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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. Just out of curiosity, now that this has set a legal precedent, I wonder if we might now see the reds or rather ted leaders, being sized up for a 'financial damages claim'

    As the reds war cry states " No double standards'

    I know the demonstrations were different in method and outcome but, as the old saying goes; what is good for the goose is also good for the gander.

  2. I know it's mainly a research paper, and not government policy, but if the TAT is concerned at the loss of potential income from the lower arrivals of Japanese tourists, then you'd expect the TAT to be lobbying the government to speed up recovery and aid programs to Japan, to help the Japanese punters recover and thus ultimately return to Thailand to spend their money.

    As for the comments on the shameful actions that TAT / Thailand is only concerned with the loss of money from Japan not the loss of life. I think that it's a bit harsh to say there is a lack of compassion. All week I've watched the BBC / CNN coverage of the Japanese disaster and one of the elements of the coverage is the economic fallout at a local, regional and global perspective. Is this any different??

  3. If Abhist did not order the killings, who did?

    was abhisit in control or not? Did someone follow his orders or disobey his orders?

    If he did not give the order who took it upon themselves to give the order?

    In this matter the PM was in charge, he either admits he gave the decision, or he admits he was not in control of the situation, if he handed control to the army then let him say who in the armed forces gave the order, and what was the order?

    Let's have some transparency here.

    As for the centralworld issue, I am guessing none of us were actually in centralworld at the time so none of us are in a position to offer a factual decision on that matter.

    I said before and I will say it again, at some point the dems will have themselves painted into a corner with their lies and will be left with nowhere to go other than to admit the truth or end up looking very foolish, lies and diversions soon get found out and leave the individual or group of individuals looking like what they are, liars.

    As it seems very unlikely PM Abhisit ordered killings and till now it's unproven, we must assume no direct order has been given. Just a normal 'cleanup as painlessly as possible'. That includes returned gunfire to 'unarmed, peaceful protesters'. Any speculation on 'order to kill' is just that.

    As for CentralWorld, correct I wasn't there, I also wasn't at CenterOne, Stock-exchange, Channel3, 7/11 RamaIV, BTS KlongTeui, BTS Ratchadamri, etc., etc. Lots of red-shirts were, watch some other VDO for a change.

    Is this government without blame? Probably not. Is this government guilty of murder? No. With all grenade attacks, bloodshed became unavoidable. It's really interesting to hear k. Jatuporn call some murderers, to be executed, he who shouted day and night 'I will fight till the last drop of (your) blood'.

    Be real, open your eyes.

    My eyes are open, I don't for one minute thing the reds are innocent in all of this, but I would rather the blame be apportioned fairly, and what the government are to blame for then lets blame them, what the reds are to blame for then lets blame them, any ambiguity such as the torching of central world is just that, ambiguity, however I find it a little strange that the fire occurred while under control of the military and that nobody has ever been arrested or charged with this offence.

    I have read reports from people that were there, I will base my opinions on those reports, which seem more feasible, and since the government are adept at putting out false propaganda then some suspicion does have to fall there.

    maybe one day the truth will out, probably when the dems are no longer controlling the courts/dsi/media etc

    You seem to have a clear picture of what the goverment needs to be blamed for, yet acknowldge the reds should also be blamed, as you state blame shoudl be apportioned fairly.

    So random - What in your view should the reds be blamed for; held accountable for and more importantly serve jail time for. Please give specifics .

  4. If Abhist did not order the killings, who did?

    was abhisit in control or not? Did someone follow his orders or disobey his orders?

    If he did not give the order who took it upon themselves to give the order?

    In this matter the PM was in charge, he either admits he gave the decision, or he admits he was not in control of the situation, if he handed control to the army then let him say who in the armed forces gave the order, and what was the order?

    Let's have some transparency here.

    As for the centralworld issue, I am guessing none of us were actually in centralworld at the time so none of us are in a position to offer a factual decision on that matter.

    I said before and I will say it again, at some point the dems will have themselves painted into a corner with their lies and will be left with nowhere to go other than to admit the truth or end up looking very foolish, lies and diversions soon get found out and leave the individual or group of individuals looking like what they are, liars.

    Why must there have been an order. I doubt any such order [to kill protesters] was ever given or even contemplated being given. I would expect the instruction passed down, would have been along the lines of use reasonable and justifiable force and only fire, if fired apon. I would expect therefore that as the army were being shot at, having homemade bombs and grenades thrown at them with the intention to injury or kill soliders, then in this instance reasonable and justifiable force would includes shoot to kill and in such circumstances the army would have engaged using these criteria These are rules of engagement and all armies operate under them in all countries.

    So no one gave the order, just the rules of engagement.

