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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. Sorry - Let me get this straight - The PM will explain why and how the rejected charter was undemocratic?

    So the charter, written under the auspices of his government, by a charter drafting committee formed by his government, comprising of people who (in general) supportive of or are sympathetic to his government managed to produce a piece of potential legislation which he now states as being undemocratic in nature.

    If it was so undemocratic, then what the heck was it doing being submitted for consideration? Or was that always the intention to push through a piece of policy that was undemocratic, surely the PM had some idea of the democratic values in the charter prior to it going to a vote - Why didn't he mention his concerns to his people, the Thai public?

  2. There already is a law, but many landlords ignore it. I was once asked by immigration to provide the form that my landlord or building manager is supposed to send them as a requirement for getting my B visa extended. I was told to come back with the document. When I approached the building management they were happy to fill out the form for me, but didn't seem to have ever seen it before. I know for a fact there a several other foreigners living in my building

    So what would happen if you own the condo or house (in the businesses / wife's name) that you live in? Who signs the form then? Or does it only apply to rented (not owned) condos / houses?

  3. Sorry, but why? Unless the NCPO thinks all foreigners are criminals - in which case this is both a racist and stupid directive.

    Doesn't immigration hold this data already on long term stayers via the 90 report?

    True...but millions stay less than 90 days...and the government would have no idea, otherwise, of where those people were..

    Especially the bad ones, that fly in to do their dirty work/get fake passports...and then leave quickly.

    Understood - But the question - why? really needs answering What purpose does this serve?

    Are foreigners that much of a threat to national security? Most foreigners are required to carry some form of ID (passport, copy of passport or driving license) as evidence of who they are (just like the locals and their ID card). So if they are involved in an accident or crime embassies can be contacted if required.

    The local population are far more transient in their movements and most crimes etc are carried out by locals, simply due to population sizes. Do landlords have to report every Thai resident in their condo etc? There does not seem to be a reasonable argument for this, if anyone knows of one then please enlighten me.

    This just appears to be a directive driven by ignorance, paranoia and fear.

  4. " He said police were working with "a number of embassies" and interpreters to try to establish the man's nationality, adding that he did not speak Thai but spoke some English "

    I seem to remember from earlier reports that the taxi or Tuk-Tuk driver said their passenger, the alleged bomber, spoke Thai with a foreign accent.

    Is he part of a wider network - maybe the BiB are on to something?

  5. I am just hoping that this statement isn't softener, before the RTP hoist up the white flag and say ' we give up'. The people who perished and the families of those killed deserve justice, and that means the RTP need to pull their finger out and start some police work, including liaising with their overseas colleagues.

    Just unacceptable to say 'we need some luck'. Is that what police work is? Luck.

  6. "And our in-depth investigations reveal that foreigners of unknown nationality came to Thailand in 2011"

    Have a word with TAT I'm sure they can shed some light on that little gem?

    As for the bombing technique being "taught by foreigners" Really? It requires foreign brains to put a pipe bomb in a bag, leave the bag at the chosen location and then walk away and detonate? Wow In a round about way that it actually quite insulting to Thais. The fact they woudl have to be taught something so bleedin obvious.

    Personally i reckon it was more likely someone Thai - simply because the tuk-tuk driver only charged him 20 baht for the ride.

    Great work mate, you should work for the RTP.

    And be subject to ridicule on TVF! - Not on your nelly mate.

  7. "And our in-depth investigations reveal that foreigners of unknown nationality came to Thailand in 2011"

    Have a word with TAT I'm sure they can shed some light on that little gem?

    As for the bombing technique being "taught by foreigners" Really? It requires foreign brains to put a pipe bomb in a bag, leave the bag at the chosen location and then walk away and detonate? Wow In a round about way that it actually quite insulting to Thais. The fact they woudl have to be taught something so bleedin obvious.

    Personally i reckon it was more likely someone Thai - simply because the tuk-tuk driver only charged him 20 baht for the ride.

  8. I have looked and gave it much thought... This guy must have been a bomb expert that was hired by Thais

    His now a ghost gone in the wind.... He will never be seen again

    Sadly i think you will be proven correct. I would imagine as it was a well thought through plan, the cowardly sod behind it, would clearly have thought through his escape route. But should the police get a lucky break they may still track him down.

    The sad part for me in this story was the call to further stigmatize and isolate 'outsiders' in the eyes of Thais.

  9. Just so we have a fully picture and can place it in some sort of context

    Thailand relies on exports for about 65% of GDP. The figures for May and June 2015 reveal that exports dropped in value between those two months by approx 267 million USD. It is a safe bet to assume that that trend is sadly continuing. And don't go blaming it on the Yuan devaluation, a slowing global economy etc. My bet is that Thailand's competitor - Vietnam, Cambodia etc have fast caught up and are more business savvy and more orders are being placed in companies in those countries.

