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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. 3 hours ago, djjamie said:

    Wise words. At least he didn't shirk his responsibilities and hide up north when things heated up and tell them this from his Facebook page.


    The timing is certainly an indication that the violent minority being bitter about record tourist numbers as indicated by offical 3rd party entity figures is at work again to main, kill and create fear amongst their own people. 


    Who can really blame the majority for voting for this charter after witnessing what this violent group is willing to do. If they had the vote again it would no doubt be a lot higher result for the charter.


    Well done Prayut for standing up and speaking to the people.


    I think you need to look a bit beyond the results of the actual referendum jamie. Consider what went on in the months and weeks leading up to it? The low level,constant and insidious detentions, intimidation and coerced signing of vaguely worded documents to silence those who spoke out about the charter and the direction of the country; civilians being tried in military courts, the press constantly under attack by the government with threats to remove editors who didn't tow the proverbial line. 


    Certainly it can be well argued that this government has created a climate of fear among its own people, the same climate of fear that the red shirts sought to impose on their opponents, just achieved in a different way. Neither is acceptable. Against  a back drop where people voices have been muzzled and the views of their leaders, be it a politician, academic or village headmen have be deliberately and systematically dismissed and silenced, there are very few options left to demonstrate their anger and dis-satisfaction. Only two days ago the deputy PM stated that political gatherings will be allowed "just before elections and no sooner". Is that fair or is the PM and government just another version of PTP/TRT - using favorable laws and government apparatus to stifle the opposition until it is too late, before sweeping to victory? Fair, open, honest, just? You decide. I thought Prayut was better than that and not afraid to tackle his opponents on a level playing field. 


    I cannot condone these actions in any sense; terrorism, murder and maiming are abhorrent, but the government  has to let its people speak otherwise if this is politically motivated, as the PM suggests,elements of the people may feel they have no other choice to make their voice heard than by committing these atrocities.    


    A sad day for all. 


    On 8/7/2016 at 11:33 AM, puukao said:

    if you took any drugs on purpose, banned for life after prison!!!

    if you can prove you took it by accident........well, that is some bad luck because you are still doomed!!!

    only once in Laos i saw a sign asking if you wanted something more in your drink......seemed pretty sketch


    Even if those drugs are legal / de-criminalized in your home country. A number if countries have made marijuana legal for personal consumption. I think Italy is next up considering it. Should citizens of those countries be preemptively banned? 

  3. 21 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

    I deposited funds into someone elses Thai bank and only needed the account number--not the Gov't issued ID number. 


    So if I read this correctly:


    1) Victim provided telephone # and bank account # and ID details to bad guy. 

    2) Bad guy gets new SIM card with vic's telephone number on it.

    3) Bad guy goes to Bank and identifies himself as Victim.

    4) Bank sends temporary account password texted to him at the phone number on new SIM.


    Doesn't the bad guy still have to show the Bank an ID to receive funds?


    I would say the ultimate responsibilty belonged to the Bank IF a Gov't issued photo ID is required to withdraw funds AND my wife says it is required.


    Victim should not give out personal info.

    Telephone company should not give out SIMs without photo ID.


    But the Bank actually released the funds.


    Agreed and to add...is running a business ie selling stuff through facebook legal? Hope he pays tax??

  4. So basically there need to be 30 million plus extra sims made per year, packaged, distributed, installed in phones, registered on the network and then after an assumed two week vacation the numbers have to be de-listed from the network and then reassigned to a new sim (otherwise the numbers are in 10 years going to be 10+ digits long).  


    All sounds simple enough....??

  5. The bit that cracks me up is the justification for this - 'tourists as a national security threat'. Which therefore begs the point that is Tourist Association of Thailand (TAT)  not a terrorist organisation as it is actively encouraging tourists (a.k.a - the security threat) to come  to Thailand and should be shut down. 30 million security threats and rising - The PM must stop TAT!!




  6. Would 39 baht to the pound be a bad thing?

    If the GBP has been over valued, a lower value pound could give a big lift to the manufacturing sector and exports in the UK. The Chinese alleged keep the yuan undervalued and their manufacturing economy has positively thrived in the past 15 years?

    Obviously UK pensions will be affected for some expats here would be considerably worse off.

    But maybe in 10 years the pound will rebound to 75 to the baht. Most economic things are cyclical

  7. Hi Bruce,

    Yes, A long time ago a colleague of mine was consistently late and the school took the view that he wasn't holding up his part of the contract, as a result other people were having to cover his classes often at very short notice, so they gave those teachers a slice of his daily allowance t compensate them. This was after several warnings i should add. When this failed he was shown the door permanently.

    I would add that a teacher smoking on campus is not really on from a professional point of view, sends the wrong message to the students that school is an acceptable place to smoke.

  8. No, additional cost and something that needs to be arranged. I like turning up and getting my 28 days. We already mention where we will stay on the landing card and hotels supposedly take our details and report them or whatever all that is for

    I can't see them implementing something like this and making it more difficult to visit

    Can you imagine the queues at immigration if this was implemented. About 60% of arrivals fail to fill out their arrival card as it is and desperately scrabble for a pen at the immigration counter as a it is.

  9. I fail to see the purpose of a letter of invitation in the context of Thai tourism. Some other countries require it for Thais when they visit as a means to ensure that they have access to social security funds which is a lure for some foreigners going into western countries. As there is no social security system here that foreigners can access irrespective of being a tourist or otherwise. Its an irrelevance. Would a letter of invitation stop people overstaying? Well i'd expect success figures here in Thailand to be on par with western countries.

  10. As Prayuth says, everything is not always as it seems. They look quite well cared for to me. I'm not buying the 50 baht a day crap. There will be all manner of uncles, aunts and cousins.

    A family of 4 lived in a van for 6 months in my country.

    Wake up. Everybody's poor.

    I agree, most likely they have help from relatives too. No way they can live on 50 baht per day if they have to pay for utilities too. For those bashing the factory, I'm guessing she probably works there for only 1-2 hours hence a low salary. If you think about it, there is no way she works there even half a day due to her schooling.

    Not trying to bring down the story, the girl deserves a lot of praise for being strong at such a young age and caring for her mom.

    It does say she works at the noodle factory at the weekends. So it is entirely possible that she works a much longer shift than 1-2 hours. School doesn't extend to the weekends.

  11. Clearly there is a larger network involved here. My guess is the Chinese tourist that are appearing in their literal millions are the destination for a lot of this tiger produce.

    So it stands to reason that the authorities should start to investigate where these tourists shop. Anyone ever been in the huge septerium and herb companies that serve the hundreds of bus loads of Chinese tourists that visit them every day along Lat Krabang Road.

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