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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. It started as a quiet joke some months ago, when local Thai neighbours labelled me with the nickname 'Mr Bean'. Now the whole neighbourhood have labelled me as 'Mr Bean'. Should I feel offended?

    Surely, Mr. Bean is a socially inept misfit with obvious physical features and mannerisms that are gauche, clearly someone who is not a role-model, and just a figure of fun.

    How can I 'Nip this in the Bud' and return to being an anonymous 'Mr Barrett'?

    Kind advice and responses appreciated.

  2. There is a night-time 'Sausage-'Man' who vends his wares across Pattaya, but I have not managed to catch him on his nightly route. Does anyone know in which areas at which times he vends his sausage for potential customers?

    Attached photograph of 'Sausage-Man's' mobile unit; note the hilarious painted sausage graphics, which bring a smile to everyones face!


  3. You can have your pockets picked anyway. Men should invest 20 baht to have one of the many sidewalk tailors sew a button onto the back pocket of their shorts/trousers/jeans.

    ..........or carry your wallet in a front pocket.

    I carry my wallet in my front pocket. I always have and whatever country I'm in, I do the same.

    I'm not saying people who carry their wallet in their back pocket deserve to be pick-pocketed but I consider them foolish.

    On Baht Buses I'm always extra vigilant, not only for myself but for other fellow farangs. I don't like to see newbie drunken farangs in Baht buses get dipped by ugly khatooeys. (Pretty ones, O.K.).

  4. 1/ simple simon---- soi 5 Jomtien

    2/ KPK------- behind Carrefour on the new estate.

    The KPK is very tasty and chopped too.they put a type of chopped pickled onion in and its lovely.

    KPK beats the rest.....no contest...........I've tried em all..............

    Thanks for the feedback. I will be going to visit KPK tomorrow for some Black Pudding and Sausage.

  5. The sausage phase in Pattaya Forum is over?? :)

    Anyway, onto the cheese phase: I thought the selection at the new Central Beach Road was better than what you can get elsewhere in Pattaya.

    Did you click on the link ?? that page I posted is full of cheese from all over, is very good and as cheap or cheaper then Friendship... Myself cannot see any point in paying 2 or 3 time more for the same cheese, from the same importers in the same package..

    Just on one cheese type I can drive the 100km round trip to BKK and buy for 1,659 baht or drive just over 300km round trip to Pattaya for the same cheese, from the same importers in the same packaging for 720 baht !!!!!!!!

    I went up to this place on the Naklua Road today. Here is an update:

    Your original link is out-of-date. The store is no longer called: SS Sausage it is called: Thai Sausage.

    The 2 kg blocks of Cheddar Cheese cost 1100 baht, not really a bargain. I priced up the cheese slices and sausage but the prices were very similar to supermarket prices. In the end I didn't buy anything.

    For those who plan to visit, it is on the Naklua Road on the left hand side going north about seven minutes walk from Dolphin roundabout.

  6. Thanks for the feedback.

    It looks as if the best idea is to go to the original Nokia shop for a replacement.

    Anyone any ideas how much a genuine replacement battery is?

    Depends which Nokia model you have, but i would expect to pay between 600-1500bt.

    I went to the Nokia store at Big C today and bought a genuine Nokia battery for 1350 baht. I hope I made the right decision because there were some pretty good-looking new Nokia phones starting at 3,800 baht........

  7. That half-man at the Markets, makes a fine living. But these women and babies all along 2nd Road from 'Made in Thailand' to Royal Garden, I am sure they are either Cambodians or Burmese and owned by a gang like the beggars in India.

    Giving to the limbless is understandable, as I doubt that the same 'back street amputations' by begging gangs (like in India) happen in Thailand, and there is a plentiful supply of limbless from landmine-Cambodia.

  8. syd ... syd ...my friend .

    what are you thinking ?

    first you want to set up your misses on a som tam / street barrow ... then motorbike renting for her to make a living from and now you you need to save money on a battery for your phone ? ? ? ?

    syd ..... if you need to save money that much then you need to say bye bye to your misses and go back home ...... wherever that is ?

    coz thailand is FULL of cheap charlies ( kee noow ) already ! ..... we DONT need any more thank you

    enjoy .... dave2

    I put it to you, dave2, that I have never, ever suggested in script, on TV at any time, that my Mrs. consider motorcycle 'renting' as a business.

    I put it to you dave2, that you are confabulating information posted on these TV pages.

    I, DON'T want to hear any more such ramblings from you and DEMAND a full apology.

  9. I found the food there pleasant as well on my one visit. Will go again.


    I think I remember reading that you have eaten at the 'Tikka Center' on Soi Bua Khao..

    If I'm correct, how do you compare the two.. Is this new place as good as/better than the Tikka Center?


    When the 'Tikka Centre' on Soi Buckhaew opened 2-3 years ago the initial take-away's were O.K. and at a reasonable price. Then it went downhill fast, maybe it changed hands, maybe the Chef died, maybe they just don't care anymore. Anyway avoid the place at all costs now.

    I must try this new place on Soi LK is it very new?

  10. My Nokia mobile phone battery won't hold a charge for more than a few hours so I need to replace the battery.

    My first instinct is to go to Nokia Store in Big C and get a genuine replacement at full cost. OR:

    Could I go to Tuk Com and get a cheaper battery, either Nokia or a generic equal battery?

