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Posts posted by JoeInSurin

  1. In the wilds of Issan - the owner likes Che - his choice, I drink there because it is quiet.
    I know. I was just joking. I go to Tawan Dang and the owner has Che's portrait on the wall also. Where is the bar you are talking about? Is it in Surin?
  2. The local "Che Guevara Bar" near here does Chang at 37฿ and Leo at 43฿, at all times.
    I would pay the 75 baht a beer rather than drink in a bar named after that A-hole.
  3. Happy afternoons in your good old F.C.

    13.00-17.00 every day


    Chang & Leo....45฿




    Sang Som.......30฿


    Large beers only, normal menu prices will be charged outside of these hours.

    Martin, Aren't you doing San Miguels for 75 B during happy hour also? I thought I saw it posted In The Farang Connection yesterday.
  4. I'm not 100% on this, but don't we have the third highest "gun crime rate" behind only South Africa and Columbia? I do remember that the source was a main American media network though.

    I think you're at the wrong end of the scale... the UK has one of the lowest homicide rates where firearms are involved in the world.

    You are correct. The UK has a very low homicide rate with firearms. Thailand is #3 in the world only being better than South Africa and Colombia. Thailand has over 11 times the homicide rate per capita by firearms than the USA. http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_mur_...arms-per-capita

  5. I laid my Hyabusa over with broken mirror & damaged faring. Cost 4000 baht for new mirror, paint, faring repairs and new emblems. My wife had the Vigo rear ended needing new bumper, misc. rear end repairs and new paint and emblems. 8000 Baht. This chump claims that a few scratches and a loose moulding is worth 45000 baht on a jet ski? I can't believe the marines succumed to his crooked demands. They should have wiped the floor with these chumps and made an example out of them.

  6. Hi,

    Could someone give me a realistic approximate figure per rai of *chanote* agricultural land in Isaan ?

    Thanks in advance

    It depends where it is. Maybe 20,000 -40,000 baht. If you are buying it to make money you would be better off with money in the bank. We have prime land that gives minimal return and have friends (to make the wife happy) that grow rice at a loss every year. Buying rice land will make the wife happy and look good in her village but as an investment it is worthless.

  7. My wife and I ate Mexican at BBQ Hut 2 months ago and it was horrible. I can see why they went out of buisiness. We then ate at a small Mexican restaurant on the soi behind Rock City call Banana Sombrero. It was great. It is more authentic Mexican food than American style.

  8. Do anyone know of any Thai Ridge back dog breeders in Korat?


    I got mine from a street dog that had puppies. It's a mutt but has the ridge. They are good dogs but very hard to train. If you google it you can find some breaders in Thailand but I didn't see any in Korat. post-44079-1247464087_thumb.jpg


    I'm probably gonna regret this but here goes:

    My wife just got her license to own a shotgun and the very helpful shop here in Chiang Mai wanted a copy of her ID card, copy of Tabien Baan, copy of our business registration certificate and 6,500THB for the license fee as a one off payment. She's over 35.

    No-one in authority visited our house or interviewed my wife. Price for a new Remington 870 Express 5 shot pump action was 37,000THB and a box of 25 cartridges (Czech made Sellier & Bellot "00") run to 1050THB. Whole process took about a month.

    We're both off to the 700 year stadium range tomorrow to get familiar with the weapon as I (farang) am legally allowed to use it but only in the presence of my wife. I cannot transport it e.t.c without my wife being present but assume that I don't have to sit on the front step of the house if my wife goes out and the gun is inside. :)



    It is good to hear that you are able to use it if you are with your wife when a nut case on yaba is breaking into your house to kill or rape your family. According to the police what you are doing is legal. I will go to apply for my wifes licence tomorrow. Thanks for the great info..

  9. We imported Mattel toys (Mattel announced recalls Tuesday for 9 million more Chinese-made toys, including popular Barbie, Polly Pocket and "Cars" movie items, and warned that more could be ordered off store shelves because of lead paint and tiny magnets that could be swallowed.

    You ask, I answer. The magnets ( and there was other problems) were a design problem, don't blame the Chineses for that.

    You are right that the magnets were a design problem. What about the lead paint, poison milk and drugs in toy paint made for children? I can blame them for that.

  10. Could you tell me what is Can you name me 1 product from China that is good?

    Where are you from JoeInSurin ? Ever been to China ? Honest answers appreciated.

    You know, you make me laugh because it shows you have absolutely no idea what kind of products you are buying yourself in your own shopping center back in your own country....made in China. They all have a label "made in China" you would have to be an idiot not to know.

    You are one of those China bashers (like an ex brother-in-law of mine) who will bash upon every single item or product about China. I love China. I just don't trust them to build an airplane I am flying on. No different than I love Thailand and don't trust them to run a nuclear power plant next to my home.

    Like a previous poster mentioned: I heard the same story 40 years ago about products from Japan. They were all copies, bad quality....righ; and now ? In 40 years China will probably make products I will feel safe with. Toyota is #1 40 years ago they were not.