    Thailand needs to wake up fast and realize that just because it has traditionally be known as Teflon Thailand, traditions changes and if Thailand doesn't adapt, the world will move on. And amount of nationalistic gnashing of teeth will change that.

  10. Ya know why do the threads always get side tracked into mudslinging tirades based on historical nepotism, corruption, violence etc when TRT/PPP/PTP, Reds, Yellows, Dems etc were in power.

    This is Asia, nepotism, corruption and violence is how they roll here and it makes no difference if Taksin, Abhisit or Del Boy were running the country those traits would and will continue (liking it disliking it is your personal choice). The charter in its umpteenth reincarnation however needs to be agreed by all political parties and their backer and cronies so that there are some basic ground rules to at least control those political characteristics. So that those who take a few too many liberties can be drawn back and censured (at least privately) with time this may allow for some development of honest practice to take hold.

    But what happened, happened, dragging over those hot coals again will not drive the country forward. The current best hope for that is a charter all parties agree with and subscribe to unanimously.

    PTP is clearly looking for some concessions and further discussion is required so they support it.

  11. I would have thought that as one of the major justifications for the coup was to allow reconciliation to occur, then at the core of this must be a charter that all the major political players agree on a actively support. When Thailand's most successful political party of the past ten years (whether you like them or not) is encouraging its supporters to reject it, then this 'house of reconciliation' is being built on very shaky foundations.

    I'd imagine that if PTP manages to get up a head of steam and mobilize its supporters to reject this charter that is going to raise some very serious questions. The biggest headache that outcome would give the junta is, that despite many hours of attitude adjustment, PTP still is the party of the people and despite all their bluster the junatas work will be undone within a few years once the new incarnation of PTP head up the next civilian government.

  12. This is a man whose family are worth around a billion baht. clap2.gif

    Always easy to talk when your well of yourself, but the guy has a point and foreigners always say this about Thais and nobody bats an eye. The general says it and its wrong ?

    Many Thais do overspend.. but so do people in the West so the observation is correct.

    Indeed robblok, you are quite correct, but as we know we are all encouraged to spend, buy, and purchase. How many economists, bankers etc in the past few years around the world have spoken of a 'consumer driven recovery' Or as GW Bush (jr) stated in the wake of the 9/11 attacks told Americans to "go out and shop".

    So we live in this world where buying s**t we don't actually need is desirable and remember most of the junk we buy has 'planned obsolescence' built into the design, so we upgrade or replace the very same junk 3 years down the road. Its a very linear system. Even sustainable development is just a watered down version of the same idea.

    I would imagine without the extortionate lines of credit offered the domestic consumption would plummet, which would no doubt impact industries such as the auto and electronics ones which require a bit of extra purchasing power.

    My question to the general is; If you don't want the population to be materialistic in their lifestyle. What do you want them to be like and how are you going to halt the consumerist juggernaut whilst keeping the economy going?

  13. How about just charging 3 baht per bag at any supermarket etc. Considering that they always double bag most stuff that runs in at about 15 bags per shop or a saving of around 1/6 of minimum daily wage. I'm sure that would bring about change in a large part of society. Especially the poor who do sadly make up by far the biggest segment of society.

    Whilst the sentiments behind the PMs idea are very much well intentioned I think expecting people to actually remember that on the 15th of each month the need to refuse plastic bags, given the hurly-burly of daily life is a bit well, short sighted and naive.

  14. Sorry but the school has an obvious duty of care especially when dealing with children in prathom, to ensure their saftey at all times whilst at school. To simply tell the students that it is broken, to not plug it in, but leave the cooler there, where is can be plugged in is simply unacceptable. It should have been removed immediately. No excuses, the school and its staff failed in their duty of care.

  15. I'm just gutted i can't work as a gold or silver otter. I've been taking swimming lessons for ages.

    I am baffled by number 1. The proletariat - Isn't that just being of or from the working classes?

    On a serious note if there are any EAL teachers, doing a 'jobs' topic here, this could be your next lesson plan, spot the mistakes and rewrite so it actually makes sense - And for homework have them translate it back into Thai (just for a laugh)

  16. Apply the law, not so difficult, if there is provision to apply after leaving that office then apply the law, if not then there is no case.

    Why is there a seemingly political will to this issue? rather than concentrate on much bigger and important issues for the country?

    Exactly, the country is going down hill faster than the Aussies at Trent Bridge and this is the hot topic. Surely there are more important things to be done.

  17. former PDRC leader Suthep Thaugsuban, who now chairs the Great Mass of the People for Reforms Foundation

    Great Mass of the People for Reforms Foundation, that certainly rolls of the tongue. I thought it was the PDRF?


    But who are 'the people', this great mass refers to? How many do they number? Is this great mass allowed to coalesce in numbers greater than 4 to express their views?

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