    The selection of mobile phone shops in Tuk Com is massive. Can anyone recommend specific stores which are good for this?

    Thanks for all advice.

  11. Can anybody tell me where their is a Western Union branch in Pattaya?

    The best bet is the Western Union Branch right next to the Post Office on Soi Post Office. It is also a Bank of Ayuthaya exchange.

    Bank of Ayuthaya also give the best rates for foreign bank notes in Thailand. I change all of my foreign cash there for a higher rate than ALL other Thai banks.

  12. The Thai Doctors really don't like dishing out morphine. Surely in your case IV shots of pethidine would be more usual?

    Have you ever considered Buprenorphine as an alternative analgesic?

    I've just checked my medical text books and the two above named analgesics are named for use in pancreatitis.

    The morphine salts can cause spasm in the sphincter of Oddi, due to disruption of CCK pathways.

  13. Thats the scarey thing. As an inpatient in thailand ive never been subscribed Morphine, wich has prolonged my admissions. Because my amylise doesnt rocket theyve usually diagnosed me gastritus. Even when my cyst burst my amylase was only 117........the norm is around 40-80.

    Im currently trying to reduce my morphine intake on a daily basis as when i go to thailand ill be going into buisness there and i cant be going to the doctors every day. Ill be staying in pattaya when i get there, does anybody know any usefull hospital emails, such as "bangkok pattaya hospital". Also the pattaya memorial hospital, i couldnt return last year but i did hear that funding had been withdrawn for the pattaya memorial hospital as it relies ALOT on contributions from charities.

    A friend of mine with cancer, was an out-patient at the Sirikit Hospital in Sattahip and was prescribed on the premises morphine tablets but only ten at a time.

    The Thai Doctors really don't like dishing out morphine. Surely in your case IV shots of pethidine would be more usual?

    I also recall another friend hospitalised in the Sirikit hospital for a minor but invasive surgery, and they did NOT prescribe a post operative analgesic other than paracetamol and he had to beg for a morphine jab.

    My guess is you would get proper pain relief in the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, but it will cost you!

    Have you ever considered Buprenorphine as an alternative analgesic?

  14. I am always on the search for quality (good tasting) Black Pudding in the Supermarkets of Pattaya/Jomtien and Naklua.

    Does anyone have any recommendations?

    I prefer a 'Bury' style Black Pudding, but the ready sliced black pudding are acceptable, the emphasis for me would be on a quality pigs blood product with ample saturated white fat globules, over the more modern and PC 'added cereal mixture.'

    Thanks for all feedback.

  15. Yeah, America has the best pizza. Steak, bread, wine, ah cars too.


    Pizza - yes, America

    Steak - no, Argentina has the best, maybe Japan

    Bread - no, France, but the U.S. is no slouch (see Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie)

    Wine - no France, but the U.S., Chile and Australia make some nice wines

    Cars - Italy, Japan or Germany, Detroit did rule until about 1970

    I presume you mean Californian? Surely not a serious contender?

  16. My mate is paying 690 Bht at the skaw beach hotel Soi skaw beach off 2nd rd 3-4 mins walk from Soi 7-8 at the moment, he did haggle them down from 780 Bht, it's got a pool and the Soi isn't too noisy

    That represents good value for money. The Soi is a lot quieter now, as discussed in a Soi Skaew Beach Thread earlier this week on the 'Pattaya' forum.

    Areca Lodge on Soi Diana has a special deal at the moment, for those interested.

  17. I managed get hold of a quality sausage yesterday in Friendship Supermarket on Pattaya Tai. I got there early and was surprised to see 'Cumberland' sausages on sale, individually shrink wrapped.

    A bit pricey, but for 66 baht the length and girth of the sausage represented a meal in itself. So all things considered, good value for a fresh quality sausage sold locally in Pattaya.

    I still fry mine in a shallow frying pan of quality lard which I think enhances the true flavour of a quality sausage.

    Opinions and feedback are always appreciated.

  18. There is no way you can judge American or NYC pizza by what is on offer in Thailand. That is ridiculous. That would be like judging Mexican food by the Mexican food in Thailand. BTW, many people feel strongly that the excellent NYC TAP WATER for both NYC pizza and NYC bagels is a big factor in the unique taste. No NYC water here.

    I agree that local water makes a big difference in the local production of food (particularly dough) and beer. That is why beers from the north of England taste so good (water from the lake-district & Welsh hills) and London beer tastes so awful.

  19. hahah, swimming goggles. good lord please, let the pork flu take me now!

    If you choose to ridicule my advice, be that at your own risk.

    Eye protection is an integral part of the body protection regime.

  20. A fair point has been made. In a Burger joint, buy a burger (quick turnaround).

    I once bought a 'fish burger' in McDonalds in the Royal Garden Plaza. It still makes me shiver to think about it to this day.

    Three hours later I was sat on the toilet with diarrhea and vomiting into a bucket simultaneously for the next 16 hours. I nearly died. Honest!

    I've eaten a good number of McD's fish burgers over the years, and never gotten sick. They have this new-fangled invention called a "freezer" to keep it from spoiling. :)

    Of course I cannot prove that it was the fishburger that made me sick, but I remember it tasting 'too fishy' if you know what I mean, and my only guess is that it was constructed by someone with 'fecal fingers' then had been standing about at blood heat for hours.

    Not so many people order fish burgers, maybe mine was standing around a while.

    Anyway NO more McD Fish Burgers for me....Ever!

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