    You have no clue about how many Japanese products are made in China.....no clue at all.

    And....do you want cars?.....MP3's....IPod's...iPhone's...Nokia's.....BMW's...Volkswagen....Mercedes.....what else do you want..made in China ? Designer clothes from Italia or France perhaps...you name it....Nike's perhaps....or do you prefer Adidas shoes ? Maybe television sets, audio, furniture....?

    I can get it for you -originals- as many as you can afford. :)I can afford it. Sorry if you can not.

    One more thing:

    I know for a fact that quality control is one of the most important things the Chinese are NOT good at...

    That's why there are very sophisticated and well known -Western- quality control companies who are very good at that.

    From the beginning that Mattel (and milk buyers) was/were complaining about lousy and bad quality products I said that I simply couldn't understand that such large companies had such a lousy quality control BEFORE the products left the factories.

    30 years ago I was already working in HK and China and noticed the thousands of buyers and designers from all over the world. But.....quality control was neglected by those same companies.

    It was and is their own fault; if a buyer does a proper quality control (and pays for that) the Chinese manufacturer will learn fast and make a better quality, according to the specifications, handed to him by the buyer...

    In fact, it's quite simple. The problem is that buyers are focused more on price, delivery, quantity rather than about quality control. If the Chinese (manufacturer/owner) smells he is able to deceive the buyers (because he is screwed in price so much, losing an affordable profit) he will try and go around the initial agreement. That makes me feel safer at 30,000 feet.

    QUALITY CONTROL..... paid for by the buyer and problems will fade away.

    Simple, and...I learned the hard way :DI don't want to learn the hard way by crashing into the ground at 600 mph from 30,000 feet.


  11. Actually most of Mattel's problem were due to faulty design, nothing to do with China.

    Anyway, last month Mrs Clinton went to China to beg Chinese officials not to let down America.

    Twenty years ago american car manufacturers used to make fun of Japanese. Now Toyota is the biggest car manufacturer in the world and american car manufacturers are all bankrupts.

    Stick with your "intelligent design" but please step aside when when we're moving ahead.

    So Mattel specified led paint in it's products? I guess the milk and Aqua Dots were designed that way also. What does Clinton and America have to do with China and Airbus? What does Toyota and American car companies have to do with China and Airbus. Can you keep your America bashing to subjects that are at least semi related to America?

  12. Could you tell me what is very true JoeInSurin ?

    Ok you give some example (milk, toys) and i'm sure there are lot more but :

    -Things like that never occur in our contries ?

    -What your examples have to do with airbus in china ?

    In this case :

    Airbus holds the majority of the shares of the company

    All stages of production are controlled by airbus

    They apply the same standards as in europe

    So now if you have some relevant information that we don't have about airbus in china please share !!!

    Facts please (and about the topic)

    Please give me an example of any quality product or copy that has come out of China. I would think the toy and milk manufacturers had quality controls but sometimes things go unnoticed. If it was made in Japan I would feel quite safe. China has never made anything worth owning. It has nothing to do with Aibus I would never fly on a Boeing made in China. If you can't make milk and toys you shouldn't try to make airplanes. So now if you have some revelant information on China's quality control and quality products that would make me feel safe at 30,000 feet please share!!!! Can you name me 1 product from China that is good?

  13. In a move that will surely affect Thailand and its neighbors, Airbus SAS today announced its first Made in China A320, as it rolled off the floor. With Air France wreck still 'out there' plus the imminent THAI a380 cancellations, is this not a terrible marketing mistake or are we that fickle and have already forgotten?!

    Some of the domestic China travel numbers are frightening!! Read more ............

    You're nothing more than a sensationalist, a reporter from a gossip/tabloid magazine worthy; writing non-sense that isn't backed by facts.

    What do you base your topic title "More Airbus Woes - Now Made In China!" upon ?

    Do you have any inside knowledge that backs your statement ?



    Don't be too hard with him, if he stop posting who will make me laugh ?

    you have to undertand that for him what is not 100 % made in america is crap :D

    By th way where is Texpat ? I miss his comments :D

    Jack i am a faithful reader of your post, please go on

    Yes, agree with you Isanb, Jack is having a very hard time as it is already since almost everything back home is imported, especially from China. :D

    It must be the reason he exported himself. He makes me smile too, but is very fast to leave the scene when confronted with evidence of his mistakes.

    Texpat was told off in another topic, so he will now be more careful to display him with the Texan style judgemental posts. But I am sure he will be back :) Always good for a laugh !

    Very true. We imported milk (Chinese milk scandal) an estimated 300,000 victims six infants dying from kidney stones and other kidney damage, and a further 860 babies hospitalized.. We imported Mattel toys (Mattel announced recalls Tuesday for 9 million more Chinese-made toys, including popular Barbie, Polly Pocket and “Cars” movie items, and warned that more could be ordered off store shelves because of lead paint and tiny magnets that could be swallowed.The recalls came nearly two weeks after Mattel Inc., the nation’s largest toy-maker, recalled 1.5 million Fisher-Price infant toys worldwide, which were also made in China, because of possible lead-paint hazards for children.) Aqua Dots (The toy was subject to a multi-national product recall after it was found that the Wangqi Product Factory in Shenzen, China had used a cheap chemical that was a pharmacologically active sedative prodrug instead of the safer specified one in some shipped toys, resulting in the illness and hospitalization of some children who ingested the beads.

