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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. How many time are we going to see this headline? (I though an old thread had been bumped).

    Since "please don't grow off-season rice, there's not enough water" does not seem to be working isn't it time to start introducing penalties for disobeying a government directive?

    It's not as if this drought has suddenly appeared, it's been brewing for many months.

    Where I live there in Kantharawichai district there is still a lot of water in the canals so the average farmer doesn't know or care about the problems at ubon rat dam which is about 80 km from here. With little money around the government has a challenge in front of them

    Aussiesteve you are very correct. For the average farmer, the immediate priority is not a lack of water but a lack of money and one imagines debts that need paying. Not planting rice is a luxury these farmers cannot afford. So the employment alternatives to not planting rice, given the rather limited skill set most farmers have is very, very limited.

    If the government wants farmers to switch crops, then adequate support, both financial and administrative, including skills based teaching needs to be in place. Ideally through a two way dialogue with farmers so their needs, (and hence support for the project) are included.

    Will this happen - not a chance in hell. Expect more of the same headlines ad infinitum until then dams fill with water.

  2. I think the lecturer might have got his wires crossed.

    It cost significant funds to develop a weapons platform, with no actual guarantee that the platform will come in on budget or actually be able to do the job it was designed to do. Look at the F22 Raptor - vastly over budget. So the idea that developing your own weapons is the cheaper option is factually incorrect and the military may spend more as opposed to purchasing 'off the shelf' options which come with training and maintenance packages.

    Obviously if Thailand can develop and then find sufficient numbers of buyers for its weapons platforms the research and build cost do tumble. But again that will only be determined once the performance of the final package can be assessed under 'battle' conditions.

  3. "Nopporn expected many countries would raise security, and that could hit tourism and the trade sector."

    As the world, including the Thai ambassador to France, shows its compassion for the tragedy in Paris and offers its condolences and any aid needed, Thai trade officials immediately divert attention to themselves and their needs: "What about me. What about me? Buddha would be so proud.

    But do you really think anyone is listening to such odious comments, when clearly there are far more important issues to be dealt with.

  4. Its all a fuss and nonsense really.

    The government can stipulate laws, regulations, where and when the rally can or can not be held etc. But ultimately if 100'000 people decide en mass that they are going to block the entrance to parliament (or wherever they choose) the only thing that will stop them is the 'robustness' of the polices response. And that on the evidence of past experiences,that response tends to be rather patchy to say the least, and usually ends up creating a bigger mess that the one it tried to prevent in the first place.

    Politicians and social leaders should be focusing more on how they behave and seek ways for themselves to be more proactive in their duties so the problems, grievances and situations that lead to demonstrations are dealt with much earlier. Although I do appreciate (and apologize for) the inconvenience this may cause some of them as they raise their snouts from the feeding trough.

  5. How about just make it easier to hire them legally?

    Clearly the fashion business (which i assume is why the model are here) being a global business requires models from around the globe for marketing and advertising purposes.

    So rather than get all flustered stop with the patriotic filibustering and listen to what your companies need, in this instance - a flexible pool of foreign models, and make it easy for them to be employed quickly, efficiently and legally. So your companies can be more successful globally.

    It already exists. There's a 15-day emergency work permit available, but no employers utilize the easy process.

    TBH I had no idea that it existed.

  6. Foreign model? Who needs them, Thai women are the most beautiful, stunning, gorgeous women in the world. You don't have to search long to find a beauty in Thailand. Perfect in everyway.

    Rather myopic view.

    What about the male models? Unless of course if you hold the same view of Thai men as you do of its women "beautiful, stunning and gorgeous ...and.. perfect in every way"?

  7. How about just make it easier to hire them legally?

    Clearly the fashion business (which i assume is why the model are here) being a global business requires models from around the globe for marketing and advertising purposes.

    So rather than get all flustered stop with the patriotic filibustering and listen to what your companies need, in this instance - a flexible pool of foreign models, and make it easy for them to be employed quickly, efficiently and legally. So your companies can be more successful globally.

  8. This is just a non-starter and so badly thought out it begets description.

    Bangkok has a much higher cost of living, rents, food, school etc are all significantly higher as per capita income is higher when you compare this with places like Lopburi, Khon Kean, Nakon Ratchasima. - we know this as the government has stated in June 2015 that the current country wide minimum wage will be scrapped at the end of 2015 and a minimum wage based on cost of living in different provinces will be set accordingly for each province.

    So standardizing the fair will have the most likely effect of bankrupting the Bangkok motorcycle taxi drivers who can't make enough for their families to live on. And have the same effect in other towns as the fare are too expensive.

  9. If you hold an 'event' you advertise it and promote it. Stands to bloody reason. Making people aware of an event allows them to decide if they want to attend - they are not being forced to.

    Going to a beer garden doesn't mean you must drink beer! Soft drinks, shakes and water etc, as well as food are also available, whilst you watch the evenings entertainment.

    The pious and righteous are becoming increasingly indignant with every passing day.

  10. "Battle of the Century" The Shinawatra family fighting for its life. They have so much and now could loose everything. The pressure is on and Prayut is on the war path.

    Hate to place a wager on the outcome. But believe that in the end, Prayut and Thai democracy will succeed.

