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Posts posted by JoeInSurin

  1. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingne...ropolitan-chief

    Home > Breakingnews > 100,000 protesters now: deputy metropolitan chief

    The number of protesters has risen to be over 100,000 at about 6 pm Wednesday.

    Deputy Metropolitan Police chief Lt Gen Jakthip Chaijinda confirmed the figure estimated by field reporters.

    Jaktip said more protesters are expected to join the rallies at night.

    The Nation

    Only 900.000 missing from the promised 1.000.000.

    Only 400.000 missing from the reported peak at PAD

    Only 200.000 missing from the promised 300.000

    But don't worry next time maybe......

    This a clear lesson in economics. The red shirts need to pay more like the yellow shirt.

  2. Abhisit is doing an awesome job in the BBC interview, considering that he is being attacked with every question. I think he handles himself quite well :-)

    I disagree.It was overall an adequate performance but not Abhisit at his best, particularly in view of the petulance displayed when he was grilled by Zeinab Badawi (also a sharp witted Oxonian) on the more difficult domestic political issues.The more sensitive political issues were not touched on incidentally.On Thailand's regional role and Asean leadership he was certainly much better but on the Rohiyinga boat people issue he was frankly hopeless, bleating repeatedly about not having received evidence from the international media.In summary he did a great deal better than any other Thai politician could have managed, didn't get asked the explosive political questions (was this a condition of his appearing, I wonder?), showed a rather childish petulance when asked hard questions.Not bad but a million miles from awesome.

    Darn, sorry I missed it.

    Sounds like at least he didn't rudely belch throughout the interview and end it by intimidating and threatening the interviewer like Samak did. That was some real classy stuff for an international audience.

    Well everyone can't do something to an international audience with as much class as the PAD did and take over an International Airport. I am sure the belch caused the drop in tourism and the airport takeover had nothing to do with it. :o

  3. I think Suthep is being a tad overoptimistic if he thinks only 20K

    I am not sure if the government has a good secret plan to outsmart them, or if they are simply silly.

    let the two guys who damaged the car in Pattaya isn't a good sign.

    I don't know in other countries, but in my country they would walk out of a police station also, after the paper work is dun. They will have to go to court later. Not a big deal at all.

    Once they throw eggs to the belgian king, after 2 hours they where back on the streets. Not even went to court.

    Anyone ever go after Him with a motorcycle helmet or attempt to strangle his driver?

    These people that went after him were clearly yellow shirts dressed up as red shirts. Of course I am just kidding and would not claim this as the yellow shirt socialists would have. :o
  4. Just popped back for a moment to drop man image from 7.52am this morning. The mass of people you can see extends well past the large projection screen circled in green.


    Perhaps those with more experience at estimating crowd numbers can venture an opinion based on this one photo?

    This is the evidence you submit to justify your earlier claim of "150,000 to 200,000" attendees at this event?

    There are no more than 1,000 to 1,200 even vaugely identifiable individuals in this photo.

    As for your claim that no one you spoke to had admitted to being paid to attend - maybe so. I can however assert that after a round of Golf at a Club in Central Bangkok earlier today at least 20 of the Caddies were eager to leave and go to the "Rally" in order to claim a cash reward for doing so.

    (They were equally eager to participate in the general "Sanook" atmosphere that prevails in these situations of course)


    I wonder why the red shirts never bring photos of the masses. Everything so professional but no pictures from high buildings which brings an overview.

    The Yellows did it all the time.

    Why they don't show their x00.000 people??

    Yes the payments: of course, my wife got a phone call and many others here were reporting the same, of course a big part is paid.

    Here in Surin the yellow shirts had a bus giving cash handouts to come to their protest and now the red shirts are doing the same. The people from here with the hand clappers are now the same people with foot clappers. They are just there for the money and taking both sides to the bank.

  5. and here I thought solicitation of funds (which is really all this thread is about), charitable or otherwise, was prohibited on Thaivisa...

    perhaps there is an exemption for first-time posters.

    He is not soliciting funds by asking where to send his contribution.

  6. i was wondering if fedex goes to khon kaen.if not what carrie serves khon kaen

    Use the US mail. It cost less than half of Fedex, takes half the time and is usually not hit with a import tax. I work out of my house in Surin and receive documents from the states weekly. What US mail sends me that cost $50.00 and comes in 6 days untaxed would cost $160.00 coming in 10-12 days with an additional tax to be paid through Fedex. Joe

  7. I was just informed by my bank that Fed Ex, UPS etc won't allow Debit/Credit Cards to be shipped by them because of the magnetic stripe and some kind of International Regulation BS!! I have never heard of such an outrageous statement! And yes, I even spoke with a supervisor!

    I know I can have it mailed or overnighted to someone coming over on Holiday, but at the present, no one has any plans to come over!

