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Posts posted by billythehat

  1. 6 hours ago, NamKangMan said:


    2018, and Phuket is a so called "World Class Tourist Destination" and this is the best they can do here, with all those billions of baht revenue, over decades. 


    It would be laughable, except for Phuket having some of the highest road death stats in the world. 



    “Dr Thaejing suggested the government make installing dash cams a priority, believing it will go well with its much-touted Thailand 4.0 policy, which promotes technological advances to improve public services.

    The cameras will record all events happening in front of cars. This will make motorists think twice before committing mistakes, he said.” ?



    • Haha 1
  2. 4 hours ago, cleverman said:

    Any genuine ones in Patong, take biopsies, perform surgical procedures? Should have worn hats and used sun screen as a kid. And now too.

    Sir, are you saying you have a skin melanoma? These can have very serious consequences (I’m sure you’re aware) so Pops is correct, get yourself off to hospital and see a specialist as soon as.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, xylophone said:

    --Putting a sign up at the soi entrance (which many bar owners asked for) because if you asked the everyday punter where Soi Freedom was, they didn't know...…..absolutely true!


    Hee hee, exactly. I got asked the same question the last time I was there and replied “Dunno mate, I’ve only been coming here for 18 years. Go and ask one of those old codgers nailed to the bar stools over there…”?

    • Haha 1
  4. 6 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

    Speak for yourself. I could eat it three times a day everyday.

    As a side-note, the Burmese in Myanmar have discovered Thai food in a big, big way. In the cities and towns, they have virtually dumped their own food for Thai cuisine.

    The best Thai food I have eaten in nearly four decades was four years ago in a town called Myeik (formerly Mergui) at a Chinese owned Thai restaurant. It was packed with Burmese from when it opened at noon until it closed at 10:00 pm.

    So, the poor old put-upon Burmese here in Thailand, are at least in foody heaven.

    Sir, I appreciate you may have the constitution of an old kwai nam but I have to work in an open plan office with about 80 people.

    3 x per diem? Sounds like an serious addition. :shock1:

  5. 2 hours ago, xylophone said:

    Try Koh-i-Noor in the road that runs from Rat-u-Thid to the new Middle Road (waste treatment plant and Mercure Hotel in that road).......had a few take-aways from there and not bad at all.


    2 hours ago, xylophone said:

    Try Koh-i-Noor in the road that runs from Rat-u-Thid to the new Middle Road (waste treatment plant and Mercure Hotel in that road).......had a few take-aways from there and not bad at all.

    I thought it had closed down when I arrived on the18th but the indian curry club restaurant in soi sansabai was only going a quick spruce up and reopened a few days later. I’d been there a few times over the years and always found the sauces very tasty and well prepared. As for value, well you pay for what you get and most of our delicate colons couldn’t handle  curry every day anyway, so more of a treat. Great service too. Concerning the other gentleman’s note about where the tailors etc. get their fix from. I’ve noted a fair few are actually Burmese, Nepalese, other, and so have their own chow.

  6. They say don't always believe the hype but i decided to try the Bistro on nanai road; very disappointing i have to say too. Charming staff and attentive service but the fayre was some what wanting with my starter promising to be served on baguette slices  but turned upon that awful thai soggy white bread that i detest, with an indiscernible crustacia drowned in mayo. The main schnitzel had so much bread crumb the fillet was lost entirely and not helped with the warm oversalted spuds. The milk shake promised much but half the glass was ice. Still looking for that good eats...:sad:

    • Confused 1
  7. 4 hours ago, LaoPo said:


    Maybe you should learn a little about foreign tourists, their expenditures, length of stay and numbers to Thailand ?




    So childish and generalizing to point a finger to a certain country.


    I could name a few other tourist groups from countries, like Australia, UK, Netherlands, Middle East to name a few who behave like animals when on holiday but that doesn't mean that ALL tourists from these countries behave like animals, do they?


    NO, they don't, its' always the bad and ugly who stand out and attract the attention.


    I've watched dozens of Ozzies, both adult men and women in Kuta Bali in a club, all totally beserk, drunk, shouting, screaming and absolutely disgusting; the same with British, Dutch and Scandinavian youngsters, holidaying in Greece, Spain, Italy..absolutely disgusting.


    That doesn't mean that the far majority of tourists from ALL of said countries don't behave decent...they do, very much so.


    And, I've never seen Asian/Asean or Chinese groups, totally drunk and out of their minds, did you? 

    I didn't.





