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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. The chances of a cash refund are NIL in Thailand. I've had stuff replaced with new on production of a receipt in big stores.

    Tukcom is a bit different. I've bought lots of stuff there, if it is of a value of 2500 Baht plus, I always ask 'Guarantee?' Then they usually agree 3 months and sign the back of the receipt. This helps.

    I don't know the cost of your apparatus, but I am guessing less than 1000 baht. It is probably best to right it off as bad luck and in future buy such an item at a big store like Carrefour or Big C where the staff don't mind changing faulty goods.

  2. You can buy surge-protection equipment, it just costs more money here in Thailand.

    Try to buy it back in your home country.

    Plus, don't buy a cheap UPS for your computer. Buy the most expensive in the store.

  3. This is where the AA meetings are held - so obviously they have been a success :)

    Interesting point, but the Soi has lost more than just bars, the place really had died.

    As I said in a previous post, I am sure that this is due to the back passage being blocked, which allowed easy access from Soi Buckhaw.

  4. A fair point has been made. In a Burger joint, buy a burger (quick turnaround).

    I once bought a 'fish burger' in McDonalds in the Royal Garden Plaza. It still makes me shiver to think about it to this day.

    Three hours later I was sat on the toilet with diarrhea and vomiting into a bucket simultaneously for the next 16 hours. I nearly died. Honest!

  5. Not many people know this; but the eyes are the number one gateway for infection. Buy yourself a pair of swimming goggles for 40 baht from tourist shops on the Beach Roads of Pattaya & Jomtien.

    They sort of dig in your eye sockets after several hours of use but be sure to extend the rubber strap for extra comfort. Also consider buying a clear plastic so you can read on the plane journey. Hope this advice helps.

  6. Getting served a warm beer really makes me mad.

    I say name and shame the bars, some of them I can understand because the management is Thai, but if a farang is the manager then they deserve their business to go bust.

  7. Cheaper? You'd have to PAY me a LOT to eat the crapola and I am sure you're not gonna do that, so go ahead, keep all that stuff to you offal fans, thank you very much.

    I can understand Americans being against offal, because they have always had cheap beef available.

    In the U.K. many people of my age were raised on offal and there was UCP (United Cattle Products) shops on every street corner. Most big cities in the North of England had scores of 'Tripe' shops for example.

  8. Has anyone managed to charter a baht bus from Pattaya Nua (North) Bus Station (Rueng Rung) for less than 200 Baht. Believe me I have tried, but it is impossible isn't it? The mafia really control this terminal well.

    Just cross the road and wait for a songthaew that's made a drop off to u-turn.

    150 baht to Pratumnak.

    Thanks for the tip. Sometimes a little difficult with 2 large suitcases. Thanks!

  9. we used to make our own sausages in my restaurants in the states.

    pork butt

    plum tomato

    provolone cheese chunks



    were the main ingredients and cooked in a good Italian tomato sauce with onions and peppers and oregano. I would kill for that over here

    Thanks for the positive feedback.

    Fennel is much overlooked in the typical sausage recipe. I shall be using fennel to improve the flavour.

  10. A Doctor's diagnosis of acute appendicitis is fraught with difficulty. When a Doctor is presented with acute abdomen one has to err on the side of caution.

    The risk of peritonitis must be avoided so removal of the appendix might be performed unneccessarily.

  11. I have cronic pancreatitus and take around 120mg mst( slow release morphine tabs) a day, plus oramorph ( liquid oral morphine) when the pain is real bad. Ill be going to thailand in a few weeks for a good few months. Does anyone know the rules of bringing a months supply into the kingdom. I say a months worth in the HOPE i can find a thai doctor that would prescribe it to me.

    Make sure that you bring a Doctors letter explaining that you have chronic pancreatitis. Also bring a copy of your prescription. You probably won't even be stopped at customs and you have in your possession bona-fide tablets as opposed to illicit brown powder.

    However, make sure that you are not touching down in any Arab states en-route!

    If in any doubt, contact the Thai embassy in your home country.

    PS. It is rare to need such powerful analgesics for chronic pancreatitis. In acute pancreatitis I would expect it. Are you sure that you don't have a tumour on the head/tail of the pancreas. Plus do you have medical insurance or lots of ready cash?