    Go ahead and fly on one of these aircraft. What has China ever made that had the quality and reliability that you would want when you are flying?


    Why ,if a responsible person wants to own a gun to protect his family and hopefully never use it, is he looked at as a bad person? Why should the criminals have guns to kill us but if we choose to buy a gun ,for protection to protect our family, are we are looked as bad people? Am I or anyone else a bad person to look after my family and try to protect them? I don't understand. The police and army have guns for protection. Are they bad people? If you could have had a gun and did not and your family got killed does this make you better than a gun owner if you could have saved them?

  14. City's losses tripled under Thaksin

    Manchester City Football Club's losses nearly tripled and its net assets shrank by more than half while the club was owned by Thaksin Shinawatra.

    The dramatic fall in the asset value, from £57.2m to £24.5m, was caused mainly by a £50m splurge on new players.

    Newly filed group accounts for Manchester City Ltd show a pre-tax loss of £32.6m the year to May 31, 2008, nearly three times the £11m loss posted a year earlier.

    The accounts cover the one and only full season during which City was controlled by Thaksin, who sold a 90 per cent stake to Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan's Abu Dhabi United Group Investment & Development Ltd in September last year for a reported £210m.

    Shortly before he sold the club, Thaksin was forced to flee Thailand and last October he was convicted of corruption by the Thai supreme court and sentenced in his absence to two years in jail.

    Thaksin was expected to seek political asylum in the UK but in November he was banned from returning here and now divides his time between homes in Dubai and Hong Kong. In February he was removed as honorary president of Manchester City,a new post created for him at the time of the sale to Abu Dhabi United Group.

    The size of the club's losses during the 2007/08 season is an indication that owning a Premier League club was probably unsustainable for Thaksin, a former telecoms entrepreneur who had £1.18bn of his wealth frozen by the Thai authorities after he was deposed as prime minister in a 2006 military coup.

    - Crain's Manchester Business News / 2009-04-08

    As the " Proclaimed Thai Visa News Reporter and Part Time Moderator". Have you ever reported any news that didn't support your socialist PAD? I guess you think you are the same as FOX news (Fair and balanced). :o

    You must have me confused with some sort of bot or RSS newsfeed.

    I post news that generally reflects my opinion; same as the other 70,000+ members here.

    At least you admit your news reflects you views and is in no way fair or balanced. I guess you are the Rush Limbaugh of the PAD.

  15. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that contrary to the PAD crowd, vastly composed of old ladies, middle class housewives coming with their kids (and their self-indulgence) at the sittings and other wanke_rs who don't actually need to work to make a living and therefore can afford to come clap their little clappers ad eternum, the reds are mostly working class peoples who, as crazy as it sounds for a Bangkok hiso, have to work in order to pay the bills at the end of the month.

    Then how can they afford to take time off to come to Bangkok?

    Most can not or the numbers would be much higher. The Yellow shirts that make their living from corruption and the exploitation of people working for 200 baht per day can spend forever taking over airports, government house, ect. That is why the PAD's idea of democracy is based on the poor people are too stupid to vote. In a true democracy including the poor and the rich the majority would rule and the PAD would be history.

  16. City's losses tripled under Thaksin

    Manchester City Football Club's losses nearly tripled and its net assets shrank by more than half while the club was owned by Thaksin Shinawatra.

    The dramatic fall in the asset value, from £57.2m to £24.5m, was caused mainly by a £50m splurge on new players.

    Newly filed group accounts for Manchester City Ltd show a pre-tax loss of £32.6m the year to May 31, 2008, nearly three times the £11m loss posted a year earlier.

    The accounts cover the one and only full season during which City was controlled by Thaksin, who sold a 90 per cent stake to Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan's Abu Dhabi United Group Investment & Development Ltd in September last year for a reported £210m.

    Shortly before he sold the club, Thaksin was forced to flee Thailand and last October he was convicted of corruption by the Thai supreme court and sentenced in his absence to two years in jail.

    Thaksin was expected to seek political asylum in the UK but in November he was banned from returning here and now divides his time between homes in Dubai and Hong Kong. In February he was removed as honorary president of Manchester City,a new post created for him at the time of the sale to Abu Dhabi United Group.

    The size of the club's losses during the 2007/08 season is an indication that owning a Premier League club was probably unsustainable for Thaksin, a former telecoms entrepreneur who had £1.18bn of his wealth frozen by the Thai authorities after he was deposed as prime minister in a 2006 military coup.

    - Crain's Manchester Business News / 2009-04-08

    As the " Proclaimed Thai Visa News Reporter and Part Time Moderator". Have you ever reported any news that didn't support your socialist PAD? I guess you think you are the same as FOX news (Fair and balanced). :o

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