    Ha ha ha, cranky old social justice warrior with humour bypass surgery…excellent material for another postcard! :laugh:



    • Like 2
  8. On 13/11/2017 at 1:31 AM, xylophone said:

    Whilst we are on the subject of property/land, a few observations, followed by those after a night out on Bangla just recently………..


    FINALLY the white shop house type apartments which fronted the north end of Beach Road are being demolished and it looks like they are being replaced by a Sheraton Four Points hotel! Rumour had it that the owner wanted such a high price for that property that no one was prepared to pay it, however perhaps the wealthy Marriot group have seen a fit for their hotel in that spot.


    There are new apartments going in alongside of the “Senses” in Nanai road, owned by Prab by all accounts, and they look to be catering for the wealthier tourists. There also seems to be some movement on the bare land at the back of Jungceylon and opposite the B-Quik building, although I have no idea what is going on at that particular spot. However behind the B-Quik building there are some more roller blind shop units being built, this within a stones throw of the other ones which were completed a few months ago and of which around 50% are empty – – go figure?


    It would appear that Patong Bay Hill resort is still popular with Chinese investors although I doubt that these would be the same lo-so types whom I saw filling up their shopping trolleys with cheap and nasty rubbish just yesterday.


    And therein lies the Enigma which is Patong…….a mishmash of cheap guesthouses and small hotels, constantly struggling to keep their heads above water, interspersed with a few top-class hotels. Yet quite where these wealthier tourists go is a mystery because all I ever see around the place are cheap Chinese and more and more Russians, although the Aussies are making a comeback with their black singlets and tattoos.


    If you’re interested in buying a condo for investment here, well I’ve seen them advertised for 2.9 million baht, off the plan, and ready in 2018, and for that you get a full 28 m²!


    Out on Bangla last Friday and one would be forgiven for thinking that high season was here, although I’ve never thought it really started until December. Having said that there was a fair number of different nationalities I encountered, those being more Russians than I’ve seen in a long, long time, quite a few Brits, more Aussies than of late, a few Kiwis and an attractive bunch of German girls. Now two tall good looking Russian guys were trying to chat them up, but these girls would have nothing to do with them and the poor guys were mystified as to why, and were even asking me and a friend what else they could do to get these girls talking to them, saying that they were nice guys and not like many other “angry Russians” that were about the place! All to no avail as the girls completely ignored them and left, leaving around  7 untouched vodkas on the counter!


    Bangla was humming and even Soi Freedom had more than its normal share of punters in it, with my friends bar at the very end, next to the band, having around 20 patrons all enjoying the music, and of course making my bar owner friend a happy man. That was until the ladyboys came on at 11:30 PM, and as always happens the customers drift away during this frilly costumed, lip syncing, silicone and cockless display, so when the band resumes playing just after midnight, they play to just a few remaining customers and this makes my friend unhappy as it almost always happens this way, depriving him of custom, and there’s not much he can do about it.


    As has been the case for some time now, the bars with bands in were doing the best business and at 1:30 AM the queue outside of Illuzion snaked along Bangla, so I doubt if the place was going to close at 2 AM. Indeed a friends bar just down the road had been open until 5 AM the two previous nights, so a closing time/curfew of any description was not in place and it just goes to show that Patong is a law unto itself.


    Perhaps we should promote another one of our TV members, DrDave, to be our restaurant critic because he picked out Backside Bistro quite a long time ago when it first opened and it has been gaining in popularity since it moved locations and just the other night on the way out to Bangla, it was just about packed out.


    However things haven’t changed for the newly opened cluster of bars further south, because on the way home at about 2 AM, it still had its two musicians strumming away, but this time there was one customer in attendance, which was one more than there has been every other time I’ve gone past.



    Keep the reports coming XP; well balanced and informative reading. :thumbsup:


    I’ve heard good reports about the Backside restaurant and intend to check it out when I’m over next month. It’ll be good to grab some good chow for a change instead of the mostly dire eateries currently available.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, grumpyoldman said:

    Ol boy needs a brassiere.......those are some horrible man-boobs.


    “….makes you feel confident with the fresh and distinctive fragrance of Brut for the real man.”


    ….hmmmmm…nothing in the sales blurb about giving you a fine pair of Moobs…mind you our ‘enery doesn’t look too worried. Product still available from Boots and Tescos with the ‘Soap on a Rope’ gift pack option which I guess would come in handy defending oneself from attack from a psycho bar lass. Dunno if exported to Lalaland though...

