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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. I purchased an excellent quality English sausage at Villa Market.

    There are also a selection of English and German sausages available at Friendship Supermarket on Pattaya Tai: Recommended!

    If anyone can point me in the direction of excellent quality sausage I would be grateful. Thanks.

  2. You are her current employer. She has a job. She has a farang giving her a monthly salary plus benefits (free housing, food, medicine, clothing).

    If she is lazy, then why would she want a second job in a hot, busy laundry?

    Here are some ideas to get her motivated to work.

    1. Make a list of daily house chores, along with a time schedule for her to follow.

    8:00am Cook breakfast

    8:30am Clean up kitchen

    9:00am Clean floors, sweep/mop

    10:00am 15 minute break

    10:15am Take out trash and clean the areas outside of the house

    12:00pm Lunch break

    1:00pm Shopping at the market for fresh fruits/vegis

    3:00pm 1 hour nap or break---free time for tv, soaps

    4:00pm Special project: Painting, mow the grass, polishing, ??

    6:00pm Dinner

    7:00pm Free time

    This way, she has a set schedule with something to do. This will allow you the freedom to do your own things around the house and give her a sense of

    pride in actually doing something besides sitting around and watching soaps all day and night.

    Good luck.

    Thanks for the suggestions. However she already does most of the above, including the 'polishing'............

  3. A question mark still hangs in the air above eating establishments in Jomtien regarding the quality of sausages offered.

    Not any more! "Foot Long" Cumberland.

    Thank you for sharing that with us. A very impressive sausage indeed!

  4. Also; take advantage of 'fingering' the baht bus driver.

    By this, I mean using your index finger to point in a specified direction.

    EXAMPLE: I am standing outside tukcom with a plastic bag full of electronic goodies, and a baht bus appears to slow down.

    I stick my index finger east, as if indicating second road towards Pattaya North. The baht bus stops. Alternatively I could indicate with my finger west towards Jomtien.

    Hope this helps.

  5. Tropical Berts.... soi 6 & 2nd road... well soi 6/1 to be accurate, but the breakfast is dam_n good and a good price. I might be biased, I do tend to eat at Bert's about 6 times a week :o

    I can't speak to the fry bread as I'm not a fan of it in general, but they have it there and the bacon and sausage are not the typical S&P ham and hotdog... like almost proper. comes with a pot of tea, or coffee if that is your thing.

    Thanks for the heads-up on Tropical Bert's. This is also the Royal British Legion...Right? I'll give this place a go tomorrow and report back. Cheers!

  6. Had mos cheeseburger and coke total 105 bath. Small size and far from delicious still was hungry after. Beefburger with chips at villa market about same price (105 or 125 baht not remember how much exactly) are much better.

    Bye bye Mos burger.

    Sorry to hear about your dissatisfaction with the burger.

    Apart from the small portion what was your gripe with the actual product (taste)?

    You say 'far from delicious' but could you please explain in more detail how the meal did not meet with your taste standards, outlining where improvements could be made and which taste-buds were offended by the said set meal.

    Thank you.

  7. I ate at Crazy Daves one time. The cottage pie was absolutely horrible! I would descibe it as over heated, microwaved, canned dog food with dried out instant mashed potatoes and brown pond slime gravy. Save your money and just buy dog food at Lotus.

    If English breakfast was all that was available, I would skip it! Clogged arteries and heart attacks just waiting to happen.

    An English breakfast doesn't have to be high in saturated fats, scrambled eggs, grilled bacon and tomato and baked beans and mushrooms being a healthy way to start the day.

    Sure, give the fried bread and sausage a miss!

  8. Molly Malones Walking ST ,excellent full breakfast at 99 baht ,with tea or coffie incl .Also current daily UK and Irish newspapers to read .

    Thanks for the feedback Thaifan2. I will give this place a go. Normally Walking Street is so quiet early morning, what time does MM serve breakfast? Cheers!

  9. I also struggle reading small print, which is a nusiance because I am a voracious book-reader. I recommend very highly, that you invest in a powerful reading lamp, which I find helps enormously.

  10. I am absolutely conviced that blades for sale in Asia are inferior to those sold in the West.

    I used to think it was some kind of precious metal scam, and that the platinum was stolen from the razor-blade factory, but now I think they just assume that Asian men are less hairy and have soft bum-fluff on their faces.

  11. Just in case you're interested, MOS is an acronym for "Mountain, Ocean and Sun"

    I understand the above acronym is a Wikipedia myth, the original (and correct) acronym being from the Japanese: mitoboru oimotomeru sensaisa, which translates roughly as 'seeking a meat delicacy'.

  12. From the airport to Pattaya, fantastic service. From Pattaya to the airport? Why would ANYONE risk going with Bell when they can get a regular and reliable bus from Pattaya bus station to the airport for 150 bht?

    Bell are very good. The government buses are very good. Shit happens, as is obvious in this case.

    Nobody should be put off from using Bell by this thread.

    why would anyone risk taking a bus in this country?

    You are 652 times less likely to die by travel in a bus than a car in Thailand.

  13. Is it possible to know where the Baht Bus (Song Thaew) is going without asking the driver? I noticed there are some numbers such as 300, 400 and 500 on the side of the trucks, but I don't think this determines where it goes.

    As an example:

    A Baht Bus goes from Beach Road in Pattaya to Jomtien Beach (via Thappraya road). How is this different than the Baht Bus that goes from Beach Road to South Pattaya Road to Sukhumvit?

    Check out the link below: This is an often-asked-question in Pattaya.

    Baht Bus Routes etc

  14. I do wonder why people complain about reasonable taxi fees but the nearest explanation I can come up with is not that it is an extra $20 or so on a $5000 spend but that, at that tie, they are in Thailand and they think what Bt1000 or so will bring them and I'll hazard a wild guess that what is going through the minds of mos guys who complain is the extra girl they could have for that money.

    Bell travel offer a reliable and cheap (200 Baht) service to/from the airport right to your hotel/diggings.

    I prefer to save the odd 800 baht towards roadside food and cold beer. Plus I prefer buses to suicidal driving by 'iced-out' taxi drivers with bald tyres.

  15. It is funny really, but the 'Rice Burger' which is made from a selection of different crops: Wheat, Barley, Rice etc. does taste really good.

    In the same way a 'Carrot Cake' really tastes of real dried fruit.

    The human sense of taste is 70% smell and just 5 or 6 receptors on the tongue, so, often logical-taste is defied. That is why I dislike food-snobs. Something made of secret ingredients can taste very good in the same way a placebo drug can have miraculous effects.

    If I were to cook up an insect-burger and market it well, I bet people would travel for miles to experience the great taste.

  16. Very sorry to hear about your situation.

    I have a colleague who is attracted to LB's as well. He absolutely refuses to talk about it, or admit it, but has been seen on numerous occasions rather late at night seeking out the company of these ladies. His 'girlfriend' certainly appears to be one--no idea if pre or post op.

    A lot of people will moralize and preach about things, but you will have to find your identity and your way. Be very careful about who you hurt on that journey.

    Best of luck to you.

    A guy down my local Pattaya bar went with a couple of ladyboys, but they used that 'date-rape' drug on him and left him in his room with his valuables missing.

    The worrying thing was his anus/rectum area was sore when he woke up, so he got it checked out at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, where a proctologist confirmed that he had been violated and internal swabs were taken. The Doctor was French and described his colo-rectal internal state as resembling a 'Chicken Kiev'.

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