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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. <br />Un &lt;deleted&gt; believable.<img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/annoyed.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':annoyed:' /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Yep got that right!!!

    I often wonder the field day the media would have in the US or UK if x number of M16 were stolen from a military base for the 7th time that year. Plenty of people would find themselves out of a job

  2. Whilst the issue of education often comes up in Thailand. I think the OP does a good job of painting a wider picture of the issue, namely that most of the youth feel they have no future and are very disaffected. Is education to blame, in part yes, but it is just a symptom of the deeper malaise that this country finds itself in. Poverty, corruption, a legal and administrative system which seeks to make life as difficult as possible as opposed to empowering its citizens; a society where individual civil rights play second fiddle to money. Is it any surprise that our youth feel the way they do. After all, whats the point of trying as eventually they'll get kicked in the teeth and overlooked.

    Blaming the kids for turning to crime and drugs and then locking them up for doing so is wrong, as they are simply responding to the society which we have created. The fact they are responding differently to older, wiser heads, indicates that the society we have created is in fact a sad reflection on our perceived wisdom. The country we have created is actually pretty shit.

  3. Wasn't it only yesterday that jatuporn was criticising the DSI for botching their report and claiming the military were the ones with M16 rifles and it was a bullet from one of those rifles which killed the Japanese photographer and today we have this nugget of information

    "In January of last year, Pornwat was arrested for possession of ammunition for various types of assault firearms such M-16 rifles"

    Couldn't it be that the red shirts also had M 16 rifles - as they have the ammo for them , which would also imply that Jatuporn is accusing elements of the reds of murder, in the same breath as he accuses the army??

  4. Red-shirt spokesman Worawut Wichaidit said the government and military could not evade responsibility because the shots were fired into the crowds from the "men in black", who were seen behind the riot force lines.

    Oh, the MiB were helping the army? K. Worawut must have read Robert A's report ;)

    Any evidence Worawut?? Where you there? Or are you just being a good little red sh*t and follwoing the party line?

  5. I bet my bottom dollar at some point in the book he'll reference himself, the messiah himself returning, and all economic woes will vanish as if touched by the hand of god as his plane descends from the heaven flanked on either sides by angels and cherubs.

    In all seriousness they style of the book should be interesting as his 'target audience' will be the poor, who unfortunately don't have the time and some the skills to understand national macro economic policy, so it will be interesting to see how he pitches it.

  6. ''The former premier said such circumstances include a remedy for those affected by political violence, absolution of convicted politicians and activists from the crimes that he believes are political, and the establishment of a justice system that is truly free of political influence.''

    now there's a surprise..............

    Very much so

    indeed. If he needs absolution i suggest he goes and sees a priest.

  7. Is it not the job of the court to provide 'justice' not the police. The police are merely tools (no pun intended) of the judicial system and unless a confession is forthcoming, it is up to the court to decided, guilt or innocence and hence justice.

    " The yellow-shirt leader said he decided to lodge the complaint upon learning that investigators have finished their inquiry, before the case is forwarded to the court."

    And you can be your bottom dollar if ; he had learned that the investigators haven't finsihed their inquiry, before that case is forwarded to the court, he would had lodged a complaint anyway!


  8. Red-shirt leader Kwanchai says 7 released leaders to run as partylist MP candidates for Pheu Thai Party to gain MP immunity /TAN_Network

    So how does one become an elected party list MP? Surely if the DAAD / UDD leaders became PTP MP's then it is the clearest of indications that PTP is UDD. So does that mean Thida is leading PTP or is Yoongyuth leading UDD/DAAD ??

    I just find it hard to understand how a red short leader can claim to speak for others..........oh hang on.....they do it all the time. I see my mistake!

    Why do they want immunity anyway, they claim to have done nothing wrong so why do they need immunity. Surely only cowards and the guilty seek immunity from their own actions!

  9. And what is 33m litres of cooking oil on a 66m population.

    That's an average of 0.5 liter per head.

    In a country where there is no life without cooking oil, it's like a drip of oil on a hot plate.

    I have been one of the many complaining about the high cost of palm oil. But for others who share the planet with us the cost is far higher. If you have a spare half hour watch the following film and consider whether our demands for cheap oil are really worth the price


  10. Based on my education, I would sumise that this poor couple died of CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING..... it would fit every piece of this seemingly unidentifiable puzzle. Carbon monoxide is odourless, slow acting ,and has the efect of putting people into a sleep followed by coma, then death. Perhaps the police should concentrate on items removed and professional/business interests and monetary gains by possible competitors. RIP to these poor people.

    Glad you agree with me on this as it makes the most sense but we will see unless it gets buried in the information black hole

    Of course this make sense, but providing 'monetary gains' also includes investigating authorities who may 'benefit' from shutting up, or simply inventing 'evidence'.

    How does this make sense? CO2 in their rooms? thailand doesnt have the same issues with heaters killing people from CO2 as they do in the US. There is no CO2 producing equipment in the rooms. It make more sense that the woman died in bed and them the man decided to drop his body. Doesnt it get tiring from comments by those continuously complaining about thailand and its ways. Just go home and be quiet. It makes the forum so boring to read even when there is something interesting on here. perhaps the forum should be split up into 2 parts. the jokers and complainers - and the positive contributors. in the real world thats usually the kind of people who hang out with each other.

    Just to be pedantic he's talking about carbon monoxide (CO) not carbon dioxide (CO2) - Chemistry lesson over.