  10. 12 hours ago, xylophone said:

    Yeah.....the name doesn't do much does it, but think it came from the previous location at the back and side of an establishment and DrDave rates it so I must try it soon.

    Yep, great name; all it needs is prefixing with ‘Mai’. :smile:


    Hope it lasts until Xmas…those meatballs look pretty good…

  11. 6 hours ago, LivinginKata said:


     Thanks pag - yes I got all the Trendy details and email to make appointment. I guess it a day trip away 2 times. Trouble is wife wants to accompany me and 'go shopping' plus stay a few days each time ... sigh sigh

    Quite expensive now (£84 a year ago) and they’re a chipped document too which is supposed to expedite your process when coming through the UK immigration. The system doesn’t always work and you then have to join the 5 mile queue to go through the standard channels…

  12. On ‎25‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 11:33 AM, xylophone said:

    I noticed another small guest house which had just closed and was for sale/lease and it brought to mind this post of your LiK, this especially after I visited my Thai lady friends guesthouse/hotel a couple of days ago and found it to be in a pretty sorry state, whereas a few close by were showing accelerated age (greedy builder owners scrimping on quality, finish and materials).


    I think her hotel was built (seven years or so ago?) along with quite a few others when new middle road was underway and I remember thinking then that surely this was overkill for a place which never seemed stretched for accommodation and indeed no one I had ever met had struggled to find some sort of accommodation here.


    I have to agree with your comments because the likes of these along with many other similar ones built in the middle road, as well as a few others cropping up in various places, really did result in some desperate measures as regards pricing. And I seem to recall just a year or so ago commenting on the fact that a larger hotel in middle road, roughly opposite the Art condominiums had a special on for room nights at 248 baht, and now of course we have the situation where some smaller places are advertising rooms at the equivalent of 167 baht per night.


    As DrDave has said, "that one only needs to open their eyes and see the number of bars, restaurants and guesthouses that are constantly turning over. These businesses owners are likely not selling because they're making money hand over fist. As has been mentioned many times before, Patong has a continuous cycle of business purchase and failure. Someone is always at the ready to buy a failed business which starts the cycle over again".


    I really don't see how this cycle can keep repeating itself because somewhere along the line someone is going to cotton on to the fact that many of them are not viable business propositions any more, and after having destroyed the businesses of those folk who saw potential in the place, only to have it ripped from under their feet by greed, lack of planning and corruption, what then?

    “advertising rooms at the equivalent of 167 baht per night”


    That’s about 4 quid…surely that can’t sustain the running costs of such a business…

  13. 3 hours ago, Bulldozer Dawn said:


    As NKM has correctly pointed out, how is a lad or lass (who left school at 12 years old) (and has black skin) supposed to move into one of these (supposedly readily available) good jobs or business opportunities you describe.


    I will just note below some of my own experiences and observations and other members can make their own judgments upon the veracity of your claims.


    1. My broker has a business degree and master's degree from Chula.  Her salary is 20K per month.
    2. One of my ex girlfriends has a law degree from Chula (she is from a dirt poor family and won a provincial scholarship due to her academic performance).  Not been able to get a start anywhere in law (despite graduating top of her class) but because she has good English she was able to get work as an assistant hotel manager.  Salary just raised this week from 13k to 18K.
    3. Another ex girlfriend, degree in civil engineering and post graduate qualifications and licensing for blasting and explosives.  Heads the shot firing team for a corporate giant.  Salary 20K.
    4. Previous next door neighbor career teacher, 35 years of service, just retired and salary at time of retirement 35K.
    5. Old Badminton partner, business degree and MBA, very dark skin, unable to get any job in the business field whatsoever, and wound up selling real estate on commission only basis.  She made ends meet in the first year then the ruble collapsed.  She met, and within two months, married a Norwegian guy 42 years her senior.  I asked her a straight if she loved him and her reply was "I get to leave Thailand and he likes dogs".
    6. Another ex girlfriend selling on retainer and commission for the largest bedding company in Thailand (in one of the largest retail centers) would regularly bring home less then 20K.  I remember one month where there was a staff shortage due to illness and she was "ordered" to work all 31 days in a month.  Her total take home was 27K.
    7. You claim a friend of  your wife works "5 days a week in retail".  I know dozens of Thais who work in RETAIL and have yet to meet a single one that has a 5 day work week.  All on them get one day off a week (and frequently not even that).
    8. After NKM called you out on your mega successful restaurant startup example you back peddled and said they bought in for just 100K or so.  How many workaday Thais have access to 100K up front.  5 percent of the population?  And there is no way that a bank will lend them 100K unless they already have an existing profitable business, or hand over the title deeds to a property.  And if they already have a successful business, or hold the chanote to a property free and clear they are not your average Somchai.