    Anyone have any advice or experience getting a replacement Debit/Visa/ATM Card from a US Bank to Thailand??

    Anyway, I just have never heard of such a ridiculous ordeal! I get my direct deposit to that account so it has become a huge hassle accessing money!

    I received my new debit cards from my bank through the US mail with out even calling them. They send me my statements every month to my Thailand address also. I bank with BB & T. Tell them to send it regular US mail.

  8. You are correct that I have a 12 month extension based on retirement but there is such a thing as a retirement Visa. http://www.siam-legal.com/US-Citizens/thai...ent-visa-us.php


    No. It is a NonImmigrant O they are trying to sell to you ! Probably wrapped in a nice envelope and with a hefty fee.

    A nonimmigrant O is for the purpose of visiting family. The O-A Visa is for retirement only.


  9. All you need for a 'Retirement' extension is 800,000 in a Thai bank for at least three months prior to application.

    I got my retirement VISA last month without any money in a Thai bank. I was told an income letter (40,000 baht min. per month) was all that I needed.

    It is not a Retirement Visa. And you have an Extension of stay based on being married to a Thai Lady. 40,000 Baht a month OR 400,000 in a Thai bank.

    The Retirement Extension is 65,000 A month OR 800,000 in a Thai bank OR a combination of the two.

    I have a retirement VISA with no requirement to be married or any money in the bank. All I needed was my income letter , passport, ect. The requirement could be 65,000 baht per month as my income letter was above that as she said that it was all that was needed.

    Again. You do not have a Retirement Visa. There is no such thing.

    You have a 12 month extension of your temporary permision to stay in the Kingdom based on retirement. It is not a Visa.

    Yes. the income requirement is 65,000 a month.

    You are correct that I have a 12 month extension based on retirement but there is such a thing as a retirement Visa. http://www.siam-legal.com/US-Citizens/thai...ent-visa-us.php


  10. All you need for a 'Retirement' extension is 800,000 in a Thai bank for at least three months prior to application.

    I got my retirement VISA last month without any money in a Thai bank. I was told an income letter (40,000 baht min. per month) was all that I needed.

    It is not a Retirement Visa. And you have an Extension of stay based on being married to a Thai Lady. 40,000 Baht a month OR 400,000 in a Thai bank.

    The Retirement Extension is 65,000 A month OR 800,000 in a Thai bank OR a combination of the two.

    I have a retirement VISA with no requirement to be married or any money in the bank. All I needed was my income letter , passport, ect. The requirement could be 65,000 baht per month as my income letter was above that as she said that it was all that was needed.

  11. All you need for a 'Retirement' extension is 800,000 in a Thai bank for at least three months prior to application.

    I got my retirement VISA last month without any money in a Thai bank. I was told an income letter (40,000 baht min. per month) was all that I needed.

  12. I had the same problem here in Surin. I live in a housing development that charges 100 baht per month to take your trash away. A few months ago the main landfill for the area was close because it was full leaving few options for the Surin community. My development started taking some of the trash away in their own trucks ( I don't know where to ) and burning the rest of it in the corner of the development next to my home. I went to the management office and told the assistant manager this was unacceptable to be burning plastic and other trash with toxic fumes next to my home. She said she would tell them to stop burning the trash. It did not stop so I went to the manager and told her the same thing. She said she would tell them not to do it also. It did not stop so I went to the help burning the trash and told them not to do it. They said they had to burn it and could not help me. The next day they started burning the trash again so I put trash cans in the back of my Vigo, filled them with water and drove to the fire and put it out much to their amazement. As I drove away I saw the management people standing in the front of their office looking at what had just happened so I drove over and told them if they light a fire again I will put it out again. The next day the fire was back and I also was back with the water. Later that day they came to me and said they will not burn the fire again and there has been no fire since.

  13. JD ---again you are avoiding the terrorism claim because no one was hurt by the PAD's irresponsible actions. Seiging an airport and breaking into the control tower during its operations is an act of terrorism plain and clear. The disruption could have caused a 747 to crash and kill 400 tourist. It was lucky no one was hurt. If during 911 the passengers had got control of the airplanes and they landed and no one was hurt would that make it not an act of terrorism?

    Joe --- 3 people were allowed into the control tower if I remember correctly. The PAD are having a peaceful sit-in at the airport.

    Could Could Could ----Joe get real they didn't kill anyone. They didn't beat people. They took a group of people, walked into the airport area .. set up some defenses and sat down ... turned on the music .. chatted with the people they were inconveniencing ...

    Terrorist is just a word you are bandying about to to dehumanize them, they have been overall a very calm and polite group when it came to talking with the passengers at the airport.