    The only Liars here are PTP and Jatuporn. I spent three days watching the action unfold along rama IV road from Klong Toei intersection, then intention of elements of the people there was to kill the army, weapons both homemade and otherwise were also on display and i saw them being transported to the 'front line'. These people were organised and co-ordinated using walki talkies and phones to plan their moves / attacks. I also heard loud explosions which i presume were an array of bombs, grenades or firecrackers.

  5. As usual PTP comes up with half bakes lies and half truths,. It focuses on sound bites and care ful edits to manipulate events to its own liking. PTP focuses on the fire at Central World but convieniently forgets to mention the fires on Rama IV or at Center Point (Victory Monument). Fire in areas under total Red control which happened before the army moved in. The granade attacks on the Sky Train station, and the fact that Jatuporn dismissed the PM offer to dissolved the house last november if he called off his demonstration.

    And then to cap it all they blame it on an 'invisable hand' - Please just <deleted> off PTP and get a life

  6. just wondering if any of you guys spend some money to help the Japanese People????

    you guys all write about the MPs but what about you??

    Do something first or Shut up...

    A fair point,

    But at the end of the day the MPs are the leaders of the country. Their ambivalence shows a striking lack of the leadership, in fact it shows a very selfish attitude, Is this the example they should be setting to the rest of the people. Hardly admirable. :(

  7. Quite a good turnout with the police estimating 30,000 so probably somewhat more than that. If they can still rally that many numbers in an area miles away from their heartland the upcoming election is going to be a tight one.

    You really believe 30,000 votes out of 65 million people will make it a tight election? LMAO

    And all 65 million are eligible to vote??? LMAO.

    No, 63.7m are, I believe.

    I think you're including those under 18 in your count!!! Who number about 15 million (rough guess)

  8. Quite a good turnout with the police estimating 30,000 so probably somewhat more than that. If they can still rally that many numbers in an area miles away from their heartland the upcoming election is going to be a tight one.

    You really believe 30,000 votes out of 65 million people will make it a tight election? LMAO

    And all 65 million are eligible to vote??? LMAO.

  9. ...Chaiwat said a petition will also be filed to the International Court of Justice, the International Red Cross, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, accusing Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen of human rights violations against Veera and his secretary Ratree Pipatanapaiboon, who was also handed down a jail sentence in Cambodia...

    They really are just throwing out the words of the day to try anything that might seem threatening.

    Indeed, complete nonsense from complete idiots

  10. My 1st thought along with others:- Georges 1st April prank is early this year.

    Well it does come from notthenation under the heading satire - Bloody funny article though, bit about the taxes is spot on though - how many time shave you booked a flight and then seen it double in cost under the considerable taxes. No wonder most of the locals can't afford to fly anywhere

  11. The PTP is just grandstanding in preparation for the next parliamentary election. Surely they have somebody literate enough to read and understand the constitution and therefore know that having a second nationality and even having used it does not disqualify a Thai national from being Prime Minister.

    Unless and until Apisit either affirms or denounces his ultimate intention in hanging on to dual citizenship....

    many Thai would regard such silence from Apisit as a trait of a traitor.... or a two headed snake งูสองหัว.... at the very least....

    In terms of specificities concerning Thai Constitution, neither does it state that a dual Thai national could become Thai PM....

    Most rural Thai already regard their current PM Apisit a traitor.... to them.... accepting the British citizenship means denunciation of his Thai ancestry.... :o

    Just want you to know.... rightly or wrongly.... B)

    Would the same rural folk regard Taksin as a traitor too for his duals citizenships which he bought. Or would they forget this point? Just wanted to know!

  12. He said the prime minister might set a bad example for others.

    that's pretty rich coming from a red revolutionary on the payroll of a traitor.............

    Yep, I'm with PTP on this no doubt - All foreigners are a bad example. I mean look at Thaksin a fine upstanding man who is 100% Thai who would never dream of ......oh hang on that's not right......<deleted>!!

  13. Of the total, 72.1 per cent believed protesters staged rallies in response to the government's mistakes and failures; while 85.7 per cent said they believed a power struggle and vested interests, including political bargaining, were behind the anti-government protests.

    Anybody who can figure out what this line means, please let me know.

    So was it the government's mistakes or a power struggle and vested interests who are the primary cause of political rallies?

    I mean really. An English language newspaper should at least write in coherent English.

    I am having trouble understanding the whole thing. There is a total lack of cohesion there.

    Surely percentage is worked from 100%..... 72.1% + 85.7% = 157.8% Hmmm the Maths sure don`t work..

    Probably said to tick which of the following you believe is the main reason behind the rallies - Tick more than one if applicable - which is why the results are more than 100%, :jap:

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