    I'm jealous; all those exe's and you're still drawing breath...c'mon, guv, wot's the secret? It amazes me how folk that live, say, in BKK, can eat, clothe and rent all in for about 100 quid a week and still keep their pretty heads above the klong water. I don't doubt this does happen but, you know...


    My ex TGF; a PhD in Particle Physics, Emeritus Professor of Mathematical analysis, Noble prize winner and Astronaut. New 6 bed house in the BKK suburbs and drives a new Mercedes all on 25k a month working at Chula as a Superviser Teacher. I should add she has the most incredible ass but surely that shouldn't come into the equation. I'm still trying to add it all up to this very day but fear it is beyond my remit. :smile:

  14. On ‎18‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 8:42 PM, Yahooka said:

    You forgot "finith" ...............................

    …and bringing the rear:

    “hmmmm not sure” and “up to you farang”


  15. 6 hours ago, losername said:

    1  I am not confused but I do apologise for not looking at the date of your post.

    2  Neither the OP nor I mentioned "going to Thailand for bowling".  Bowling was simply mentioned as an example of low numbers of customers.  Don't make things up.

    3  You appear to be obsessed with your personal wealth.  Skint or not, it is not the subject of this thread.  Try to focus.


  16. 5 hours ago, losername said:

    You make some obvious points.  There will always be someone who thrives in hard times, recessions, depressions, wars etc.  There will also be "varied reasons" why people decide not to visit a specific place.  All obvious.


    But do you seriously suggest that a fall in the value of Sterling of 24% against the Baht between Mid 2015 and now has no impact on the average spending of the average British tourist or expatriate?  Such spending may, of course, include whether to come here or not and whether to go bowling or not.

    :saai:…yawn…nice try, Sir, although you do appear to be confused about the timeline of my posting.


    The bit about going to Thailand for bowling was quite amusing.


    I’m still not skint btw.

  17. 7 hours ago, xylophone said:


    Hold on a minute, I've just been thinking about this post and in particular that which I have quoted above, and it makes me think that the post is a "wind up" or the poster is a shill for the property or tourism industry!


    And the reason I say that is because no one with half a brain who has lived here for a while would state anything like the above..............


    The infrastructure is absolutely stuffed and there is no hope for it at the moment, so the sweet scent of sewerage assaults the nostrils during the hot days and washes over the feet on the wet days; the infrastructure is so far advanced that on one new main road in Patong there sit two diesel powered pumps which actively take water from either side of the road and pump it onto the road, thereby ensuring that roads further down towards the beach are well and truly flooded.


    And of course this water and sewerage eventually finds its way into the sea courtesy of various channels, which shouldn't be there.


    The peace and quiet of the days and evenings are often punctuated by loud bangs as overloaded transformers, pole fuses and the like, explode, and in the process ensure that blackouts prevail for anything up to a few hours, and in some cases damage appliances and electronic gear.


    The potholes in many of the roads have become so large that the occasional Ethiopian refugee has set up home in them...........and I could go on and on.


    As for the shopping experience well it has certainly been an experience here because in the old days there was Ocean Plaza in Bangla which folded due to lack of business when Jungceylon opened, then there was the shopping and dining experience alongside new Tiger which has closed and is now being demolished because it failed, and then of course there is the Bangla shopping mall which set up business halfway down Bangla and has since closed due to – – yes, lack of business.


    So one would think that Jungceylon would be absolutely booming, but it isn't and I have it on good authority from a few senior managers in various establishments in the place that they are struggling big time. Now if someone thinks that building another shopping complex in Patong is going to improve the place, well they should think again because the place cannot handle another shopping centre and anyway the cheap tourists flocking here at the moment really don't spend in any upmarket shops, nor in any great amounts.


    Ah of course I forgot about the entertainment which is supposed to be "in the pipeline", so perhaps that can take its place alongside of the almost empty cinemas here, not to mention a few other attractions which have folded over the years.


    So as you can see, I really don't think this post can be taken seriously!!!!



    "the reason I say that is because no one with half a brain who has lived here for a while would state anything like the above"


    I wouldn't put too mutt money on that horse...hee hee...:smile:

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