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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. Are the PTP suggesting that they won't be corrupt if they get into government?

    I'm 110% for rooting out corruption, but I think it's funny that this is coming from the PTP.

    I think your moniker says it all. Many years ago I remember an ex health minister sent to jail for corruption but since then I do not recall seeing any other high profile people going to jail.

    That's because they all do a runner from the country and refuse to return when convicted.

    I agree that both sides of the political divide are equally corrupt. My point is that only when one side renounces and admits it's own corruptness and publicly punishes and denounces those within their party, or affiliated to the party, through the legal system does it have any moral grounding to accuse other political parties of being corrupt and of not serving the national interest.

    Otherwise the voting public is choosing between sh* t and cr*p .

    If PTP is serious about tacking corruption it needs to get its own house in order - as outlined above - whilst at the same time producing little booklets that try to keep the government in check, like any good opposition should.

  2. Does PTP think that this is going to shock Thai people or tell people something they don't already know. Thai people ain't daft, they know corruption is part of politics and daily life. As for PTP issuing the booklet, well it's a classical example of the pot calling the kettle black. I admire them for trying to expose it, but maybe they should expose the truths behind their own past sins first before they try to claim the moral high ground.

  3. You guys bitch about having more then 2 on bikes and helmet quality, you go pay for an extra bike or car and a nice helmet for a poor thai family then. They don't even have mosquetto nets or shutters and any toilets in the NE let alone these luxuarys.

    Get real idiots.

    Long night?

    If you can afford a motorbike for 20k baht (used), you can also afford a helmet for 200 baht. Which, despite being a little piece of plastic and foam, will be way better than nothing.

    So poverty is an excuse for not following the law is it??

    Most families own helmets, but choose not to wear them. Fairly sure that some of those poor NE families you talk of have enough cash for dads beer as and when he wants it.

    Question of priorities. getting smashed or brain smashed in??

    If familiies can't afford helmets then clearly there is a need that requires a solution. Perhaps the government could make helmets freely available when a bike is bought then no one has any excuses.

  4. “Dennis wrote to me and we began a correspondence. I had been married but divorced in 1999. I had two young boys, one autistic. Dennis was also divorced with two daughters. I thought why not."

    If your entire reasoning for getting married is "why not" you're pretty much doomed from the start. Maybe if you'd thought why YOU should get married, you wouldn't have lost so much face. Twice married now. No Thai bloke is gonna touch you. :jap:

  5. They were trying to sell a promotion at paragon a few weeks ago 2 for 1 and the price was 700 baht.

    Now it will be cheaper to buy the tickets , I just ask my thai gf to buy them.

    the best thing is that all those who bought the tickets "buy one get one free" are really feeling

    p*ssed off as they bought them for 350 each (700 for two tickets), now the promotion is 300 baht.

    They'd be even more p*ssed off if they bought the tickets in london at a whopping twenty eight quid each !! or ninety nine quid for a family ticket.

  6. Sorry, I'm confused, maybe it's too early, but how do you go from being owed 6000B, to transferring 700'000 baht in a single ATM visit. When he was keying in 500'000 Baht, didn't a little voice in his head go " This doesn't seem right?? I think I'll stop!!"

    Obviously the guy who did it is a thief, but he (or she) must have a silver tongue to pull that one off.

    Just out of interest has anyone rung 02-8319888, just to see who answers the phone. Maybe it is DSI :whistling:

  7. It's not Thai logic. It's a combination of these dreadful ABAC polls and the reactionary politics of the Nation. Bangkok Pundit recently quoted a particularly nasty question from an ABAC poll on abortion:

    "Question 4: If you were the child who was to be aborted and you could speak, would you beg/plead for your life?"

    That isn't a poll. If it wasn't so vile, it'd be laughable. Anything that comes out of ABAC can - and should - be instantly ignored.

    I guess if enough people ticked the 'yes' box. This result would be interpreted by the Nation along the lines of....

    A recent ABAC poll indicated overwhelmingly that 75% of fetues would plead / beg for their life f they knew they were going to be aborted.

  8. This tax increase will mostly hit foreigners, most of whom do not consume tax free moonshine. Also most of whom take a cab instead of driving drunk. I think the government is trying to recover the income loss from reduced tourist visiting the country by taxing the foreigners that are already here.

    A typical Thai BS move.

    A typical BS move

    If the governement were serious about reducing deaths then surely making moonshine illegal to produce and sell would be the first thing to do. But we all know why they won't do that.

    Personally i'm gonna stop drinking and start smoking weed if the government increases tax (again) , as a form of passive protest :lol:

  9. "Of the 10,853 diagnosed with HIV this year, ......followed by housewives infected by their husbands (28 per cent)."

    So who infected the husbands and where are they (the husbands) included in the results. Surely we need to add an additional 28% (+) to these stats under the heading of; men infecteded by visits to hookers and massage parlours.

    Don't want to be a cynic, but for the amount of whoring and the social acceptance of men having many wives or girlfriends i'm sure the rate is far higher, especially if you consider that HIV can remain dormant for between 10 - 15 years before sufferers show tangible symptoms.

    How often would a married man go to get a HIV test given the social stigma??

    99% of these married men are Bi-sexual and caught the disease from another man.... also a big rise in the number of African prostitutes working Sukomvik area and about 60% of these girls have HIV... Same figure for African males who seem to take many Thai hookers for girlfriends , Condoms always.... is the best prevention... or just say No to hookers... Masterbate and save money..!!

    Sorry 99% of married men are infected through sex with another man, and your source for such a statement is.....? and the 60% of African hookers on sukhumvit being HIV positive, again a source would be nice or is 60% just a random number pulled from the air.