  11. Bangkok Pundit did a piece on this a week ago. As Abhisit was born in the UK and his parents werent diplomats then he is a British citizen, whether he likes it or not. No proof anywhere that he has ever revoked his citizenship. He has never denied it, except to say he paid overseas student fees when he studied at Oxford Uni. ( But this doesnt mean he isnt UK citizen, just that he didnt live permanently in the UK.)

    No Thai journalists are going to start bringing up the subject of where their leaders were born and whether they are still citizens of the UK or USA.

    So a British citizen can become a politician in Thailand -Where do i sign up!!!

  12. Nothing really new, he is not Thai anyway but Chinese and just of the few elite Chinese that been running Thailand and hold most of the wealth and have a trickle down effect to the native Thais.

    Don't you mean he is a Thai of Chinese ancestry as most of the Hi So's, businessmen, politicians etc here are?

    According to the article Jatuporn claims he's possibly British!! or Thai-sino-British!! Arrrgh it all gets so confusing!!

  13. Hang on a minute, if Abbhisit still holds UK Citizenship (or duel citizenship). Does that mean there's a Brit in charge of running Thailand?? Surely that can't be correct. Foreigners (which Brits are, like all the white skinned devils here) can't own land, but can run the country?? I thought you had to be a full on 100% Thai national with a degree just to be able to get registered as a politician in a political party to run in local elections.

  14. What the two officers really said was " Sorry but we shat our pants at the thought of being outnumbered and hid in a corner, despite the fact we had guns."

    Lads, you are a credit to your uniform. No wonder the public shows such great trust and admiration for the BiB

    Maybe the two officers should team up with this fellow. I'm sure with his toilet and their sh*t they will make a formidable crime fighting team. And at least we know one of them isn't afraid to fire shots!!


  15. 'Prompong said a politician with the initial "S" had been involved in keeping the commodity off the market.'

    So, it's either suthep, and a shinawatra (yingluck is a politicians isn't she) or... any other politicians with the initial "S" answers please. For the love of god Prompong, if you have evidence and know who it is give the pubic the name so they won't vote for him or her next time!!!! Your silence perpetuates the myth that politicians are 'untouchable'.

    My local Big C is now completely out of stock of all oil including olive and we had to fork out 130 Baht for two bottles of the usually cheap crap from the market last night. Whilst most posters here on TV can absorb this cost i really pity the families who live on the on the bread line, hand to mouth as this extra 30 Baht for oil must be having an affect and means they probably have to go without other important items.

    Shame on the b**tards that take from the poor (and the rich for that matter)

  16. Yes, I don't know how many times I have to tell people to take the fully prescribed cure and not stop after 2-3 days...

    Overprescription combined with very little awareness or education concerning the use of antibiotics means that any antibiotic made available to the Thai medical fraternity has it's effective days numbered, and sadly I doubt this problem is confined only to Thailand.

    Sadly it's not; in the UK we have MSRA the first of the superbugs, which if memory serves me right, several hospital outbreaks have resulted in whole hospital becoming quarantined [no visitors, and only emergence treatment], until they could control the outbreak.

    Doctors have been warning of this for years. I wouldn't be so harsh as to point the accusing finger directly at doctors, although some of the less ..ahem.. professionally driven, do give out antibiotics like sweets. The old 'raan yaa' or chemist needs to take a large percentage of the blame. Many of these places sell antibiotics with only cursory instructions on how to use them. once after meals if your lucky is the best you'll probably get. Let along strict instructions to complete the whole course. Chemists should be where you get your lemsip, paracetamol and condoms, not where you get over the counter antibiotics, (unless you have a prescription of course)

  17. 'At 5 pm, the protesters would gather at the Rajprasong Intersection and "release" 1 million red paper cranes.'

    "release" ??? As in drop them on the ground?

    Now english is a nuanced language and in this case the meaning of "release" is "to set free" and probably is meant to symbolise the the wish of the Red shirts that their compatriots be set free from jail imo. I apologise if english is not your first language and this may not have been clear from the text.

    The way they are using the word it would it would mean that they are either a) going to release them from their grip (fall to the ground) or b:) release them as if to set free

    Certainly you are most likely right in terms of it being a symbolic move to release (set free) those jailed but you cannot release (set free) these paper birds. I am not even sure if they glide as would a paper airplane. It is usually more common to use the word "drop" and not release when you are talking about an object that is immediately going to fall to the ground.

    I think they would have been better off sticking with the balloons because at least if you let go (release) of a balloon it can float away symbolizing freedom as opposed to dropping (releasing) a folded paper into the filthy streets of Bangkok causing it to now be defined as trash.


    I think in post #14 they use a more accurate description:

    100 million 'origami birds' were dumped on Thailand's three southern border provinces

    Alternatively as they are going to flood Ratchaprasong, release may mean 'float !!!!!'

  18. Didn't I just read about taking condom machines out of schools? Now they say that STD's are on the rise because of people not using condoms. What's going on?:whistling:

    How dare you insult our youth!! Our young teens would never dream of having sex before marriage. Not one of them had sex last night on Valentines eve!! They are righteous, and morally incorruptible. The condom machines are the work of the devil. Only foreigners bring STDs to Thailand. They are evil and should be made to pay for all treatment costs for Thai people as they gave all STDs to Thai people. A new tax should be added at the airport. The STD tax which all foreigners must pay before being allowed entry to this pure land.

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