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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. Just now, Baerboxer said:


    So what? Same in the UK. More people voted for UKIP than the SNP. But SNP have 53 MP's and UK don't. That's how it works. Not who gets the most nationally wins. Neither US nor UK. 

    Germany tries very hard to create a federal system that's fair to all. But it always produces a Chancellor from one of the main two parties. Based on creating allegiances and horse trading among the politicians.


    Do you have a suggestion that is fair to all?


    She lost, but 2 million more Americans voted for Hilary and would prefer her to run the USA than Trump. - That is a statement of fact.


    As to suggestions of fair systems of democracy - I'll leave that airy fairy stuff to people far wiser and more knowledgeable than I to discuss.  I prefer cold hard facts.




  2. 15 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

    What concerns him is the requirement that one must have health insurance covering hospital stays and annual coverage worth at least USD$10,000.

    “I’m not sure about the compulsory medical insurance, though,” Carter said. “Never encountered a rule like this before.”

    Many insurance companies do not cover at the required level, he added.


    I don't get it. 10000 USD is nothing. I spent 700 000 baht in one week at Bangkok Hospital. Then, my intl. insurance is not limited to a certain amount of money.


    And, how can someone retire abroad without a health insurance? That's insane.


    Its actually quite difficult to get health insurance here at the level required, especially of you are older. Virtually impossible if you are older and  have a pre-existing condition (such a diabetes, high BP etc). Local providers will just turn you down flat or give you such a basic package it fails to meet the requirements of the visa.  


    But the white elephant in the room that really shows this hasn't been thought out properly is that part of the rational behind  this visa was to  promote medical tourism! 


    In essence this is asking people who are sick / require medical treatment to get insurance with the explicit intention of coming / staying in Thailand and maxing out the insurance policy. I am sure BUPA / Allianz etc will be cringing at the thought.

  3. 12 hours ago, Chopperboy said:

    Retirees living here should pay towards the countries running costs - simple as that. Why should a Thai business or Thai people pay so you can live here for free? The Tax or Fee should be annual and built into the cost of a retirement visa and I don't mean the current few thousand Baht it costs to renew.



    But I think you're missing the point - by choosing to retire here, the retirees are paying towards the countries running costs. Their cash encourages businesses to open up to cater for their unique requirements. The tax those businesses pay (or should pay) is in part directly coming from the retirees. 


    If you put in place a set fee - how is that fee determined - the median amount of tax per year per person? 10 - 30 % are the most common tax brackets used by individual - 10 - 30 % of the retirees income?? Or just 1'000 baht a year. Both will have detractors and proponents. 

  4. 2 hours ago, wealthychef said:


    Sorry, does it have to be a Thai bank?  I missed that.  I thought it just said "in your bank account."  Of course, all we have to go on is a news report.  I have not seen any official announcement.  

     Well that is my assumption as how else would the authorities be able to check that it remains in the account for 1 year, if the account is in say Germany, Russia, China or the UK?? 


    And what happens if you take the 3 million or part of it out  before the 1 year period - The visa is cancelled? How would they know this is happening? My guess (and it is a guess) is that there will be something along the lines of a '10 year visa account' at government banks (like KTB) which have a 1 year maturation period during which you 'waive' the right to access your money, but offer you no interest. Obviously the interest would be kept by the bank / government.


    That is a gamble - Imagine needing access to your 3 million, family death, accident etc. and you cannot get it? 


    Just a guess otherwise you could just withdraw all the 3 million the following day you have got the visa - or they want to see passbook updates for the first year at 90 day prisoner reporting dates.  Which begs the question what happens if you fail to show passbook updates at 90 days if that were to be the method of checking. 


    This is a messy. 


  5. So how would one go about getting this visa before you come to Thailand? Just interested to know if I could open a Thai bank account without being in the country. Or can this visa only be obtained once you are in the country.


    Come on a tourist visa, open an account - Which means as a tourist choices are limited and offer shocking interest rates deposit 3 million then apply?? Is that correct? 