    This is a battle for the future of Thailand and frankly very little else matters to these people (and if anything else mattered to the Gov't other than holding power and protecting their benefactor, they would have called new elections)

    JD, Please provide me with your address so we can come into your house with red shirts and set up some defenses and turn on the music and if we are inconveniencing you we will chat with you to make it OK. We will not kill anyone so this should make it OK also. Please provide your address. Hope to see you tomorrow.

  14. Sorry Joe ... you still don't get it! It isn't terrorism. Terrorism is lobbing grenades in the dark ... Terrorism is firing military ordinance containing RDX into a crowd while not even allowing them an area to escape etc etc etc

    Civil disobedience IS inconvenient .... it is meant to be! Do I wish they had found another way? Yes! has this worked so far? Yes! (The government has not been able to illegally change the constitution and is apparently stuck until they get dissolved.) Do I wish the Democrats would resign en-masse forcing snap elections? YES! Do I understand why they do not? Yes! (They don't want to appear to be on PAD's side) Is this a royalist vs anti-royalist end game? Yes! (well I hope it is the end-game)

    Taking over an international airport causing billions of dollars in losses. Causing a million jobs being lost. Causing comdemnation from the international community and damaging Thailand for years to come is "inconvenient ... it is meant to be!". And you think this is good for Thailand?

    Joe --- again you are avoiding the whole 'terrorism' thing you claim. There is no way to make a claim that this is 'terrorism'.

    Is it good for Thailand? Who knows? It certainly isn't a tactic I would have chosen. Damaging "for years to come" is supposition. It certainly is causing damage right now but is it more or less damage than getting the convicted Thaksin excused by his brother-in-law illegally? Is it like surgery, where you must cause some damage to affect a cure? Right now it sucks ... but it may be that it really was the lesser of two evils.

    JD ---again you are avoiding the terrorism claim because no one was hurt by the PAD's irresponsible actions. Seiging an airport and breaking into the control tower during its operations is an act of terrorism plain and clear. The disruption could have caused a 747 to crash and kill 400 tourist. It was lucky no one was hurt. If during 911 the passengers had got control of the airplanes and they landed and no one was hurt would that make it not an act of terrorism?

  15. US citizen eh...why am I not so surprised. On a different thread, on a different date perhaps, I wouldn't mind hearing out what you have done towards the cause of "removing corruptness in the [uS] govt"....

    Corruptness in the US govt is OT here but forget it... too deeply rooted... So what perfect country do you claim roots to? Something we had to save in a previous war?


  16. Sorry Joe ... you still don't get it! It isn't terrorism. Terrorism is lobbing grenades in the dark ... Terrorism is firing military ordinance containing RDX into a crowd while not even allowing them an area to escape etc etc etc

    Civil disobedience IS inconvenient .... it is meant to be! Do I wish they had found another way? Yes! has this worked so far? Yes! (The government has not been able to illegally change the constitution and is apparently stuck until they get dissolved.) Do I wish the Democrats would resign en-masse forcing snap elections? YES! Do I understand why they do not? Yes! (They don't want to appear to be on PAD's side) Is this a royalist vs anti-royalist end game? Yes! (well I hope it is the end-game)

    Taking over an international airport causing billions of dollars in losses. Causing a million jobs being lost. Causing comdemnation from the international community and damaging Thailand for years to come is "inconvenient ... it is meant to be!". And you think this is good for Thailand?

  17. It would not be anything new to someone that would support terrorism. I will never be able to convince Al Qaida that 911 is justifiyed. And I will never convince you that seiging the airport is justifiyed. Radicals have their aggenda and the civilized world has to deal with them with force.

    Pretty easy for you to make an accusation like that hiding behind the anonymity of the Internet. Sadly I think you may be that shallow to actually believe what you just spewed... You sound more like a radical extremist considering it is your view or no view. I am not a radical; I am not a terrorist and certainly do not support. I am actually a US Citizen and would bleed on my flag to keep it red. Would you?

    There is only one Joe I know here in Surin and it is me. Hardly anonymous. I am shallow and a radical by believing in law and order?? I am a US citizen also. Most people I know in the USA that would bleed on the flag would not support taking over airports and breaking the law. As a supporter of PAD and taking over airports how far do you think you and your PAD buddies would have got in taking over an airport in the USA? You would have been bleeding but not on a flag.

    Dang Joe wrong again... I have no PAD buddies, I am not really even a staunch PAD supporter. I believe in the cause of removing corruptness in the government. Yes Joe, Thailand currently has a puppet government financed and owned by Tacky and his family. Will the next one be any better? Probably not, Tacky had enough money to buy the votes he needed, and apparently has his family deeply rooted in the system. But one fight at a time Joe.

    I agree with you 100%. I just think taking over the airport was going way to far. I believe in PPP being removed by civil means if found guilty. I'm from Virginia where are you from?

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