlands of Siberia, Derka Derka Stan and Xinjiang.

  18. Oh, he was the chap with the stutter.

    Equally baffling was Midder Keen (always nimble on his feet) who had no takers to his glib waffle on branding Phuket. Hardly surprising since his unnecessary usage of (abbreviated) Latin phrase was lost on the majority of the audience.

    I have heard Russell on the radio, he makes a good DJ & certainly never stuttered.

    Paradise Phuket does not need re branding it needs to effectively deal with the problems which have plagued it for years. Rampant uncontrolled development, 2 tier pricing which in many cases is more than double, transport, lack of & unfair enforcement of the law, preventative maintenance i.e. educating Phuket people not to trash their own backyard, idiotic underpasses when flyovers would be just as effective & certainly cheaper & quicker to build.

    Feel free to add to the list.

    Sir, a friend of mine was present and reported that RR sounded like a nervous Elmer J Fudd with stage fright.

    Adding to your list would be redundant as what youd already (quite rightly) alluded to would involve coherent policies that would be enforced...the stable door was left open and the Buffaro has long since bolted.

    "the stable door was left open and the Buffaro has long since bolted." - yes, and only Russian and Chinese visiting the stable now to see where the buffalo used to live. smile.png

    Wait a cotton picking minute...I think you may have the next big money-spinning idea there...think along the lines of the Bible story of the 3 wise men who came to see the Baby Jesus in his crib at the stable...well, bring that forward and do it Thai Style using the sacred Buffaro as the centre piece of the story. Market the story; a poor sacred Buffaro called Sidney who carried the Buddha to Phuket a squillion years ago so that the main man could teach enlightenment to the locals. To show his gratitude to the now ageing Buffaro the Buddha gave him (no room at the Beer Bar Inn) his own crinkly tin shed on the beach. T’was here, after attaining enlightenment, Sidney croaked and his shack became a holy shrine. Okay, that’s basic outline and now all ya gotta do is sell these trips to the suckers, I mean valued guests. Location?...hmmm...I’ll let you sort that one although wasn’t there a topic a while back by wot’s his name...ya know the plastic copper with all the hotels...who mentioned a beach location on the north west of the island where the Buffaro’s used to roam? Also there’ll be the merchandising tat; hats with horns, fossilized pooh from the scared Buffaro (I suspect the source will probably have come from the security guard), etc. Given the location I think with some safety that we can do away with the idea of wise men. tongue.png

    There you have it and if it goes well you can buy me a few ales when I’m over at Kitmath. You’ll recognise me as the red faced Irishman wearing me favourite green crumpled felt hat sitting in the Clowns Pocket Bar on Bangla. drunk.gif

  19. Mr. Russel Russel? Seriously?

    Oh, he was the chap with the stutter.

    Equally baffling was Midder Keen (always nimble on his feet) who had no takers to his glib waffle on branding Phuket. Hardly surprising since his unnecessary usage of (abbreviated) Latin phrase was lost on the majority of the audience.

    I have heard Russell on the radio, he makes a good DJ & certainly never stuttered.

    Paradise Phuket does not need re branding it needs to effectively deal with the problems which have plagued it for years. Rampant uncontrolled development, 2 tier pricing which in many cases is more than double, transport, lack of & unfair enforcement of the law, preventative maintenance i.e. educating Phuket people not to trash their own backyard, idiotic underpasses when flyovers would be just as effective & certainly cheaper & quicker to build.

    Feel free to add to the list.

    Sir, a friend of mine was present and reported that RR sounded like a nervous Elmer J Fudd with stage fright.

    Adding to your list would be redundant as what youd already (quite rightly) alluded to would involve coherent policies that would be enforced...the stable door was left open and the Buffaro has long since bolted.

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