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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. 1 hour ago, Tarteso said:

    Kuhn Han: Do you know what is the meaning of Patriotism?.
    After all, the British capture of Gibraltar was an act of piracy by Almirante Rookes. Everybody knows and is written in blood in history books.

    I wrote before in this forum, that after the Teatry Utrecht, The Rock belong to British Crown, but the sovereignty of the waters, are Spanish.

    My point is, if you know what is the patriotic sense? Have you read how many times, in the last 300 years, the British navals warships provoked tensions in this waters and vice versa?.

    Sir Robert Gardiner, Gobernor of Gibraltar said in 1856:
    "What must be the feeling of all Hispaniards on this noble Rock, every times they look at the rock?". Can you imagine the feeling of British citizen, with a Chinese or Taiwanesse colony in English territory in XXI century?.

    It does not make sense to speak in this forum, about the era of Invasions of countries like Spain did in Asia or America, or the English, French, Portuguese colonies in other part of the world. Or talk about why Spain have Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa. We should return these last to Morroco.

    I insist, at IMHO, we are in XXI st. century, If our rules, are not able to get an agreement that benefits the two parties, we will not get you and me, in this forum, and we keep playing the pirates until one falls, it would be probably Spain. We are not warlike power, but PATRIOTS. This in my point.



    I just dont understand why we cant just all get along. The spanish and english have far far more in common than that which seperates them. 

  2. 1 hour ago, IMA_FARANG said:


    In many ways, Songkran and how it is now "celebrated" is a representation of how far Thai society has deteriorated since 1977.

    In my opinion, much of that is due to the adoption of non-Thai "western" values.

    Just my opinion.


    I think you are being quite selective here with "Western Values". There are a host of very positive western values


    Equality or genders, religion, ethnicity and sexual persuasion.

    Equaity before the law for all (now we needn't go into that one in Thailand shall we) 

    Freedom of conciousness and expression

    The right to an education

    The right to live free from fear and intimidation


    There are a great number of outstanding UN human rights conventions and protocols (mainly instigated by western countries) that Thailand really does need to sign.




    Songkran celebrations are a bit excessive and rowdy - But that is just because we are older, grumpier and like the quiet life. Give the youth their chance to be young, stupid and wildly optimistic. They have the rest of their lives to be miserable, pessimistic old gits. 



  3. 41 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

    What concerns to me is that they also want those who 'liked' post. So now you have say anything but by just pressing a button one is regarded as a 'follower'. This is very similar to what happened the other day with foreigners apparently charged with lese majeste crimes where Thai authorities maintained that by following (on the net) such people might break the computer law and could be charged and jailed. In other words this could be seen as a further squeezing of rights.

    Well lets hope a couple of million click like. Those police inquiries into the likers should keep the udon police chief bogged down in mind numbing report wriring until he retires.


    Thats the one flaw with prosecting likes on facebook. If a few hundred thousand click like the legal system would just collapse if the police follow through. An if they dont well their threats are just hot air. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    And so the total creeps ever higher. 79 dead in a single day is just horrific.What is wrong with Thai people?

    The police, for once, have actually started doing their job, but the Thais have obviously not taken note of the call for safer driving at all!

    I would dearly love to know how many of the dead over the last three days were travelling in the back of a pick up truck.

    Every single one of those should be on the PM's conscience for backing down on the ban.

    At a guess i would say the overwhelming majority of dead and injured would sadly be youngsters on motorbikes. Just basing that on the 80% ish who died suring songkran last year were in that bracket. 



  5. 15 minutes ago, losername said:

    Then it's not tradition is it?

    Traditions are a product of the times. They are organic and ever changing. If they fail to adapt to the increasingly dynamc times they become obsolete and irrelevent. 

    Only diehards cling to the belief things were better in the old days. They were not. They were just more relevent. (And the diehards younger and more optimist to boot)

  6. 4 hours ago, samsensam said:


    it is for the children, teenagers, low class and low educated adult thais and various foreign idiots.


    educated, middle/upper class thais dislike and avoid what songkran has become as much as the rest of us normal people

    I do love the smelly of good honest old fashioned snobbery.


    I am sure the middle and upper class Thais are delighted that you speak for all of them. Their little farang pet springing to the defence of their sensibilities.a So cute.

  7. 1 hour ago, cloudhopper said:

    Because credit brings consumption sooner than using retained earnings would otherwise permit. It is logical but not sustainable lol....most will  be 'getting it' soon too...

    so if credit drives consumption which in turn drives debt. The solution is to drastically reduce consumption. How would that affect the national and international economics.



  8. 24 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


    read your post, i thought it rather a silly reply. Are you of the same ilk of this woman and do not think that it is offensive to do such a thing , considering its offensive in this country, And that you would find it ok to have the same thing done to you? What other things can you name that have been done that have been morally outrageous to the "natives " as you call them, i think that that is a morally outrageous term in itself.

    A happy(if smelly) songkran to you also

    I find the term farang outragous.. but i have more important things to worry about.


    The fact you goad me with" of the same ilk as this women" (see my response above).


    As for other morally outragous... things that forigners have done to Thais (is that acceptable?). Well those are very few and that kinda is my point. So getting all hot and sweaty (like the feet) under the collar is shows just how lucky Thailand if this the worst forigners do here. It is a rather trivial event tbh. The only thing hurt here is someones sensibility. No lasting damage. 


    But i do know if a Thai has been shamed this way. The Computer Crimes act would have been whipped out and the poster would be up on degamation charges quicker than you could blink. Irrespective of the cultural intricacies here.




  9. I reckon the french women ahould sure for him defamation given the amount of character assasination that has occured as a result of him posting his video.


    Personally I am still trying to work out if it is the foul feet or the ethnicity of the own of the feet which has generated the greater or lesser proportion of the alleged outrage. 


    Given the state of the problems the world is facing. If raised smelly feet is thw most morally outrageous thing foreginers have done to the natives they really have very little to complain about.


    Peace and happy songkran folks. Stinky feet an' all.



  10. 15 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

    not just the farlang..... the whole system.

    they need fake teachers..... real ones create staff issues and usually all but instantly get run out... often in tears, if female.... for sneaking smokes on campus or ****something**** they can find...

    but much more so.... the very best.... and almost just as cheap.... sources of proxy staff... so civil service can have lighter schedules.. sometimes entire days off....

    might be harder to get processed for a "teachers license".... to show any skeptical or complaining parents.... for some reason....

    as well as what makes collecting Tea Money for the proxy staff... Thai and farlang easier to convince parents of... "native English speakers"....

    and the farlang group doesn't ever need civil service status.....
    just some visa renewals and other paperwork.


    Is it possible to have this in comprehensible English please?

  11. Controls on any or all parties in the run up to an election will result in more conflict. If parties cannot canvass for support and be provided with a level playing field to go head to head with the junta in an election. Then just do the tax payer a favour and dont have an election as the public will be short changed with a biased result. And some may be quite angry after being so patient for the past few years. And who could blame them? 


    Could this statement be an admission that the juntas hearts and mind campaign has come to a shudding halt and they are now worried about being booted out? Only time will tell.

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