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Everything posted by jonclark

  1. Hmmm. Now that either the most ironic post on TVF/AN or Taksin has joined our ranks and is self promoting himself to the expat crowd.
  2. Also known as Immigration Officers...
  3. Only male police generals in Thailand. Maybe a few female generals would be needed help sort out the <deleted> show that the RTP has become with men at the top.
  4. An imbalance in the Thai economy ...so says the head of one of Thailand's richest family. I look forward to him sharing his wealth with the poor to achieve a more financial and economically balanced country...
  5. No great loss...fairly sure that the loss of Chinese tourists would be devastating for Thailand tourist industry.
  6. Nope she has a bulls eye on her back because she is unpopular, unwanted and stabbed MFP /PP in the back by withdrawing from the MoU after PT lost there crown as the most popular party in Thailand.
  7. Well it would be nice if she started working as PM then cause for the past 6 months daddy has clearly been making all decisions and setting the vision and direction of the government.
  8. A bit off topic but it's a pity they didn't pay him to see how many kilos of weed he could smoke in an hour. At worse he would have woken up from some vivid dreams with a craving for some chocolate chip cookies. Poor kid. Feel for his grandmother who has now lost her only family and carer.
  9. Everyone knew this...but good to see people now calling this charade out publicly. Hopefully Pita can follow Taksins lead. As Pita is an immensely popular figure for Thai people.
  10. But does that make it right though?
  11. Detention outside of prison could be a humanitarian gesture for serving inmates, who are old or have terminal health conditions. It should not and never be an option for those that have fled the legal consequences of their actions by running abroad.
  12. Maybe. But I cannot see why a university (and the UK government to some extent) would offer a potentially cheaper alternative to a single person coming to the UK and contributing new income in the region of; 25k GBP course fees per year, NHS contributions, visa fees, flights and accomodation and living costs in the UK. By opening a campus here they are potentially reducing that flow of money into the UK and UK universities. Interesting if it did happen if then UK resident students could come to Thailand to study at local Thai costs at the UK unis Thai branch. A growing number of universities are businesses first and educational establishments second.
  13. Why would any UK uni want to open up a branch in an overseas country when overseas student fees when studying in the UK in a university there, are uncapped and double or triple domestic fees. Financial suicide for a large number of UK universities to do so.
  14. So by your own definition, wouldn't that makes Israel's ongoing actions against Palestine an activity of terror? Or does that definition only work at Israel's discretion. 100% support the removal of Hamas but not when the human cost far exceeds the cost of the trigger.
  15. No one's questioning "their country their rules" just giving an opinion about the rules of their country which incidentally the rules of their country allow. No mistakes made...just truth.
  16. It's my business end of story...and if you don't like it....well tough. I don't have to justify or validate myself to the likes of you.
  17. The majority of Thai laws are outdated and not fit for purpose in the modern world. The laws serve to protect the interest of the few while neglecting the needs of the majority. Born from a pot of corruption and nepotism Thailand's laws need an urgent upgrade. But only a Non Thai person can sees the need to urgently change Thailand's law. Okay?
  18. I know it would be great if more citizenships were given out.
  19. "...Maintain racial integrity...." lol people in S E Asia are such a genetically diverse bunch of people that any suggestion of Thailand having some form of unique racial integrity is utter fantasy. Indian, Chinese, Malay, Khmer, European etc...the Thai gene pool has it all. In fact maybe it could even be a genetic hub in the future. In fact I bet old Somchai and Meechai holding their petitions are genetically impure by their own standards where they to ever undergo genetic testing. Knobheads the pair of em.
  20. And still the prime suspect Gen Pedal holds his rank and all the associated privileges. Strip him of his rank and favour. Shocking to think taxpayers money will still be used to pay his pension.
  21. After the way he avoided jail i think calling him a man is a breach of the computer crimes act.
  22. I think i know the contents of Taksins speech on his vision. . Me,me, me,me,me, me, me, me, me, me,me and er....me. thank you for coming and good night.
  23. I think history will be judge of those sentiments. Pita was and is a far better choice in all areas. Intelligence, gravitas, charisma, leadership, vision and ease on the eye.
  24. Not the best defence thought tbh. Even though factually true.
  25. For the sake of the cou try i wish her the best. But i fear in a coalition givernment containing royalist, and with her father due to appear on LM charges poor bubbles is going to find herself stuck between a rock and a hard opace very,very soon.
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