    I think that your statements are indicative of the Thai way of thinking that it HIV doesn't affect 'normal people' and that outsiders are to blame for the spread. The fact is in Thailand Thais are responsible for the spread of HIV in this country.

    But as for saving money part- gotta agree :jap:

  10. "Of the 10,853 diagnosed with HIV this year, ......followed by housewives infected by their husbands (28 per cent)."

    So who infected the husbands and where are they (the husbands) included in the results. Surely we need to add an additional 28% (+) to these stats under the heading of; men infecteded by visits to hookers and massage parlours.

    Don't want to be a cynic, but for the amount of whoring and the social acceptance of men having many wives or girlfriends i'm sure the rate is far higher, especially if you consider that HIV can remain dormant for between 10 - 15 years before sufferers show tangible symptoms.

    How often would a married man go to get a HIV test given the social stigma??

  11. But others like Senator Somchai Sawaengkarn, chairman of the Senate committee on human rights, liberty and consumer protection, argued that satellite and cable TV channels were full of commercials selling drugs for sexual enhancement, and political content supported by politicians, and simply went to air “without responsibility.

    Full of commercials selling drugs for sexual enhancement...what channel is he watching!!! and as for political content supported by politicians, well isn't that like a sports show supported by sportsmen.

  12. Just out of interest how many terrorist attacks have there been in the South of Thailand over the last 3 - 4 years. Or isn't that part of Thailand? Because if it is then the near daily bombings, shootings, be-headings put Thailand (in my book anyway) as a country at extreme risk. Or maybe we are all victims of the old saying 'out of sight out of mind.'

    Yes, Jon, you've got it right. Unfortunately, as much as possible, the government downplays what is happening down there. And for the average western visitor it's so far away from Soi Cowboy and Chaing Mai's night market that it almost seems like it's in another country altogether. Would anyone really have thought that Bali was at risk a few years ago?

    No denying it there is a big problem in the south.

    That being said how about some reality.

    The four most southern provinces and you want to judge all of Thailand on them. A bit far out aren't you. Why don't you judge all of Thailand by the four northern provinces. It would be closer to the truth. It is the truth we are looking for I hope.

    I'm not judging all of Thailand based on the Southern Provinces alone, but there is no denying what effects one, will effect all. and given that more people have died there in the last few years, than British soldiers on active duty on both Afghanistan and Iraq, you can see why it gives Thailand a black eye.

  13. Maybe thats why so many Thais have been choosing to eat junk food as stated in another topic - Too much weed giving them the munchies.

    Love the way that the ethnics have already been tried, found guilty and convicted of this despite it being in a national park. What we the park rangers doing, surely they weren't in collusion with this hedious crime. 2 tons of weed being grown in their back yard and they couldn't sniff it out.

  14. Surprised at the number of hang him high posts... he sounds mentally ill to me.

    Man tries to commit suicide and the police charge him with arson? Shouldn't he go to a hospital first to make sure he is mentally competent?

    Mentally ill? Perhaps, but high on drugs and/or drunk have almost certainly contributed to his mental problems.

    In any case, the lesson to be learned is, that if you want to commit suicide, do not endanger the lives of others while doing it....

    I would imagine, wanting commit suicide that he has more pressing issues, than the safety of others considering what he is doing.Why would he be concerned for others? If successful he isn't going to meet them. Is he?

    Or are you suggesting an ethical suicide?

  15. Thailand, specifically Pattaya, must rate as the country with the worst mis-behaving foreign visitors. And I reckon the worst foreigners in Thailand are low life Brits. Surely the Thai authorities bear some blame in allowing such scum into this country or letting them stay here?

    Mind you the UK lets in low life foreigners as well who rather than mis behaving as the foreigner do in thailand, the foreigners arriving in the Uk are given free housing, education welfare payments and a life of doing nothing financed by the state. At least the Thai authorities ain't so stupid.


    sadly as a brit i am afraid you are right, there is a beer swilling brainless element in british life that can be seen in any town and city centre in the uk every friday and saturday night and then after in A&e departments all over the country, alcohol is so cheap and available over here, there is a growing problem of alcoholism and liver disease among young folk, because Thailand is still relatively cheap to get to and realtively cheap to stay for a week or two its an easy target for that sort of rabble and of course the ladies are the cream on the cake.

    as to the 2nd part of the post, i am afraid the Uk is simply disintegrating anyway, due to the EEC, we have to welcome rabble from Romania, Albania etc who are just here to screw everything they can out of the country, The UK now is like one of those overmanaged old cold war countries such as East Germany, the only difference being that we are ruled by a liberal elite in contrast to a communist party elite. Anyone with a brain and money is leaving the UK. If such people dont leave its simply because of family connections or foolish nostalgia

    as for the guy in the news perhaps she wanted 2,500 for short time?

    cest la vie Wap

    But lets be honest what sort of clientele is Pattaya looking for? The whole towns economy is based on prostitution and whoring (lets be honest you don't go to pattaya for the beach or for a relaxing week away with the wife and kids). Pattaya is designed to attract mainly single men (old and young) or groups of men on a 'lads night out' . Where getting smashed, seeing plenty of tits and ass and generally being debauched is the order of the day. I'd imagine the majority of Thai people are happy with this as the pissed up foreigners stay for a short time and blow loads of cash, making them richer.

    If Pattaya wants a better image answers pretty simple then - rip out the gogo bars, ditch the hookers and turn walking street into a family orientated street. If you choose to live in pattaya and your western and your annoyed with the antics of your fellow farangs, well Duh !!

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