    The outcome of this will only be known once elections happen.

    Outside of Bangkok I wonder how much support the current PM has?

  11. Muslim refugees can go to muslim countries....they are not welcome here as they only cause problems or end up indulging in terrorists activities. Nobody ask them to come here. Go to the richer middle east countries where your own fellow muslims will treat you like slaves.This is stupid biase reporting by a muslim-owned news agency. Firt tell the world why Islam practices violence and terrorism everywhere. Tha Thai government should eradicate all these muslim refugees once and for all.

    The vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists, and they are welcome in my country as far as I'm concerned. People like you sicken me. You think you are opposing fundamentalism, but you are driven by the same hatred and ignorance as IS, Al Qaeda etc.

    No but the vast majority of terrorists are Muslim, and many of those that are not want sharia law and non integration where they want to settle. Not wanting people who do not like us and our way of life, or any except their ideology is not 'hate' but common sense.

    The vast majority of terrorists are Muslim, but the vast, vast majority of Muslims aren't terrorists. Just for perspective.

  12. Instead of all this beating of the chest and blaming advertising, celebrities, the internet for the alleged all pervasive rise of the demon alcohol being behind all of societies woes. Give people the education and tools they need to decide for themselves if they want to drink or not.

    Giving people a crappy education which sadly in the majority of cases leads to a poor lifestyle and then wondering why they make poor choices is a no-brainer.

    Ban all alcohol advertising, branding, and celebrity endorsements on TV, internet etc. Push alcohol underground, away from the mainstream - do ya really think that, that is going to make alcohol less cool or more cool to the young?

    Stop trying to deflect from the real reason people drink - the world over - They decide they want to and they enjoy it, even if that does mean getting blind drunk and acting like an idiot for some.

    The only way to change their behaviour is through education. Half a dozen young ladies holding placards displaying their displeasure ain't gonna dissuade anyone from having a bottle of JW Black on a Friday night.

  13. I don't use facebook, or any of the others, but there have been plenty of photos of me holding a beverage taken over the years, never hurt anyone but myself as far as I know.

    The difference is that these people are famous. They have tons of followers and they set trends. If they make comments or post pictures it has a much larger impact than when you do it.

    If these people get paid for posting pics with these beverages then the alcohol giants found a way to move around the law and that should be punished/stopped.

    So by extension then if they post a picture of themselves eating noodles then we can expect their followers to all start eating noodles?

    Or does such behavioral mimicry only apply when alcohol is the subject of the photo?

  14. Think about it.

    A military coup resulted in the removal of a civilian government and the PM of the government is now being held personally responsible for compensation, for a policy which was part of her election manifesto.

    Sound fair?

    Yes, but only if we apply this rule to all past, present and future leaders for financial losses incurred under their watch.

    It is estimated that the protests and subsequent coup of 2014 cost Thailand $12 Billion to be stripped from its 2014 GDP. Will those responsible be required to pay compensation as well?

    Justice after all must be blind (to all colours) to be just.

  15. "He said the celebrities had defied Section 26 of the Alcoholic Drinks Control Act B.E. 2551 whether their postings in the social media were intentional or not. Violation of the law is liable to imprisonment of one year and/or 100,000 baht fine."

    Better not piss off the wife then - all she needs to do is find one of my FB holidays photos of me with a can of Leo / Chang etc, tell the police and its deportation (+ fine) here I come. And she gets to keep the house!!

  16. So many possible causes to get behind, why are these kids wasting their time worrying about alcohol advertising? It's a legal product and is covered by rather extreme laws already.

    The're not wasting their time. They are proving a point which is, a celebrity is a role model to young people and shouldn't be promoting the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol is just as bad for your health as smoking. Liver disease and heart disease. Yes, it's legal to drink when your over 21 here and smoke when your 18 but when you are a celebrity who children idolize, then its sending all the wrong messages to them. The message from the young people is why are you promoting alcohol? That is bad, isn't it? Well my hero drinks alcohol, I can drink alcohol as well.

    Prove they were promoting and not just having a drink. I see loads of people adding pictures of food - Sat in Fuji with their sashimi etc. Are they promoting Fuji / sashimi or just posting stupid waste of space photos of them having something to eat?

    Some over zealous cultural knobwomble has got a bee in his / her bonnet and has jumped off at the deep end.....and the brain dead have followed.

  17. So many possible causes to get behind, why are these kids wasting their time worrying about alcohol advertising? It's a legal product and is covered by rather extreme laws already.

    The're not wasting their time. They are proving a point which is, a celebrity is a role model to young people and shouldn't be promoting the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol is just as bad for your health as smoking. Liver disease and heart disease. Yes, it's legal to drink when your over 21 here and smoke when your 18 but when you are a celebrity who children idolize, then its sending all the wrong messages to them. The message from the young people is why are you promoting alcohol? That is bad, isn't it? Well my hero drinks alcohol, I can drink alcohol as well.

    Prove they were promoting and not just having a drink. I see loads of people adding pictures of food - Sat in Fuji with their sashimi etc. Are they promoting Fuji / sashimi or just posting stupid waste of space photos of them having something to eat?

    Some over zealous cultural knobwomble has got a bee in his / her bonnet and has jumped off at the deep end.....and the brain dead have followed.

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