  12. finally got a chance to try moss burger before a movie. my girlfriend and i checked out the menu. she got the fish burger set menu since she doesn't eat beef and I saw the chicken teriyaki burger and since i love Japanese teriyaki i figured i would try the set. I was paying and they asked what i wanted to drink, set comes with a drink, i saw the iced tea, picked that, and they said only sodas come with it and i would have to pay extra. ok i paid, I dont drink soda. we sat and the food came within a few minutes, bad sign, no way it could be cooked fresh and barely time to be reheated. my girlfriends fish sandwich looked really good but she said it was just ok. they put down the drinks and there were 2 cokes and one ice tea, they gave me a coke from the set menu? and an ice tea so now we have 2 cokes and one ice tea. i looked at the bill and ice tea and soda was the same price so why they couldn't substitute i have no idea but i didn't say anything TIT. i look at my chicken teriyaki sandwich and it is thick with lettuce and a thin sliver of gray meat which i will assume was chicken teriyaki, it tasted like it looked after a couple of bites, I forgot the rest, and ate the dry, barely warm, french fries that came with it, they were obviously standing out and not freshly cooked. my girlfriend loves fries and only ate a few. both meals weren't hot or cooked to order as the entire meal came in a few minutes after we sat.

    wont be trying that again but i may give the burger a shot some time. what a bummer, i have really been waiting for this place to open and hoped the quality would be like an mk or a fuji which i like

    Thanks for the report.

    Seriously, if the fries were cold then you should have taken them back and asked for freshly cooked/hot ones.

    With Mos Burger being a Japanese chain, the staff should be taught only to serve hot food and food served to the ' Japanese' standard.

    I will file my personal report/experience eating there shortly, I hope it is better than your experience!

  13. Just received a leaflet yesterday that Maxnet also offer internet service without having to have a Phone line. They said only certain area's can have this option, Im in the soi Arunothai area. Interesting.

    Is this wireless internet, the sort you buy a scratchcard for?

  14. Syd, why dont you send the missus to cooking school where she could learn how to create the perfect sausage and prepare the finest english breakfast?

    She could then serve your culinary needs daily and you wouldnt have to clutter up the Pattaya forum with your ongoing quest for both of the above!!! :o

    That's an original idea. She already cooks pretty well, maybe home-made sausages will be a winner!

  15. The sausage phase in Pattaya Forum is over?? :o

    Anyway, onto the cheese phase: I thought the selection at the new Central Beach Road was better than what you can get elsewhere in Pattaya.

    Did you click on the link ?? that page I posted is full of cheese from all over, is very good and as cheap or cheaper then Friendship... Myself cannot see any point in paying 2 or 3 time more for the same cheese, from the same importers in the same package..

    Just on one cheese type I can drive the 100km round trip to BKK and buy for 1,659 baht or drive just over 300km round trip to Pattaya for the same cheese, from the same importers in the same packaging for 720 baht !!!!!!!!

    Excellent Link!

    I shall be going up to Naklua to check out the bargains a SS Sausage Wholesalers on Naklua Road. Thanks!

  16. One of my problems on arriving at the aiport is that I usually have three big bags, which won't fit in a standard taxi. I see that the system for getting a larger taxi at the public taxi desk is more institutionalised and expensive than it was in the past. Where a year or two ago it was possible to wait until a big taxi arrived and use the meter, the system for a while has been that you have to ask for a larger vehicle and pay off meter at a standard rate (I am not talking about limos - which is yet another option). I couldn't help noticing recently that the charge off meter to Bang Na has gone up from B400 late last year to B600 now (meter would be about B200). Sukhumvit is B700. If you know a taxi driver's mobile number it is possible to cut a better deal. Perhaps I am a meanie but this doesn't seem to mesh with stuff on other threads about deep discounts in response to the recession.

    Why not take an Airport Limousine Service? Unless you are a very frequent traveller the extra baht might be worth it. Alternatively pre-arrange a pick-up.

    I think I am right in saying the rapid overhead light railway link to Bangkok begins in August 2009. Anyone?

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