  6. The one thing that bugs me about the whole drugs issue is simply that potheads get to practice their pleasures completely tax free. I want to get a nice bottle of wine or whiskey I pay my taxes included in the price. My pleasure makes a contribution to the coffers of government which they are free to use to 'develop' the country. 


    Make drug users pay tax! The only way that drug users (dealers)  will pay tax is if their businesses, products and customers are made legal and taxable


    Tax pot smokers! 



  7. "disused trash incinerator plant."


    How about..... buying a new incinerator, one that can be used to generate electricity to help make the island a bit more self sufficient? A far better option than investing in a 3 rai landfill. Which will eventually become full. So the problem is just booted down the road and will re appear. 

  8. The big issue here is that most doctors are paid a % commission by the hospitals they work for to prescribe antibiotics. So its basically sales - and from a business perspective its a complete cash cow. An unsuspecting and trusting albeit sick patient / customer who will blindly follow the doctors orders and doctors who can and want to bump up their annual / monthly commission by adding in as many 'sales' aka prescriptions as possible. - Listen to the cash register ring!!


    If this epidemic is to be solved then 'the sales' aspect of medicine needs to be resolved, both in government and private hospital. 


    The only way I can possible imagine this to happen is if antibiotic become a restricted drug on which no commission can be paid and one which requires signing off at several levels before the prescription is approved. This would also mean antibiotics could not be sold as over the counter medications. 

  9. What utter codswallop from these two academics. 


    They have no evidence that this will happen, just more useless opinion from people who like the sound of their own voice, based on a few snippets of prime time Fox news. The US has so many vested interests around the globe, that the idea that it suddenly turns into this introspective, protectionist country is unlikely.


    What Trump said the US will do, and what the US actually does are two very different things. 


    A politician that actually keeps or fulfills all his election promises is a rare breed indeed. 

  10. 1 hour ago, LukKrueng said:

    your rights are what's written in the law books of the country where you're at. If you fit the bill to apply for PR then you have the right to apply. They, however, also have the right to refuse... 


    Well then, considering Thailand has signed and ratified the UN Convention on Human Rights, You;d imagine that as Thailand is has signed and ratified 5 of the 7 Human Rights principles into National Law - Including CERD. That the level of in equality between Thais and other races would be far more equitable??





    PS - I have PR :shock1:

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  11. The only way the current situation will change is if we demand the Thai authorities make basic changes. 


    The only way anyone in authority takes any notice is when action is taken. Farmers block a road over rubber, rice prices - all hell breaks lose and the farmers get their wish. Its that simple in Thailand - until we come together in a collective action and have the courage to put ourselves at the front line and confront the archaic laws with persistent reasoned argument and a good dose of media coverage nothing will change. 


    We know what our rights should be, but are scared of claiming them - So we resort to ranting on web forums. 



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  12. 50 minutes ago, peterrabbit said:

    The sword of Damocles could be a lot closer than you think !


    A friend who is on the retirement extension (here for 40+ years) had to return to Oz in a hurry after a medical emergency, He did not have time to get an exit stamp from immigration. So he flew to Singapore and went to the Thai Embassy there to get an ext stamp, which was duly provided. No problem there.




    While in the Embassy they showed him official paperwork detailing the new visa (retiree/long term) policy which will come into effect sometime next year. The new policy is to scrap retirement extensions altogether and replace it with a new 5 year visa at a cost of 500,000 baht ie 100,000 baht per year.




    He was advised by the Embassy staff that he would no longer be able to extend his visa next year, as he has done for countless years before, and the only future option for ALL  retirees would be the 500,000 baht five year visa.


    If this policy is introduced, as explained to him by the Embassy, then the flow of expats leaving Thailand will become a tsunami with the resulting collapse in property prices, businesses and the future collapse of Falang tourism in Thailand.



    Wonder if there is a refund option for the families of the retirees who don't see out the entire 5 years and pass away in say year 3? 

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